Murderous fiend

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I plopped right back in to this gruesome world and picked up right where I left off. Which was under Jin Kirigiri's hospital bed. It had a Nintendo 3ds and right next to it was a chalkboard it said to go to a gun shop. "But what gun shop?" There are so many. "I guess it's safe to assume it's the nearest one." When I found I way out of JaberWock Island I went to the nearest gun shop. Because I didn't want to make it seem like I was going to steal anything, so I asked them if a girl had brought a piece of paper and left it. The employee told me it was in the trash, so I dug through the trash as fast as possible... and found.

A picture of Chiaki and  I

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A picture of Chiaki and I. I started to tear up the therapist really was her. As I was crying I turned the picture to the back and it said "Sonia I hope this is you. I hope that you're still trying to look for me if you are the place is Cherry Tea you'll find it in your boba,"• ^<^•

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