At home for Christmas

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    Dior got at home. She greeted her parents and told them everything that happened throughout the whole year, leaving what happened these last two days for the ending chapter of her never ending story. She showed them her hand and her necklace. ,,You should've told us about it as soon as you found out!'' Dior's mom Beatrice said. ,, Why did you wait?'' Dior's father Edward asked. ,,I was confused...I didn't know what to do... I am so sorry.'' They both hugged her and said that it was okay. And told her the big news.
,,We are going to work at Hogwarts!'' Beatrice said. ,,At first we didn't think it was a good idea but now we are sure.'' Edward said. ,,That is great.'' Dior was happy and confused. Edward and Beatrice were healers so they are going to work at the hospital wing with madam Pomfrey.

Christmas was amazing. Dior had the best time with her parents. The necklace was still on her neck. Bad luck didn't follow her. She was very happy. She made cookies with her mom and made a snowman with her dad. They were watching muggle christmas movies and they were drinking hot chocolate.

One day they heard a loud knock on their front door. It was Snape. ,, Snape!'' Dior was happy to see him. ,,How are you Helena?'' Snape asked. Even tho Dior liked her first name more than she liked her middle name she still felt comfortable when people said Helena to her. ,,I am good Severus.'' Dior said. ,,Come in!'' Snape got in and greeted Dior's parents. Dior got up in her room since Snape and her parents had to talk about something serious. She loved her room. It was perfect. Every detail of it. It was gorgeous.

Dior sat down on her bed and started writing letters to her friends

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Dior sat down on her bed and started writing letters to her friends.


    Hello Hermione! How are you?
I hope you got your Christmas present from me and my parents! I loved your present. Do you like mine?

Merry Christmas again


    Hello Weasly family! How are you?
Thank you for the sweaters mrs. Weasly my parents and I love them. I hope you got our presents too!

Merry Christmas

    Hello Neville and Luna! How are you?
I heard you were spending christmas together so i sent your presents at Neville's grandma house. Thank you for the chocolate frogs. Have fun!

Merry Christmas

    Hello Harry! How are you?
I hope you are having fun for Christmas. I told my parents about what happened. I hope you like your present. I love the bracelet. Stay safe.

Merry Christmas

     Hello Draco? How are you?
I miss you terribly and I can't wait to see you again at Hogwarts. I hope that you got your present. Thank you for the ring. It ia gorgeous and it fits my finger perfectly. See you soon darling.

Merry Christmas

After Dior finished writing the letters she gave them to her owl Rooney and told him where to drop them off. After that she overheard the conversation that Snape and her parents were having. ,,She is too young for this Snape, she is just a girl. I don't think that you and Dumbledore expect her to fight the darkest wizard of all time.'' Beatrice said while tears were filling her eyes. ,,Of course i don't, but she is our only hope. Our only chance of saving the wizarding world. You know that i love her as my own and want the best for her but sadly we can not change anything. She is our only hope. She and Harry Potter of course.'' Snape said. ,,What if she dies? What then?'' Edward asked. ,,She won't, she was chosen to do this, which means she is strong enough.'' Snape said.

Dior Slowly walked into the room. ,,What about Potter? Is he strong enough?'' Dior asked. ,,Of course he is Dior. It is not his first time facing the dark lord. After all he is famous for surviving the dark lord.'' Snape said. ,,If you say so Snape..'' Dior said tears filling her eyes. Beatrice saw her daughter's eyes and ran up to her. ,,Don't cry my child..I will be with you the whole time.'' Beatrice said. ,,We will always be there to protect you no matter what.'' Edward said hugging the two girls. ,, I wish Henry was here.'' Dior said. Henry was Dior's twin brother. He died at the age of two. He was killed by Bellatrix Lestrange. Dior remembers that moment like a scene from a movie she has watched a hundred times. So clear, yet so blurry as the spell hit her innocent baby brother. That day one half of Dior died along with her brother. Since that day Beatrice and Edward felt empty but realised they had to go on for Dior. They had to smile so she doesn't live in misery. They had to be strong for her. They had to protect her at every cost.

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