Chapter 2

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We're heading home from the store and it has finally started snowing. It's just the right amount to make it look like the perfect winter wonderland.

I'm glad I get a chance to walk home with Laura right by my side, carrying the grocery bags that contain the varieties of ice cream. It's in these moments that remind me of what my life used to be like before it got all wonky.

Finally Laura speaks, breaking the everlasting silence, "Justin, can you be a gentleman and carry the bags for me please? They are starting to get heavy," she whines while adding the extra out of breath sound to make me pity her.

"I think you're forgetting who paid and actually wanted the ice cream in the first place so...." I drag out to emphasize my point.

The truth is I wouldn't mind taking the bags. Im just a sissy when it comes to the cold. And since she has gloves and I don't it seems pretty obvious who should carry the bags.

"That's okay, I just won't be sharing any of my ice cream with. I don't care if you paid. I can always pay you back," she acquires with a brow raised.

"Touché, but why are we fighting over something as simple as ice cream? If it matters that much to you I won't eat any and, I'll even carry the bags for you your highness," I groan with a smug look on my face.

She hands me the bags with a bright smile on her face. Glad that she can take all that extra weight off her hands and give it all over to me.

I let out a sigh and role my eyes at her as I withdraw my hands from my nice toasty coat pockets, and grab the bags from her.

When we enter, my house is freezing due to the fact that most of the windows are still open from this morning. There may, have a been a little cooking incident earlier. Accentuate on little.

Obviously, opening your windows in the middle of winter is a stupid idea. There are a wet spots from snowflakes melting into the carpet, and there's gusts of wind that makes it feel like a ghost is flying past you.

"I'll show you where your room is. There should be some lounging clothes for you to could change into before you go to bed," I suggest.

I realize that she doesn't have any clothes to change into tomorrow. Sounds like we have a full day of shopping ahead of us.

"There's also a chance we could go shopping after a good nights sleep if your up to it," I continue.

I start leading the way to the guest bedroom, Laura following close behind.

The guest bedroom is really simple but yet, still perfect for even a high maintenance person. It consists of a bathroom like I mentioned earlier, off white walls with a window on the right side, a night stand with drawers that contain the clothes, a lamp and a clock. It also has a ceiling fan that's connected to a light and the bed is against the back wall with a grey duvet comforter on top to add a little more color to the room.

"Yeah shopping seems like a good idea. I'm not really fond of ever having to wear these clothes again after what happened today. Still, let me warn you I am not a morning person," she grins.

When we make it to her room, I open the door and a burst of warmth greets us. Lucky for her, this rooms window is closed.

"Enjoy your nice warm room. I'm going to go close the other windows and hop right into bed, I'm beat," I manage to say through a horrendous yawn.

I'm just about to close the door before she grabs my wrist and keeps a tight hold until she begins to speak.

When she removes her hand from my wrist, there is a red mark there from the outline of her fingers.

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