The Jester

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Foresight God-fight

Chapter 3- The Jester

Mikado's P.O.V.

The feeling of falling through my futon woke me up along with a sharp breath. It was only after jolting awake that I noticed I was drenched in sweat. What in the world was that? Was that Celty I saw in the dream? No, no, it couldn't have been Celty. It had a voice. A lot was said, weirdly enough I remember all of it. That made my head spin. I look over at the calendar... it's Friday. With a regretful look over to my clock, I see it is 5:05am.

I'm so tired that if I go back to sleep, I might just not wake up for a couple of hours. So, I get up and groggily start my day. After getting up, fresh and ready I start chowing down on a piece of toast when I get a notification on the phone. I look down at it.

-Number One's Diary-

[6:42am] Sonohara Anri is nowhere to be seen on the path to Raira.

Huh? That's a weirdly specific thing. Who wrote that? Masaomi? I check the application again only to notice that it's not a text from anyone. It's not even in the messaging app. Before I could jump to any other logical conclusion the phone writes something else before my eyes.

-Number One's Diary-

[6:42am] Sonohara Anri is nowhere to be seen on the path to Raira.

[6:43am] Masaomi is running up behind you.

I blink, this must be a dream, right? There's no way my phone just wrote that itself. As I frantically look for another answer the memories hit me like a truck and my head begins to hurt. I put away my phone and start sluggishly making my way out of my apartment and towards Raira. The memories feel like a real bad fever dream.

The fresh air on the path is helping me cope with it a little. Taking a deep breath I look around for Anri. I think I took about 20 minutes to drag myself out of the apartment. She's probably ahead already. I take my phone out to track how much time I have left. My eyes are drawn back to the entry [6:43am] Masaomi is running up behind you. I look back and move out of the way as Kida misses me and hops to gain back his balance.

He sighs and gets back up straight, he doesn't lose much time to lock me between his arm, "Gooood Morning! You're up late!" I smile at his enthusiasm, "Good morning, yeah. I was feeling sluggish today." I answer scratching the back of my head before turning to keep walking. He follows beside me as usual, "Sluggish eh? What kind of things were you up to yesterday?" He asks in his usual teasing voice while jabbing my side.

"Masaomi!! It's nothing like that!" I complain with a childish huff, "I just had a weird dream and woke up suddenly!" He grins at me, "a 'dream' eh? Were you thinking about Anri's big bloxious boobs?" He keeps teasing. "What?! No!!" Masaomi snickered at me. I felt slightly angry and I think there was a flush creeping up on my face. I turn away to distract myself and him, "You know what? Forget it" I say with a small pout. Masaomi laughed and playfully jabbed at my side, "Come on! I was kidding! You know, it's less funny if I have to explain it!" I rolled my eyes, smiling a bit, "your jokes are never funny" Masaomi feigned being insulted, "My jokes are always funny!" My phone got another notification, I ignored it.

After the short walk towards the school, I finally check my phone again. The current time is 7:09am.

-Number One's Diary-

[6:42am] Sonohara Anri is nowhere to be seen on the path to Raira.

[6:43am] Masaomi is running up behind you.

[6:51am] Sonohara is already in the classroom.

I hum at what I read, "Do you think she's already in the classroom?" I asked and turned my head as I heard Masaomi snicker, "Oohh~ you told her to wait for you in the classroom early! You naughty, naughty boy!" I flush and once again pout at him, "Masaomi!!" He had already moved away, "I'll leave you two love birds at it and you can tell me later ok?~" he left. I huffed and went to my classroom. Sonohara was already in the classroom as my phone said, things are starting to get odd, why was my phone accurately predicting the future? I walked up to her desk, she was looking troubled. Hyper focused on her phone, "Sonohara, good morning." she jumped up then sighed and smiled, "Morning." I chuckle at her reaction and sit on the desk next to hers, "Did I scare you?" She nodded, " a little bit." She placed her phone away. I do the same, "you got here early, couldn't sleep?" She shook her head, "I'm restless. There's a lot of things that I left undone." I nodded, pretending to understand, but I knew that was a lie, "Do you need any help?" She shook her head, "it's fine." I nodded and decided to leave it at that and head over to my desk, which wasn't very far off anyways.

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