Almost Ther-

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I woke up from the daydream I had, and stood in front of me was a little girl with brunette hair. Staring into my soul. She was actually pretty nice. The girl held a hand out to me and asked, "Are you okay ma'am?" so I said, "Yes, better than ever, thank you." the girl had more manners than I though. After a few minutes I was finally there. It was a beautiful sight to see. The boba shop Chiaki and I had went to a few years ago. Also, it was right next to an enormous building. As, I walked inside Cherry Tea I saw Chiaki. A giant smile lit up on my face and I ran toward her... but I ended up slipping on somebody's milk tea, and turns out it was just a hallucination. "Just as I thought maybe these letters I'm finding are just too good to be true." I was really hopping it was her, but why would it be? I'm not actually that lucky if I was then I would've been Nagito by now. I ended up leaving my face in the puddle of boba, but there was this lady that came up to me she said, " I'm so sorry here's some boba we didn't mean for that to happen." I didn't question anything and got up to say thank you. I got out of there as fast as possible so I could read the note. I looked all over the cup and couldn't find it I even looked on the bottom, but something told me to think outside the box, so I did something... unexpected. I opened the the lid and stuck my hand inside the cup. As embarrassing as it was I'm doing this for Chiaki no one else except Chiaki. Soon, there was something that felt like paper. I decided to pick it up and it was one of Chiaki's letters, so I read it and it said, "Go to the tall building on room 3e9 and you will find something- your friend Chiaki! ^-^!!!!" Oh, it's the building I knew something was going to be there. I rushed as fast as possible I wanted to find Chiaki. No matter what I will find my Therapist. I was in the building and it seemed like a bunch of apartments. I looked at the stairs and they were high up and just to go up one floor too. Well, if it means to see Chiaki again. I whispered, " I haven't showered in one month, but if it means Chiaki I will do anything." I kept running up I got to the third floor. Finally! I was sweating so I decided to get some water out of my backpack, but the minute I looked down the hall it looked like it was a mile, but Chiaki I need to do this. Right before I started running a memory turned into my illusion. It was that picture I was hugging I completely forgot about this memory, so how is it even a memory? Soon I flushed out of it and hopped right back up to start running again. As much as my legs hurt this...this is... this is... this is all... for... chi... aki. I was blacked out. A few hours later I woke up to see the room number 3e9 I opened the door with a full smile to see an unpleasant sight....

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