Of Love And Lust

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A/N: I haven't worked on stories...and obviously took a break and while it wasn't intentional, and some of you might not care, it wasn't because I meant to.

I have been going through a couple of things that just seemed to pile up on me all at once, and while I haven't really recovered from the aftermath, I will continue to do the things that bring me joy.

You can make it or break, and I will hold myself together.

- So here's a decently lengthy once to make up for the absence. I hope it's alright and worth a bit of the wait.

Word Count: 9721

Of Love And Lust

While existing through a calm silence, the young woman's fingers wiggled against each other, each pad of her digits gently brushing against its counterpart as a mindless, little activity she took part in to busy herself as Black currently carried her.

It'd been as pleasant of a morning as it could get while in her situation, and she made no move to change the pleasant mood that had remained since their earlier, amicable exchange.

So, without a fuss, she let him work, showing no signs of fuss as he picked her up.

'I can walk,' she thought while languidly shifting, allowing him to hook an arm beneath her bent knees as simultaneously, his other arm was pressed to her back, supporting most of her weight as he easily came back up from his short-lasting knelt.

'But what good will it do to complain right now,' she added while fixing her eyes up to him, taking notice of how exhausted he seemed.

'You seem to do what you want, whenever you want,' she silently breathed as she let her head lean onto him.

'Well,' she then added with a little hum of content, 'It's kind of...nice,' she reluctantly admitted.

'At least this way, I feel more comfortable,' she dryly mused, preferring the hold to the gruff manner he usually handled her with which usually had him slinging her over her shoulder in a careless way that uncomfortably pressed her gut.

' - Less like something...and more like someone,' she then added with a small bit of triumph.

He left no evidence of their stay aside from the remains of a makeshift fireplace he'd set up for them the night prior, but he made no effort to cover its existence.

The flames had long been put out, and by then he didn't bother with it, knowing that soon, it would be covered by the peppered bits of sand that would be carried by the occasional breezes that would then, accumulate until their stay was forgotten by time.

During the short moment, he briefly watched her, letting his dark eyes trail over to her as she continued to entertain herself, stuck having nothing better to do.

Over contemplation of visions prior had left her pensive, yet, somehow untroubled enough to find a moment of meaningless distraction.

There wasn't much evidence of actual amusement on her face, but a subtle perk at the corners of her mouth existed as a default.

'- Funny. The further I stray away from home,' she started, ' The more I remember.' she then continued, not knowing if it was the reason for certain, but having the gut feeling .

' And the more I remember, ' she then added, ' The more I understand,' she then mused while finding strange peace in what was once the unknown.

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