XXV. Queen's Demise

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Every thing was under control, the other kingdoms are now ahead through Semetria. Subbatra is getting their horses off. Pixiland and Elveswenn were still furious and still not in touch to go to Semetria. They knew who burned their town. And as for Arowenn, of course, they have the main support of the Semetria.

Queen Valentine Juno Seraphim-Atara always do wear a smile whenever it is bad or not. She and her 50 armies are on her shoulders. "This is going to be the worst day of my life." She uttered.

Meanwhile in Subbatra, Queen Sweena is now at the central bay with her army, waiting for the others to arrive. And when she saw Falcon with Grace, she was surprised.

"Greetings, my fellow siblings. Today is the worst day of our lives. Long time no see." She smiled and bowed.

"Good morning, Sweena, my sister. I am very grateful to see you again. How is life?" Grace asked.

She giggled. "Don't greet me 'good morning' today. You know what will happen today, right?"

"I simply, do not know. We are just addressed by Maribela, that we should join her in the meeting. And I am really not fond of everyone. But you, of course, you have many expeditions in many areas. You even compete to other noble ladies." Grace uttered.

"How could you call them 'noble' ladies? They don't even address me like a part of them. How pathetic mouths and manners." Sweena looked away.

Falcon coughed a bit and said, "Sweena, where is Sylvia? Is she coming?" He asked.

"Sylvia? You mean 'Miss Slut'? Please, I don't know her. Who is she anyway?" She whispered to herself while covering her face.

"Hey, what did you just say?" Grace heard it.

"Sorry to offend your twin. I know you and Maribela were jealous at both me and Sylvia. But, I changed, sister. I am not like her. Who is the greedy now?" She mocked.

Some carriage arrived and it was Sylvia who went out of it. Flapping her fan again, with disgust on her face.

She opened her fan. "I hate roads, I hate going outside and be stressed. Why do you have to bring me here, Williame?"

"Very sorry, dear. I know your siblings will come, too. So I have to bring you here. And perhaps, you should meet my sister, too, at the meeting." He said.

"I'd rather be on the spa instead of going in meetings. It will make my face so old. Don't you care about my face when it is ugly?" She argued.

"I still love you if you are ugly." He said again, tapping her back.

As the three stared at them, Sweena whispered, "Forget about appearance. You have a ugly demeanor." They laughed a bit. "Oh, there she is, Sylvia Hrandol. Good day, good day. Hello, brother-in-law." She shouted.

"Hello, Sweena." He greeted her with a smile.

"Oh, three of you are here. Where is the others?" She crossed her arms. "Oh my. My twin sister is also here. I thought General Dylan Lingelsa would be the one who will attend. I didn't know it was you here."

Grace smiled in a ironic manner. "It is very nice to see you, too, sister. I insisted the general to assist his army in the ship today, for later purposes if needed."

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