Ben comes home

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Logan and Ben, we're back in the room waiting for the doctors come back and see what was going to need to be done on little Ben, and Logan hope that they can cure Ben and he can go back to normal as well

"Logan it looks like Ben needs an operation to put a shunt in and fix something in his brain," the surgeon says to him cause he saw what was causing the seizures to come on a lot and they gave Ben medicine to help him sleep right now

"Do what you have to do to save my Benny?" Logan says as he looks at the little boy who was quite sick right now and he was sleeping a little bit from the medicine

The surgeon needed both signatures from Kendall and Logan to do the operation so Ben can feel better and be back to normal as well

"Benny I will be right here when you come back," Logan says as he kisses Ben as he was taken into the operating room to have the surgery that was needed to save his life right now and he can feel better as well

Kendall hugged Logan as they watch Ben go into the operating room

(Hours later)

Kendall and Logan, as well as the kids, were fast asleep in one of the rooms that the hospital has for families that have sick kids and both parents need to be there for them. Soon Logan's phone rings

"Yes," Logan says as he answers the phone

The doctors said the Ben was out of surgery and they were moving him to recovery where he will be until later that afternoon

"Everything okay Logie?" Kendall asks him

"Benny is out of surgery," Logan says to him

"That's great we can see him in the morning," Kendall says as he hugs Logan tight

"Yeah we can I can't wait to see our fighter he has been a brave boy through this" Logan says as he was thinking of Ben who was the only boy out of the girls

"What made you decide to adopt Ben?" Kendall asks as he looks at Logan cause he was, in fact, curious to why he adopted Ben

"Well, the girls kept asking me for a brother that they could play with. All of the healthy boys were adopted out of the orphanage, and there was Ben who was all by himself in his wheelchair of course and he looked so little sitting in that wheelchair I knew he was the one for me I took him to get checked out once I adopted him of course and I found out he has all sorts of medical problems cause his mother did not take care of him properly at all, and so he was a ward of the state cause the conditions he was growing up in was not good at all they were horrible. I knew he was the one for me no matter what and there will be a day where I will lose Ben forever and today is not one of those days at all he gets to live another day" Logan says as he was looking into Kendall's eyes and was fighting the tears that he had

"Oh I love him too even though he is a special little boy that needs us and we will be there for him" Kendall says as he was looking at Logan cause they had to wait a while before they could go see Ben again and hold him close cause Logan was missing him like crazy now and he was hoping he will wake up cause daddy and papa was with him

"I know we will and we will face whatever these kids throw at us," Logan says as he was going to get up to go see Ben cause he was not going to wait any longer to see him and be with him right now

Logan got his slippers on and Kendall follows him to the hospital


Logan got his badge and he headed up to see Ben

"Hi Benny," Logan says as he sees him

Logan knew he could not move right now so he was going to go to the PICU for the time being until he woke up and that was not going to be for a while at least cause they want to see how his body responds to everything

"You were so brave," Logan says as he was going to hold him cause he didn't care right now

The nurse was going to let him carry Ben to his room for the night while they follow with everything that he was on right now

"Papa is happy that you are okay" Logan says as he kisses Ben on his forehead right now as he was taking him to his room where he was going to be

Logan felt that Ben was damped and he had a full diaper so he needed to be changed so the nurses followed him to the restroom where Logan was going to change him

"Papa is going to take care of you buddy" Logan says as he was talking to Ben as he was changing him right now

(Weeks later)

Ben was able to be released back to Logan and Kendall and he was himself as well which was a good thing

"Hey Benny ready to go home?" Logan asks as he was getting him dressed so he could go home

Ben nods cause he was happy to go home to see his sisters cause he had missed them so much right now

"Okay daddy is going to change you and get you ready to bust out of here to go home cause your sisters are ready to see you again buddy" Logan says as he was going to change Ben's diaper right now and get him dressed as well so he could go home and be with his sisters who loved him

Logan was quick to change Ben and get him in his chair to go home and see his sisters right now

"I think I am going to show you how to use the potty I think you may be ready for it" he says as he was getting Ben's outfit on

Ben gets settled is coming in the near future like next chapter  

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