5th part

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The faint sound of birds chirping from outside of the royal castle was broken by the loud yells from the building's owner. The king had snapped, and felt that he had a good reason to.

He had been patient, walking around inspecting most of the rooms in the castle, trying to find the one servant he was ready to give the day's tasks. At first he had gone to the room which he would find to most likely to consume the boy's presence, the room where all servants were supposed to be. It disappointed him greatly to see that his own son had failed at the task of placing the newly employed together with the highly trusted other servants of the castle. He sighed to himself, questioning the other servants if they knew something about where the other might be. After the question had roamed in the room for a while, with no specific answer being given to it, an older lady spoke up. "I do not wish to be unfaithful to the prince's demands, but since it is the king himself whom is asking, I sincerely hope that my actions will not be severely punished. I saw your son lead a tall man to the room next door to his own quarters." When she was done talking, the lady bowed down to the king, and retrieved herself back into the line of servants.

The king clicked his tongue while hurriedly walking through the halls heading towards the room the loyal lady had told him about, hoping that the wanted person would be there as promised. The sound of his footsteps could emphasize how frustrated he was. They were quick, but hit the marble floor with great force. Finally the loud sound of the steps stopped together with the source that created them. After the king had sighed once, due to not understanding his son's actions, he yanked the door up and revealed the sleeping frame of a servant. A mere servant, lying on a bed with the finest silk sheets, the filthy human dirtying the pure fabric.

The king walked over, the same frustrated steps as earlier, then he pulled the the boy out of the bed by his arm, immediately making the younger boy wake up and stare at him with pure terror displayed on his face. "I specifically told you that your job as a royal servant started today." The king said, he now held the slightly smaller body by the collar of his shirt. "Go to the main hall and start cleaning it. If it doesn't shine by approximately one hour, then you will be served with a severe punishment. " By now the royal had lost his patience, so rather than waiting for the boy to reply, he shoved him forcefully towards the open door, clearly signaling that he wanted the newly employed to start working right at that moment.

Namjoon was scared out of his wits. He had heard rumors that were going around in the village of the king being strict and rough, but he had never imagined the ruler of the country to be as cold hearted as the the current event had made him seem.

But he didn't have time to stand around thinking about all the village rumors, he now had a job to do. A job as a mere servant. No, it couldn't be defined by the word 'mere', he had gone from being a low class citizen, living in a run down house and barley being able to afford himself, to working in the royal castle as the future king of the country's servant. It wasn't a title he should fear, rather it was one that he should brag about, and welcome with open arms now that it had come his way. Namjoon still wished none of this would have happened. Then he could have been taking care of his mother now, sitting next to her and tending to her hurting body, finally being a son she could be proud to call her own.

A tear slipped from the male's eye while he closed the last few meters in between himself, and his work task for the day. The big main hall. The poor man's jaw almost hit the floor when he entered it. The room was not only big, but huge, close to filling up the entire shopping area in the village. He had an hour. AN HOUR, how would he be able to clean this entire hall in the slight time limit?

A bucket of water and a rag was already placed in the room, the blessed soul of another servant had placed it there before Namjoon had arrived, knowing that the man couldn't possibly have any idea where in the big building that they would be keeping their washing supplies. He ran over with a tensed body and grabbed the rag, then he threw himself down on the floor, quick to start the frequent, and tiring motion of cleaning.

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