19th part

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Jimin sighed out loudly. So much had happened the past week that it was difficult to wrap his mind around it all. What made matters even worse for the prince, was the fact that his schedule was so busy that he had not had a moment for himself to properly mould it over. With another deep, but relieving sigh, he looked around. The darkness and quietness of the cold, stone dungeon somehow seemed inviting over the bright and loud chaos in his mind. As he let himself be engulfed by the familiar darkness, he realized that hadn't been down here in forever. Not since that day when he had promoted Namjoon to be his servant. From how well Jimin had gotten to know the servant, he would have said that the event happened years ago. Meanwhile, the hours upon hours of meetings and duties made it feel like no more than a few days were weighing on his chest.

The business of the royal household was not only evident in the similarly busy prince, but it also showed in the dungeon. The usually jam packed area was now slowly but surely emptying. The prisoners that had been here when Namjoon had come in, were all gone, their presences taken over by a few new ones, but their number not at all matching that of previously.

As he sat down on one of the visitor benches, used for the family of those who had commited smaller crimes, Jimin let his mind dwell on the prior events. Despite his mind refusing the timeline, it had been no more than three days since Namjoon left the castle. Somehow the lack of the servant's presence made it feel more like two eternities were slowly unraveling before him. Ever since the servant left, Jimin did no longer find the princess's company as worthwhile. It was odd, the man he had almost forgotten about, now found himself to be the only thing occupying the royal's mind. He knew that the princess was sensing his lack of enthusiasm in their meetings. Her personality had gone from being bubbly, open and relaxed around him, to be hesitant and almost regretful. She was not one to blame, he knew that his behavior had changed and it was very unfortunate that it was her that the events would affect. The calm smiles and gentle touches between the two had been reduced and conversations no longer came naturally, rather it was a forced attempt from her side.

Jimin knew it wasn't fair. She was not the one at fault for his change in behaviour, so he should not treat her as such. He could not quite explain it, but it was almost like Namjoon had filled his head with a cloud of a carefree happiness, now that the other was no longer present, this cloud in his mind had lifted, something that made him feel tense and awkward around the princess once again. Now, no matter how much he tried to think of the nice moments they had had together, he could only ever remember that their marriage was forced every time he looked at the princess.

Marrying the princess wouldn't be bad though, not if they were able to get back to their relaxed conversations. As it was now.... Jimin didn't even want to imagine living the rest of his life like that.

A more recent occurrence was weighing heavier in his mind though. The princess's sister, whom Jimin had never spoken to before, had come up to him one day and asked him about Namjoon. At first her questions had been simple. She had asked about his name and his position and also asked why the two seemed to be closer than the other servants. Jimin found it a bit odd that she was asking him those questions, he could understand her trying to get to know him better as he would marry her sister, but why would she ask about Namjoon?

He had gotten his answer though, when her smile had suddenly turned morsoe and her eyes had left Jimin's. "I have a suspicion about him." She had said quietly, and Jimin had felt himself raise his eyebrow. "And what, may I ask, is this suspicion?" he knew there had been a bit of targeted poison in his tone. Could you blame him though? He didn't like accusations even if they were on somebody else's behalf.

She had looked around subtly to make sure they were alone, then she had leaned in closer to his ear and whispered: "I presume he practices dark magic." The prince had been more than just taken aback at that statement, he had been angry.

"And how can you, who have barely ever met him make such crude accusations with no proof? Don't you know how dangerous that is?"

"Sorry my lord." He had spoken lowly, "But I have my reasons." Jimin didn't reply, just crossed his arms as he listened.

"We had a similar case back at our castle a few years ago. Someone tried to bewitch our father. She was a singer hired in to perform at a ball. At the ball she became friendly with the king, and before we knew it she was the only thing he could think about. All duties, his family, his people.... they were all forgotten. Luckily another servant caught her while she was in the midst of leaving a bag of magical herbs under his pillow though. Once they were gone he was able to think clearly again." The story seemed all but believable to Jimin. In contradiction to his father, he had never believed there was such a thing as magic. Yet there was something in the way the proud princess was shrinking in on herself that made it look like the scenario had hurt her deeply.

"Why do you think that Namjoon is doing such things? I am quite keepable to think for myself, both about my father, your sister and the kingdom."

"But you do think about him as well, more than you should a mere servant. He is probably using a different, less strong form of magic on you than what she used..... but do you not agree that your infatuation with him is unusual?" The prince felt his blood starting to boil. This princess from a forign land that didn't know neither him, nor his kingdom, were making such deadly claims on the behalf of one who was not present. .Of course he understood that she probably was cautious because of the situation with her father, and as far as he understood she was not trying to come off as rude or inconsiderate. As a matter of fact, it seemed as though she genuinely cared, except that she didn't know Namjoon. It wasn't Jimin she was being rude to, rather it was Namjoon and somehow that was affecting him more than it would have if she had said that he was a turd of a prince. Maybe it was because he was used to hearing such comments as this point, maybe it was because he was tired or maybe it was because Namjoon wasn't here to defend himself against these mad claims. Unfortunately Jimin had not been able to calm the boiling rage in his body.

He had quickly excused himself from the princess, telling her thank you and that he would try to be more cautious around the other, then he had sped off towards the dungeon before he was even able to comprehend it himself. Strangely enough, the dungeons had always been somewhere where he could relax his nerves. A place without his father, where the heavy burden of all the do's and don'ts of a royal were not constant reminders. A place where he could be alone with normal people, citizens. Sure, more times than not, these citizens absolutely despised him and cursed for him to go away. In a way these attitudes towards him made him feel normal. Made it feel as though people didn't look at him as a superior, not afraid to say the wrong word to offend him, not afraid to do something wrong and be thrown in jail. They had nothing to lose, this was a feeling Jimin hoped he one day would experience someday as well.

He sighed loudly, getting a few dark stares from the prisoners. He knew he couldn't afford to stay there for too long. Even if he was not above ground, storming around to get to everywhere he had to be, his duties still existed. They were never put on hold, never gave him a break. Oh how he wished he had Namjoon there to help him relax.

With one final glimpse at the prisoners, Jimin stood back up and walked up the stairwell to the castle.

"Here we go again." 

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