1. a walk in the park

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Summary: Billie and Marie are childhood best friends. When Marie and her mom moved from Belgium to LA, the O'Connells took them under their wings and became great friends. Follow them on their path to fame, where their friendship will be put to a test. Is their friendship tight enough, or will some feelings ruin the friendship?

Warnings: None, just some cute stuff

Note: This chapter takes place in 2015, so get ready for young / silver haired Billie. There will be errors because English isn't my first language, so I apologize :)

november 20, 2015

Marie's P.O.V.

"I'm so happy to be here with you again, it felt like forever!" I say, breathing in the fresh autumn air while I hear the leaves crack under my white sneakers. "I know right? The past few months have been pretty crazy. I missed my bestie.." Billie pouts and pulls me in for a side hug. Ever since her and Finneas' song 'ocean eyes' reached 1,000 plays on Soundcloud, things went crazy. She played a few gigs already and will record her first music video soon.

Billie and I have been best friends for as long as i can remember. When my mom and I moved to LA, she immeditaly became friends with our neighbours Maggie and Patrick, and Billie has been my best friend ever since. I'd see her every day since Maggie homeschooled us both, along with Finneas. We used to have weekly playdates, which turned into girls nights and sleep overs as we grew older. Lately we had to skip them a few times, since her schedule has become busier.

"I'm sorry I have been a bit absent lately," Billie pulls away from the hug and looks at me with a sad look.

"Don't you dare to apologize, Bil. I would hate myself if you wouldn't take these amazing opportunities just because you want to spend time with me. I will be by your side through it all, I'm not going anywhere."

"You promise?" she asks me with the same sad look.

"Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O'Connell," I begin and lay my cold hands on her cheeks, looking straight into her eyes, "I promise I'll be your best friend forever, you're not getting rid of me that easily." She flashes me a soft smile and we continue walking in the woods near our houses, following the path that leads us to our secret spot.

"So, Marie, when are you uploading your next song on Soundcloud?"

"I really don't know. I tried to write my own songs but quickly found out I suck at it." I say with a chuckle. "So for now I'm sticking to uploading covers." I continue and pull my jacket closer to my body.

"I could totally help you write songs, and Finneas too!"

"We both know we wouldn't get anything done and just end up talking about the most random things," I say with a giggle, making Billie nod her head in agreement.

"Okay but, imagine the songs you're writing right now ending up on an album. Winning awards, maybe even a Grammy..." I trail off and look at her with a smile. My words make her throw her head back as she lets out a loud laugh, looking back at me while shaking her head. "Me? Winning a Grammy? Nope, that's never gonna happen.."

"Oh yes it will! Billie O'Connell will win a Grammy! See? I manifested it so it's bound to happen.." I sass back at her, making her roll her eyes at me.

"Okay, fine, I'll manifest something too.. We'll BOTH be succesful and go on tour with each other. There's just no way that I'll ever go months without seeing you." I smile softly at her words and nod my head. "I doubt that I'll ever tour with my own music, but I'll definitely join you on every tour you do."

After some time and discussing more of our future dreams, we reach our secret spot. It's a quiet place in the middle of the woods, hidden behind trees and bushes. It has an old wall with some graffiti on it, and on the other side there's an old wooden bench. Billie and I used to come here a lot as kids and it quickly became our place where we would come to talk about everything.

"IF the universe just listened to us and makes us succesful, we should probably prepare ourselves for photo shoots, don't you think?" Billie asks with a smile. We take out our phones and start snapping random pictures of each other. After a while we sit down and go through the pictures we took.

"Oh, I have an idea! I pick my favorite picture out of the ones I just took of you, and you do the same for me and then we can post them on instagram!" Billie nods her head and we switch our phones to go through the pictures.

"DONE!" we both yell at the same time, making us both laugh. "Okay, you go first.." I nod my head and show her the picture where she's sitting on some wood while looking down, making her hair fall in front of her face. The sun peaking through the trees gives it a spooky fall vibe, the black and white filter i used added to that effect. "Holy shit, dude, that picture looks so cool!" she smiles and takes her phone back to post it on Instagram.

"I chose this picture," Billie says and hands me her phone. On the screen I see myself sitting on the ground, looking at the camera. Billie also added a black and white filter, the thought of us thinking the same thing making me smile.

"Are you sure this is good enough to post?" I ask softly as my insecurities slowly creep their way into my mind.

"Marie, of course it is! You look so cute in it, and you weren't even trying!" Billie assures me, making me smile.

"Gosh, I'm so cold,' I shiver while rubbing my hands together, trying to warm myself up a little bit.

"Let's go home, I'll make us some hot chocolate," Billie says with a smile. She takes my cold hand in her surprisingly warm hand as we walk home together.

- - -

first chapter is finally up! i hope you enjoyed it 🥺 please leave some feedback and comments, i would love to hear from you! you can also find me on instagram (@ povbil) where i also post pov's of billie!

see you soon for the next chapter 🤍

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2021 ⏰

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