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Tot's {POV}

Tot wandered around the house. Bill and Mason had been downstairs talking to the guards. Tot and Axo weren't allowed to talk to any lower rank demons. Only Pyronica. Tot had been wandering around for several hours looking for his older brother. 

Mason had warned them of some "unwanted visitors" and how they needed to be with them when they showed up. Tot was already a nervous train wreck in front of people without Axo. He didn't know how to speak to people all too well. He wandered into the kitchen and sighed. He looked at the fridge to see Axo on top of it with his hands deep in a cereal box. "Uhhh.....Axo." His older brother looked down at him before jumping down.

 "Watcha need lil bro?" Tot shook his head. "Mom said we have guests coming soon and we need to get ready.." Axo nodded and picked Tot up causing him to screech and grab onto Axo's sweater. "I bet Mom has some old clothes that we can wear and maybe we can also raid dad's clothes too." Tot sighed and nodded. When they were done they ended up with a mix of Bill and Mason's clothes. "I don't think this is too fashionable Axo.." "It's whatever come on let's go." 

Axo grabbed Tot's hand and dragged him into the throne room. Tot hadn't learned to use his magic yet and let Bill levitate him to his throne while Axo flew to his. Bill opened the door and in walked the Pines + Wendy and Soos. Mason jumped down and landed in front of his family. "What can I do for you?" 

Mabel had grown but she looked absolutely nothing like Mason anymore. "Hello Dipper...." Mason nodded in Mabel's direction. 

Mabel's {POV}

Mabel's eyes wandered and landed on two kids sitting on a throne. She screeched in anger. "What's wrong Mabel dear." Mabel snapped her head towards her grunkle. "DO YOU NOT SEE THOSE PARASITES SITTING ON THOSE THRONES?!"

Axo's {POV}

Axo watched as his mother and father's faces turned into pure anger as Tot began to cry. Axo flew over to Tot and held him making sure he didn't shed any tears. Tot's tears are very dangerous and contain a fluid that's very dangerous to humans and low-rank demons. "It's ok Tot shhh." Tot nodded and let his brother go. 

"Now Mabel...Do you wish to explain why you called MY kids parasites?" Mabel shrunk back in fear as she noticed the fury in Mason's eyes and the pure hatred in Bill's. "I-I didn't mean it I-I swear!" Mason rolled his eyes and floated back on his throne. He was too tired to deal with Mabel's bullshit. "These are my son's Axo and Tot."

 Axo nodded in their direction while Tot gave a shy wave. "Sons...? Dipper I thought you were joking when you claimed you wanted kids with that thing..." Mason's eyes darted towards his Grunkle Ford. "I've had it up to here with you guys disrespecting my husband and kids.., so this is what we're going to do. 

You all are going to turn around and walk out that door. You will leave me be and leave me family be. If you ever come back I will I WILL end you all. AM I UNDERSTOOD!?" Tot and Axo stared at their mom. They had never seen him so mad. They watched as the mystery guests ran in fear and their mother take a deep breath. He nodded in their direction and they took it as a dismission and left. Axo laid down with his brother petting his hair while he slept till he dozed off as well.


Axo's {POV}

        I had woken up cuddled up to Tot. He was still sleeping cuddled into my chest. I smiled before sitting up gently to keep from waking him. I got out of bed changing into my sweater and floating out of the room. 

    There in the throne room, I found dad. I flew up to his throne sitting on the armrest. He noticed me smiling before turning his attention back to the troops. "Tots still asleep?" I nodded, "I take it mom is also asleep." Dad smirked before nodding. "It's funny. You act more like me than Dipper. Although I guess it makes sense. 

     Tot acts like Dipper, so it's only right you act like me." I nodded laughing. "He does act a lot like mom doesn't he." Dad smiled softly, "Even has his mom's love for reading. I always loved that about Dipper." I smiled at Dad. "You really love mom don't you?" He laughed, "Well of course I do! If I didn't do you really think you'd exist?" I gave him a side glance before hearing noises from upstairs. "I'll be right back Dad!" He shooed me off and I floated back into the room to see Tot in his sweater reading a book.

    "What ya doing nerd??" Tot glared at me from over the top of his book. "I'm reading a book Aunt Pyronica gave me." "What the hell...She gives you presents? I haven't received shit!" I pouted crossing my arms over my chest. Tot giggled before putting his book down and closing his eyes. 

        I smiled, "You gonna try to float again?" Tot nodded before relaxing again. He breathed in before starting to hover over the bed. He breathed out and uncrossed his legs. "You're doin' it Bro!" He smiled and started to glide around before zooming around the room happily. "I did it Axo!" He hugged me and I smiled hugging back! "I'm so proud of you! Let's go show dad!" Tot nodded before floating to the door. "Race you!" "You're on!" We both took off through the zig zagging halls of our home. Unfortunately, Tot was just a little faster. Dad looked at us flying into the room. 

     "I beat you Axo!" I frowned and tackled him. "Boys!" We both stopped hearing our mom screech. I got off Tot before sheepishly scratching my neck. "Sorry, mom..." He facepalmed before getting teleported to dad. I smiled and flew onto the left armrest, Tot floating to the right one. "Ahhh Toten (Tot's full name) You've learned to fly." Tot smiled and nodded proud. "I'm so proud of you dear." Mom chipped in. Tot smiled and so did I. We're all so happy  

A/N: So I decided to republish this chapter after making it EXTRA long so enjoy! Love ya'll and I apologize for not writing anything tvt! Again Love you guys and enjoy! :D😚

♡1094 Words♡

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