Final part

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Logan was able to find a clinic who takes babies who survive abortion and they are placed up for adoption and he found a baby boy who was just born and he had a twin brother that had something wrong with him Logan was going to adopt them both as his sons

"Hey buddy come on let's get you and your brother checked out" Logan says as he was taking the boys to the clinic that the other clinic suggested that he take them too to make sure they were okay as well

Logan was thinking of names for the boys cause they looked so different

"I think you are going to go by David, and you buddy are going to go by Keith" Logan says as he was looking at the boys who were looking up at him right now

Logan loved being a dad especially to the ones who had no one to watch out for them or even care for them cause he could see that they had pain in their eyes


"Roberta we have another abortion survival case coming in" the nurse says when she saw Logan come into the clinic with the boys who were from the clinic

Roberta was front and center and ready to accept the boys so they could be checked out as well

"Names please" the nurse asks Logan

"Keith and David" Logan says cause he had to think of names fast for the boys

"Okay we will get them checked out, so if you wait in the waiting room we will call you" the nurse tells Logan

Logan saw the waiting room was empty so that was a good sign that parents were keeping their babies, and not having them aborted, and he was going to read a magazine as he waited as well to be called back to see the boys cause this clinic looked like it was equipped to  handle all of the abortion cases if they survive an abortion

"Might as well go for a walk cause I can't do much else" he says as he was going to get up and stretch his legs cause the wait was killing him right now

Logan tells the nurse he was going for a walk and he was going to be back in a few

"Mr. Henderson you can come on back and see the boys if you wish cause some parents get attached to them, and the waiting is the worst part especially if no one is in the waiting room" the nurse says to him

Logan heads back to see the boys and how they were doing, and Logan saw a cute little girl as well, and it looked like she was saved as well   

'We were able to save her in the nick of time when her mother didn't want her, and now she is waiting for a home" the nurse says as he heads in to be with her

"Is anything wrong with her?" Logan says as he approaches her

"We are going to have tests ran to see what she has, and if she is going to be an okay child, and there is another girl that has no legs at all" the nurse tells him

Logan fell in love with the girls like he did with the boys, and they were meant to be his kids

"I'll take them" he says as he looks up after a while

"Okay we will be waiting for names for them" the nurse says as Logan went to his boys and he lost it when he saw them in little incubators hooked up to machines cause he was not ready for this at all so he was going to see the girls cause all four kids were going to be taken to the hospital for proper care right now cause the clinic could not handle them being this little at all

"I'll give you the names before they are taken to the hospital" Logan says as he went to see the one girl who was almost full term and her sister that was in another room cause she was special case

Logan saw the perfect little girl in her bassinet looking around cause she was in a different place and her mom was not with her, so she was looking at who was in the room with her now and she saw maybe her new daddy was in the room with her

"Hey sweet thing" he says as he was going to hold her right now cause she looked like she needed to be held by someone and not be in that bassinet for the rest of the night 

Adventures with the Henderson daughters wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now