Chapter 6 ~ You've got to be kidding me

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"I'll see you in school Alex", I said as I kissed him goodbye. I closed the door and locked it as I walked towards my couch and let myself fall back. Why can't I stop thinking about him, why was he so distracting? I didn't even knew him, but I was dying to. He was just so interesting to me and I always find myself being interested in mysterious things. I can't help it I just feel drawn to them, and I guess that's why I can't stop thinking of him. And not to mention, he was very attractive. Well at least of how much I saw today. I'm not sure if I want to know him better and hear more about him or stay away from him and keep myself safe. But I never liked safe, I always liked to be on the edge and just enjoy life like if it was no tomorrow. I'm gonna know more about him, because I just feel like I need to know more about bieber.

I decided to go to sleep or else my thoughts will eat me, and besides I need enough sleep for tomorrow because I have 7 hours of school and 8 hours of work after that. I walked up the cold wooden stairs as I walked in my room closing my door behind me, I just stripped out of my cloths and into my pajamas. I crawled into bed as I dragged the sheets over my tiny body. And it didn't take long time before I drifted to the land of peace and sleep.

Next day....

I woke up by the sound of my annoying alarm clock, sometimes I have the urge to take a bat and smash that clock. I opened my eyes as I yawned like a cat that have slept for 10 years, I started stretching my body and let's be honest it looked like an exorcism. I stood up on my feet and started to walk towards the bathroom, I started to wash my face and teeth and when that was done I walked out towards my closet to find some cloths for today, I always loved to look fresh and beautiful everyday. You'll never see me without make up and without stylish cloths outside, I just didn't like that side of me. And the reason why is a long story that I never want to talk about.

I was waiting for Diggle to come and pick me up, I was at my own place which was 20 minutes away from my parents house so while I was waiting for him I made myself some breakfast. I started to dig in the delicious chocolate chip pancakes, I was a great cook if I had to say it myself. As I was finishing off my glass of juice I heard a honk outside, I took my plate and put it in the dishwasher as I headed towards the door. I took my bag and I check inside to see if all my stuff was there and it was. I walked outside as I locked the door, I walked towards Diggle and gave him a smile as I hugged him.

"So I guess Oliver hasn't told you?", Diggle started as I sat in the car. I looked at him with confusion written all over my face.
"Tell me what?", I asked with a raised eyebrow, something important maybe?
"About me going with him, which means you won't have a driver which means you can drive your own car." I squealed like a five year old girl as I hugged Diggle from the side real tight.
"Oh my god, you don't know how happy I am right now! I mean not that your going away, just that I can drive myself in my own car!" I said as huge smile spread across my face, he just smiled at me and started driving.

We arrived at the school and I could see Skyler and Alex waiting for me at doors, I was about to step out of the car when Diggle grabbed my arm. I looked at him with question mark on my face.
"Your brother wanted me to tell you that, if you ever get in trouble again in that car, he'll take your car away for ever. Believe me Thea he meant it.", I just rolled my eyes and gave him a small smile.
"Tell him to not worry, I will look after myself." I said as I smiled and walked away to Sky and Alex.

I was sitting in geography class when I felt someone sitting right next to me at the back, I turned to see the man himself. Bieber, what was he doing here? Next to me? I just glanced at him for a second but he noticed and smirked.

"You know you can take a picture if you want, trust me it'll last longer.", he said as he smirked, I just rolled my eyes and continued to draw in my book since I wasn't so interested, and besides I already have straight A:s. Then and now I could feel him looking at me, and I couldn't help but chuckle at him.
"Alright class that is it for today.", miss Kelly's voice rang in my head as I stood up with the rest of the kids to pack up my stuff, I was almost out the door when I heard someone saying my name.
"Miss Queen, if it isn't a problem I would like to have a word with you." she said and I just nod and walked over to her.
"Yeah?", I smiled and looked at her with questioning eyes, she sat down on her desk and crossed her perfectly shaped pale legs. For a 37 year old she looked like a 17 year because she had the most clearest skins I've ever seen and she just have the most perfect body, even though she have pushed out a few babies.
"I was going to ask you for a favor, and I hope you'll accept it.", she said and smiled at me a bit nervously.
"Sure, what is it?", I asked as I tilted towards one of the benches in the classroom, I had a hard time standing still and being focused and I always needed to move and do something.
"I was wondering if you could touter a classmate of yours, he.. Has a hard time understanding my class. And it will be really helpful if you could give me a hand and help him?", she said and I stood up as I looked at her with shocked and confused eyes, why me? I can't even deal with myself and now I have to touter some idiot?
"who's the student?", I sigh and looked at her, to be honest she was my favorite teacher and I wouldn't mind helping her out.
"it's uhm... Mr Bieber.", she said and for minute there I thought I stopped breathing, did she just say Bieber? Or am I dreaming.
"Your joking? Right?", I looked at her with my hand running through my dark brown hair as I looked at her.
"No I'm not, and I know what you're thinking but please Thea. He needs some help and I can't have private classes because I'm already busy preparing your tests, and as a bonus you don't have to come to my classes if you don't want to. Since you already have great grades and everything, please sweetheart.", she pleaded and I had to give in, she really needed my help and come one she did say I didn't have to come to her class if I didn't feel like it. It's a great bonus.
"Alright sure, but I can only do it on Monday, Wednesday and Friday because I don't have work after school.", I said as I smiled slightly, I could see the relief in her eyes and it made me happy to see that I'm helping someone.
"You're an angel, you don't know how thankful I am. Thank you so much Thea!", she said as she hugged me real tight, I chuckled.
"It's ok, I'm only doing this because your the only teacher I like in this stupid school.", I said as I rolled my eyes at the last part, she laughed as she walked out of the class leaving me with my thoughts.

Why do I feel like this is all planned? One day he saves me and the next day i want to know and then now I have to touter him. Like why me of all the students in this god for saken school, and besides Alex have told me to stay away from bieber about 300 times yesterday. But why do I have this strange feeling?

"Hello!", someone snapped their fingers in front of me making me come back to reality. And there he was again, with his perfectly sculptured face and beautiful hazel brown eyes and ruffled dirty blonde hair.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just thinking.", I said as I fiddled with my fingers and looked down to not meet his gaze again.
"I see, you were thinking deep", he said in a raspy voice. gosh he sounds so hot, I can't deal with it.
"Not really, I'm just looking forward to touter your stupid ass.", and there it was my stupid ego that was full of confidence and sarcasm and arrogance.
"Woah, you really are feisty.", he said as I let out a small chuckle, he has no idea of how much I want to know him.
"Oh yeah? Well you've got to deal with it for a whole year.", I said as I smirked and started walking out of the class with him behind me.
"Lovely.", he said in a very sarcastic tone and I couldn't help but smile.

"Hey... I wanted to say, thank you. Thank you for saving my life, I appreciate it.", I said breaking the uncomfortable silence.
"Crap... You still remember.", I heard him mumble as I looked up at him. But all of the sudden I was pushed up against a locker with him real tight to my tiny body.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I tried to get out of his grip but he was lot more stronger than me and I simply couldn't move and with every breath I took his face keep coming closer and closer to mine.

What is he planning to do?

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