☆School? School.☆

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☆Tot's pov☆

       Axo and I had been talking to mom and dad about starting school. We were getting bored of simply sitting around all day. It wasn't much fun being cramped up with no one to really talk to. Auntie Pyronica was always commanding her troops, Mom and Dad were always too busy ruling the world. Me and Axo get bored playing Human Chess all day. 

     School simply sounded like the best option. It was either that or Summer camp with a bunch of kids obsessed with skin badges and I'd rather not do that.  I hopped off my bed and walked into the throne room. Mom and Dad were gone, busy they said.

    I opened the doors to the Fear-amid and floated down to the surface. I don't come down here a lot unless I'm with Axo. I love him but he can not stay in one place for too long. I walked along the streets filled with demon shops that had been newly built. Dad had basically opened the rift for all demons and this was now a Metropolis although humans were to be left alone if seen out in the open. 

      I noticed a new shop I hadn't seen before and decided to check it out. I opened the doors and walked in impressed with the scenery of the store. It was a simple crystal shop filled with so many pretty crystals. There were some hung on string-like fairy lights and get this they glowed too. 

      I looked out the store window noticing Axo talking to some flower demon. I knew Dad wouldn't have liked this. Dad cares for the people who live in Weirdmaggedon (The name of the new demon city), but didn't want his two sons to be seen with any weak demons and flower demons just happened to be the weakest you could get. 

      I walked up to them and could see Axo's eyes widen as I got closer. "Hello Mrs!" The flower demon turned around to me and looked like your generic plastic. "Umm...Hello" I could hear her smacking on gum and not even the good flavors. "How do you know my dearest brother?" She smirked at me and got closer to me flirtatiously. "I just approached him and started talking, I didn't know you were related to this hottie." I felt all my confidence fade and looked at Axo desperately.

    Axo sighed and stepped in front of me. "Sorry, my little brother isn't comfortable with people touching on him like that." I could see the flower demon frown. "Well, I didn't even get his name." Axo then rolled his eyes. "and he doesn't know yours." She smiled again and began to step closer. "The name is Chanel." (Please don't sue me Chanel) Axo smiled. "Prince Axo and this is my brother Prince Tot." We saw her cower in fear. "P-princes! Umm, I didn't recognize you two! Tell your parents I said thank you so much for b-building this wonderful town for us demons." "Scram you fake doll." She ran away terrified of us.

    I sighed and smiled. "Thank you, big brother." He smiled and me and held my hand. "Let's get home Tot." I nodded.

--------------------------------Next day before school----------------------------------

= Axo's POV =

        I sat up gently moving Tot's head into my lap. He hadn't wanted to sleep by himself tonight and insisted that I lay with him. I smiled gently. We hadn't done this since we were 6. It felt good to lay with my brother again. After another brief moment, I gently shook him awake. "Tot get up we'll be late for school." He sleepily nodded his head and got up.

     We were both dressed in the uniform. Black shorts with a white undershirt and red sweater vest. No shoes were listed so we both chose black church shoes. "Axo fix your collar." "Ok, MoM." Tot rolled his eyes at me before walking out of our room. After fixing my collar I ran after him. After we entered the hall two small crowns fell on our heads.

   Mine was filled with rubies while Tot's had red diamonds. We walked demons in the hallway forming a path for us. After entering the throne room our dad handed us a knife. "This is the inter-dimensional knife. Use it to travel to school and back home." Tot's eyes glistened with joy. He had for so long wanted to finally be the one to cut through time and space.

     I handed Tot the knife as it turned from a knife into a giant key with a sharp end. Tot sliced the air doing a happy dance when he finished. He turned to me. "Let's go now brother!" I smiled at him and walked in as well. 

     As we finished traveling we arrived at Hell Highschool. Everyone's heads turned to us as they noticed our crowns and outfits. Although we were in uniform we were in a royal uniform. The normal demons and royal demons got separate everything. I smiled at some of the people staring and watched as the girl portion passed out and the boy portion smiled with a blush.

       I saw a bunch of girls and boys looking at Tot and I kinda understood. Tot has an aura about him. I don't think he ever realized it though. "Are you done staring?" I looked at Tot confused. "You've been staring at me for about 17 minutes now." I sweatdropped. "Have I now?" Tot nodded yet again. "You have."

     We both walked into the classroom where the teacher was waiting on all the new students. Once she noticed me and Tot she ushered us in and began to introduce us to the rest of the royals. As I sat beside a girl named.....I don't remember but I could tell she was a water demon. As I met eyes with Tot I knew we were both thinking the exact same thing. This school is going to be positively the best thing to ever happen to us.

Word Count: ☆1023 Words☆ 


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