11 | New faces

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Chapter eleven

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Chapter eleven

Taehyung was woken up from his deep slumber by the sound of someone's unrecognizable voice. His eyes drifted open, the heaviness of his lids burdening his needed rest. He looked down at himself, seeing how his small fists were clutching tightly onto the black fur of Jungkook's wolf. The right side of his face was probably a bit swollen from the sleep and there was some drool escaping the corner of his mouth. He wasn't aware of how long they had been on the road but judging by the sun dipping into the horizon it would be night soon.

There were so many different scents invading his nostrils, some of them sweet and the other strong. He was disoriented, not having the slightest bit of idea where they might be. Just a few hours ago they were running in a gallop through the forest, and now they were in the middle of what seemed to be a town? No, a pack.

Small white bungalows were dotted amongst neatly mown lawns, and soft outdoor uplighters revealed lovingly planted flower beds and charming brick walking paths snaking throughout the grounds.

He looked at the unfamiliar faces of the people that were circling them, only recognizing the sight of Jimin's handsome face and fierce brown eyes. He wasn't in his wolf form anymore, there was a thick leather jacket thrown over his shoulders that smelt of burning pine, offering warmth in protection of the cool winds picking up.

Someone tried to approach him, but the omega instantly flinched away, staring at the unknown alpha with wide open eyes.

His hair was dark and wavy, a bit longer than his own. That was strange for a soldier, as they typically had it in a neat bun, but this one had his in loose waves that just tickled the nape of his neck. His scent was heavy, smelling of lemon and oakwood.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you." His voice was smooth and patient, mimicking the soft spark in his eyes that Taehyung trusted a little too easily.

He was staring at the man's bare, outstretched palm once more before looking down at Jungkook, as if seeking direction or approval. The alpha simply nodded his head in response. Deciding to trust him completely and unconditionally, the omega treaded closer to the kind looking male.

The alpha gripped carefully at his slender waist, pulling him off the wolf and into his arms as he set him down on unsteady legs. It took Taehyung a moment to retrieve muscle memory, but then he was content, leaning into the alpha's warmth. He took the chance to smile at him, trying to ignore the deep set of brown eyes that surveyed his body for any signs of trouble.

The cracking sound of bones was heard and within seconds on the ground crouched Jungkook in his human form. An older omega woman rushed up to him and put a thick coat around his naked frame, covering up entirely his bare body.

"Thanks." He offered the lady a small smile before standing up on his feet, wrapping the cloth tighter around himself to hide his nudity.

The alpha who was standing right beside Taehyung suddenly moved away and reached out to pat Jungkook on the shoulder in an almost avuncular way, the corners of his plump lips curled up in a beam of fondness.

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