Chapter 5

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Today was another day that would prove to be just as boring as the previous ones. At least, that's what I thought before the young master suddenly barged into my room at dawn. I was a bit taken aback but I invited him in anyway to explain what was wrong.

"A forest with flowers and a mysterious voice...?"

"Yes. I think there's a connection with what I saw and the curse that was cast on me."

"Hm... It's plausible... I know of a few woods around here inhabited by magical creatures, we should go there to find out more."

At my suggestion that we both go there, I could notice that young Carl's expression darkened. Maybe even though he had told me about his past he still couldn't appreciate me and didn't like going to an unknown place alone with me ?

"I... don't think the duke would let me out of the estate."

So it was the Duke's opinion that he feared ? I must admit that I was not expecting it and this mistake I had just made brought a smile to my face. Anyway, to come back to the problem, it is true that I also doubted that this uptight man would let his son roam around in the wild like that. I drew a petty smile as I came up with a solution.

"Who said we needed the Duke's permission ?"

"Excuse me ?"


"I think this is a very bad idea."

"Come on, it's not such a bad experience and the moon is beautiful tonight so it would be a shame not to take advantage of it !"

Surely the duke would refuse to let me take the young master outside, and if I took the risk of asking him, he would have the mansion triple locked, reducing our only clue to dust. So I took the initiative to take his son with me without telling anyone, and so here we are in the middle of the night walking through the woods.

"Where are we even going ?"

"The forest of Oletus. It's not that far and there's quite a few strange things going on there."

To keep it quiet, we had gone on foot, but the forest was still about a half-hour walk away. Halfway there, I noticed the young master trailing a bit behind me. With his youthful body and short legs, it was normal for him to get exhausted more quickly. 

Seeing him struggling like that, I stopped for a moment and crouched down in front of him, inviting him to climb on my back. However, the air flowing behind me indicated that he was not willing to climb. I turned to see what he was doing, only to see him display an incredulous and indignant expression.

"You're not going up ?"

"Do you think I'm a child ?"

"Physically you are."

Since he didn't seem to want to move but I felt he couldn't hold on much longer, I had no choice but to carry him like a princess to his great misfortune. He tried to resist at first but when he saw that he was no match for me, he stopped with a displeased look on his face.

Finally, after another fifteen minutes, we arrived at the heart of the famous forest. I put the young master on the ground at the entrance of the forest and he walked behind me closely so that we would not get separated. It was dark and the shadow of the trees did not help to see better.

Suddenly, a soft laugh was heard. We stopped immediately at the sound, standing on guard. Nothing happened. Until one flower strangely began to glow pink and gold, then another, and another until nearly a hundred flowers began to light up the place.

"What the..."

I looked around to see if anything would pop up but wasn't quick enough because when I looked ahead again, an unfamiliar figure was there. I instinctively jumped back, grabbing the young master in my arms as I moved in case the individual showed any signs of hostility.

Looking closely, it was a young woman. She was wearing a strange outfit and a crown of flowers on her short blonde hair. Then one detail caught my attention, the pair of wings on her back.

"A fairy...?"

Fairies were rare and almost extinct, so seeing one was like a miracle, not to mention the fact that they almost never showed themselves to humans. Fortunately, they were known to be peace-loving so we had nothing to fear. Her wings fluttered lightly as she looked at us with a sweet smile on her lips. She then began to fly in our direction and stopped a few inches from the young master.

"We finally meet again ~"

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