The Session

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Author's Notes: Here's the newest part of this story. I'm sorry it's took so long for this part to be published. I've been a bit busy lately but I'm working as hard as I can to get these out as soon as possible. Also please keep in mind this part may be a bit longer than the other parts. This will be PG-13 like the other parts. I hope you like it.

Happy Hotel
Héctor POV
I was awakened by the sounds of knocks on the door. I groaned loudly and said "Come in!" After rubbing my eyes j saw it was Vaggie. She must have a key that gets into all the rooms.
"Charlie wants to talk to all the clients today." She said. "It's a 'Opening up session' as she calls it."
"I'll be there in a minute." I said getting out of bed.
"Breakfast will be served at the session too so don't worry about not eating." She added.
"Thanks." I said. Vaggie left my room and I got dressed. Yesterday I told Angel I was tired of wearing the same outfit every day so he gave me some of his clothes. He said he and I could go to Stylish Occult some time.
I put on a pair of ripped shorts and a t-shirt that had the words "Love Machine" printed onto the front. Not the worst thing I've ever worn but better than wearing the same suit over and over again.
      I walked to the lobby where I met up with Angel, Pandora, and Balún. We followed Charlie to a private room where we sat together around a circular table.
"Welcome to our first Opening Up Session." Charlie said as we all took our seats.
"I can take a few guesses why it's called that am I right?" Angel said raising his hand up for a high five. Balún chuckled. It was an adorable chuckle. I didn't want to be rude so I high fives him.
"Well Angel that's not why it's called that." Charlie corrected. "It's called that because here I would like us to open up to each other about why we're here and anything that's on our minds."
I took a look at Angel who looked only have interested. I could tell he means well with Charlie but at the same time he seemed like he didn't care. I looked at Pandora who hasn't spoke a word since we met up in the lobby. Balún looked like she was in her own little world. She wore the same outfit she wore when she arrived.
"Now I know not all of us have known or seen each other for long but I want you to know this is a safe place for us to speak about our sins and confess them to each other." Charlie continued. "Who would like to start?"
Angel stayed quiet and Pandora sat there in silence. Balún looked at me with interest. With no one speaking up I decided to be the one to speak. "My name is Héctor."
"Hello Héctor." Charlie said expecting Angel and Pandora to say the same. Angel said "Hi Héctor." And Pandora gave me a little wave. Balún said "Hola Héctor." In a Mexican accent. Her high pitched voice made it sound adorable.
"I suppose I should start with how I ended up here. In Hell I mean." I said. "I was just a kid when I died. I was beat to death by a gang of bullies who hated me for what I can only guess was for no reason. Why I ended up in Hell I don't know. I wasn't a sinner but I wasn't a saint either. I've spent most of my life down here trying to make a living. I worked for the Goetia for awhile until wife of the family threw me out. I used whatever money I had left and bought an apartment in Imp City."
       "Imp City?" Balún asked with genuine interest.
       "Yeah. It sucked." I answered. "But the real reason I wanted to come here was because of Angel. He told me about this hotel and I wanted to come." I saw Angel was trying to cover his face to hide his blushing. I can tell Charlie was proud of him. "I stayed here because I believe I can change. I want to change and get into Heaven. It's all I want." I began to tear up a little. Angel put his hand on my shoulder.
"I'm happy you said that Héctor." Charlie said. "It takes a lot for someone to confess and tell the truth about themselves. I hope we can help you become rehabilitated."
"I have to go." Pandora said before leaving the room. Charlie didn't try stopping her.
"Wonder what's wrong with her." Balún said.
"Not everyone is as willing to open up like one another." Charlie said. "When she's ready she'll confess."
"You alright there kid?" Angel asked me as I wiped the tears from my eyes.
"Yeah. I'm alright." I said.
We spent the last half hour in the circle. No one else confessed anything so we just made small talk which still felt good. Afterwords Balún and I walked around through the hotel.
"I hope Pandora is ok." I said.
"I'm sure she's fine. A broad with her body probably isn't used to going this long without sucking off someone." Balún said. "And with lips like hers inner it must feel good."
"If you don't mind me asking what kind of entertainment do you do?" I asked.
"Isn't it obvious?" She asked rhetorically. "I'm a party clown but with a plus."
"What's that plus?" I asked.
"I'm a walking blow up doll. Or did you think that was hot air you were pushing out of me the other day?" She answered.
"Oh. I suppose that logic makes sense." I said.
      "You know I heard Charlie is gonna let us out of hotel this weekend." Balún said. "That's gonna be fun."
       "Yeah it will." I say "Maybe we can hang out together." NO! Why did you say that!?

Balún POV
       "Oh you wanna hang out with me?" I said as I watched his white face turn red. I can tell he wasn't the best at talking to girls.
        "W-well I mean if-f you- I mean you don't have to if you don't want to- unless you do which would be awesome-" I put my finger to his mouth to make him stop rambling.
         "I'd like that yes. See you then." I said before walking back to my room. I could tell once he gather himself together he'd head back to his room. He's definitely cute when he tries to talk to me.

Pandora POV
God what the hell did I get myself into. I can't believe I agreed to this. I thought to myself. This redemption BS can't possibly work. Not only that but I'm under the same roof as the daughter of the price of Hell and an overlord. And worst of all if I'm found out I'll have one of the most powerful overlords in Hell to deal with. I'm sure as Hell not gonna stay for that.
I walked back to my room and packed up my things. Earlier this morning the demon with the eye patch gave me an envelope full of money. I guess Charlie gives money to those who stay in the hotel. I took the money and put it in my bag and grabbed the money Terrisa paid me with. All together it came out to $100,000.
This should be more than enough to help me for awhile. I'll leave tonight while everyone is asleep. I thought to myself. Once I finished gathering my stuff together I stayed in my room until night came around. When I knew everyone was asleep I snuck out through the window with my money and my bag and left.
Hopefully they won't come looking for me. I thought to myself. I left them a note explaining myself to them hoping they won't come looking for me. Am I upset that I betrayed Terrisa's trust? Yes. But why do I care? She's a succubus. She can't do anything to me. Besides I'm sure with this money I can start over somewhere else in the city. And by this time next week those freaks at that crappy hotel will forget I was even there.

The next morning
Balún POV
         I walked over to Pandora's room to check on her. She didn't come out all day yesterday. I knocked on the door and it opened. The door must not have been all the way shut. I looked in her room and she was no where to be seen. I saw a note on the desk. It said: I don't belong here. I came here not because I wanted to buy because I was paid to. I'm sorry for lying but this is not something I believe in nor want to be a part of. Good luck.
I took the note to Charlie and Vaggie. They said there was nothing else we could do besides let her go and hope she comes back on her own. What a shame. I was hoping we could have fun again. Oh well. Besides Héctor seems like more fun.
        Everyone went about their day. I could tell Héctor was sad to hear Pandora left. I couldn't tell if it was because he found her attractive or if he thought she could be redeemed but he was definitely upset. Poor dude. I hope when we hang out his spirits will come back.

Author's Notes: And this concludes the newest part. As a bit of a disclaimer I created the character Pandora in an impulse decision and threw her into the story with no real plan for her character. Plus she kinda felt like a forced character to me so I decided to write her out of the main story. I don't want to have characters who seem out of place and to me she seemed out of place. She may return she may not. Who knows. But all in all I really hope you're liking the story so far. Please feel free to comment your thoughts on this part of the story. As a bit of a heads up the next part of this story will take a small time jump. This part takes place in a Tuesday and the next part will be taking place on a Saturday. Stay tuned for the next part. I hope you liked this part.

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