I Know I Shouldn't

302 6 2

Wordcount: 4335

 I Know I shouldn't

5 Days Later// Day 8

The hot sun crept over the horizon, and as it did, the brunette male found himself staring up at the murky sky with a pensive look that soon morphed into utter frustration.

His horse was a little distance away from him, soundly sleeping with soft, light whines being released among every other long breath it let out, which was something Black sighed at, because it meant the creature had gotten a genuine, long rest the night prior.

It was rare on his travels, and he couldn't help but find it amusing, though in a cynical manner,

'to think...even the damn horse is getting more rest than I am,' He thought with a hint of annoyance. '- And here I am, not a lick of sleep,' He thought bitterly, having been awake hours in advance, ultimately stuck gazing at the sky until the stars moved away and became masked by the brightness of the better glowing one that brought light to the land.

'When was the last time?' Erron asked himself, trying to remember another sleepless night, eventually forced to dig through memories that exceeded entire decades, and went back to a time before he'd even set foot in another realm.

'It's been a while.' He recalled, hastily brushing away the past, determining it better to not dig up old skeletons that needed to see no light.

Huffing, he then trailed his eyes over to the woman just in time to witness an airy breeze waft past her.

It forced a little shiver from her, while simultaneously her face scrunched up, fussily pouting as she wiggled, getting more comfortable by curling her entire body into a tight little ball, cocooned by the comfort of the little blanket that had been draped over her.

It was not long before a content, little smile graced her while a sweet, little sound that was of equal peace left her, making him heave an irritated sigh.

"- Unbelievable," He grumbled, realizing that even the woman had lived through a better night than he had.

He then thought back to the evening before, right before they'd stopped because it was the main reason he just couldn't sleep.

Black hummed a soft tune, one that was carried off into the silent breeze, moving in opposition to his direction, instead, aimed back to the path that would lead the woman home.

Throughout the journey, he was surrounded by a rich fragrance that was in contrast to the desert, and more akin to a lovely meadow riddled with color and life.

'...Just like that ol' flowerbed, Nana loved so much,' He idly thought, cherishing a small piece of his childhood that actually brought a smile to his face, one that lasted as he reminisced back to the springs where the blossoms flourished on the old farm.

For a long, lasting minute, his eyes shut close before he brought his chin down to the crown of her head, secretly breathing in her alluring scent while she continued to rest in his arms, unknowing of the act.

By then, she'd lost every bit of resistance she had, unenthusiastically accepting that it was much easier than continuing another day of an aching back in failed attempts to further herself from him.

She'd had no choice but to fall back onto him, simply accepting his warm encasement, far too worn to keep opposing him, because, in truth, she did find comfort while cradled by him.

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