Who is she?

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I woke up in this dark world. Nearly forgetting who I was. Soon, a shock of pain went through my head. I had finally remembered, "I am Sonia..." at least I thought so.
Then, I was walking into a classroom full of... "Students?" I was so confused, but then this adorable girl came up to me with a smile, grabbed my hand and said, "Don't worry I'll be the one to protect you." I almost wanted to leave, but there was something about her that called to me. Her voice, her eyes, and the joyful smile she had.

Introduction of my Therapist

After, we decided to go outside and take a nice dip in the beach. As, we splashed each other I asked, "Hey, what's your name?" She responded with a soft voice, "Oh, I'm Chiaki Nanami the ultimate gamer." my eyes widened and it seemed like I was moving to the back of my brain.
I remember in elementary school there was this girl with the same name. Their voices were similar, too. I was half way tempted they were the same people, but with that the bell rang to go to bed, so I said bye to chiaki.

Where's my therapist

I had a dream about how elementary Chiaki was helping me with my problems... just like a... therapist. I couldn't keep thinking about that, so I forced myself to wake up. Because I was so convinced I decided it would be best to go to her dorm. A few minutes later I was ready, ready to go to her dorm and ask her if she was the one from elementary... ready... ready ... ready. I went to her dorm with shaking hands and knocked, but she didn't answer, so I knocked once again hoping she would answer.
She still didn't. Afterwards, I ended up going to the dining hall with my fingers crossed, but she wasn't there. Instead of there being a "Therapist" it was just a bunch of balling people. But why were they crying. I asked them "Where is chiaki," they said you have to find her. I didn't get it, but they ended up telling me where the first clue was. It was the place I last met up with her. I thought really hard and it was the beach! I ran there as fast as I could. There is was a serial killer magazine that had Sparkling Justice on the front of it and right under it lied a GameCube. I took out the disc and it said "Hi! I like visiting therapy centers maybe you can find something there! Quick reminder, all of the notes will be found near things I'm interested in like discs, electronics, and consoles. ^-^ Wow, that note sounded just like her so hopefully this isn't bait.

Beginning the Red Handed Search

Without hesitating I began this corpse party. I wanted to find chiaki badly, so I went to the therapy center, and the minute I walked in there was an unsightly thing I saw. It was a skeleton on a hospital and the tag on it said Jin Kirigiri. I almost regretted coming, but this was for Chiaki... Chiaki. A memory flew through my head. It was when Chiaki and I were playing truth or dare with the rest of our class. Later on it was Chiaki's rival's turn and she asked Chiaki truth or dare. Of course, chiaki choose dare and her dare was to drink puddle water. Haha, and she actually did it.

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