Mister who?

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7 am. It's cold outside. The wind can be heard roaring through the hallway. Footsteps approaching, becoming louder and louder.

'Fuck, im late' he thought while barging through the large doors. Eyes following his figure as he makes his way to his designated seat.

"Be on time next arrangement, Mister Klaver" the chairwoman said jokingly, but with a hint of solemnity. "We haven't got all day. Besides, last time we decided it was your turn to open the debate today. That being said, you now have my permission to start."

Eyes are glued to his back as the curly haired man walks up to the podium. A deep sigh can be heard as he steadies himself.

"Who didn't curse yesterday?" Jesse began his speech. "I did curse, i'll admit it."
A few muffled laughs could be heard as the man asked his peculiar question.
"Mister Segers and Mister Van der Staaij i see. Too be fair i dont quite believe you."
Chuckles fill the room as the curly haired man continues.

"How did we end up here and which way shall we go? Which chances did we miss and where did it go wrong? So many questions regarding the testing policy could be asked right now but im not going into that, its's not why im here."

The firm man is starting off strongly as the attendees hang on his every word. His eyes darting around the room as he strives to convince other members of the House of Representatives to agree with the points he is making. Spitting out facts after facts, arguments after arguments, seeing the nodding heads in front of him, leaving him feelings satisfied.

'So far, so good' he concludes.

"Chairwoman, my party supports this government in tackling this crisis" he continues "but there's one point of which i would like to ask the government to reconsider it's decision, that being to close the elementary schools immediately." A few whispers could be heard as Jesse makes his statement. He knew people would most likely disagree with his announcement but he was not afraid to be resolute, if that was what it would take for people to go along with his ideas. He had good ideas and he knew it. If he could , he would run for presidancy. But that was not his priority at the moment. The country was going through a crisis and it was his job, together with the other members of the parliament, to get their citizens out of this misery.

As he scans over his notes to round up his speech, he hears footsteps coming towards him. Thinking nothing of it he continues to look at the paper in front of him while repeating his most important arguments.

'It's probably Geert Wilders again. That fake-blonde barbie doll never seems to shut up. Always making his way towards the microfone, proudly, uttering out insults and arguments more dissapointing than an unsalted pretzel.' Jesse thinks as he finishes his disquisition.

"Mister Jetten" echoes trough the room. "Go ahead".

'Mister who?' Eyes flickering upward as he sees who is standing in front of him. Navi blue suit, thick, black hair parted neatly and a round pair of glasses resting on the bridge of his nose. A man he has never seen before.

'Not a dissapointing sight to say the least.' He thinks as he examines the man stood before him.
Jesse had dated men before. He had always liked the excitement and passion men could bring with them. It was never boring for the thrill-seeking man, and that is exactly what he needed.

"We, D66, do not support Mister Klaver's request." it suddenly sounds. The words taking Jesse out of his trance as he locks eyes with the stranger. Taken aback by the sentence he just heard it takes him a moment to realize it was now his turn to say something.

"im sorry?" he states questioningly.

"We, D66, do not support Mister Klaver's request." The black haired man repeats. "We think it is unreasonable to close the schools when airports are still open. Hundreds of flights are still departing, resulting in thousands of people leaving and entering the country every single day. It is like sprinkling salt in an open wound. That is what needs to be fixed first, Mister Klaver. The mainports, not the schools." he voices sternly.


The sound of the little, metal spoon tinkling against the rim of the coffee cup filled up the room. Soft murmur drowning out the tones of the classical music coming from the radio. Perfectly whimsical, some would say. Enjoyable if you're willing to let it be.

"Fucking asshole." Jesse mumbled almost inaudibly.
'Why did he have to do that?' Why did those words have to come out of his mouth, forming just those sentences Jesse wasn't hoping to hear. Just those sentences that made everyone change their mind and agree with the side Jesse didn't want them to agree with. For once he wanted to be the guy who was right. He didn't need to be seen as a hero. He didn't need to be seen as a knight in shining armour in the eyes of the people, praising him for his formidable ploys and promises, as he knew those same people would soon after be tricked again by make-believe champions of peace and fascists brainwashing citizens into thinking they're the solution.

He just wanted people to agree with him, for once. For himself, and his party. So he could prove to them that there was hope that they could actually make a difference in this country, for the better. And there was hope. Until 'Mister Jetten' came along...

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