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As the four friends say around the table with smug expressions on their face they couldn't  help but notice everyone's shocked faces.

"Well considering you know our names, why don't you introduce yourselves?" Asked Aquila, leaning back on her chair.

"My names Molly Weasley, this is my husband Arthur, and our children, Fred, George, Ron and Ginny" she said pointing to each of them.

"My names Hermione Granger" The brown haired girl said.

"My names Remus Lupin" the scarred man replied.

"Nymphadora Tonks, but don't call me Nymphadora" the bubblegum haired woman said.

"I'm Harry, Harry Potter" The spectacled boy announced.

Aquila, Seth, Alice and Leo all glanced at each other before looking back at Harry, knowing perfectly well that he was the boy who lived.

"Oh my merlin! I'm in the same room as the infamous boy who lived! We are so blessed that we're in your presence. Someone pinch me I think I'm having a dream." Aquila said as she got up and dramatically bowed down to Harry. "Or perhaps I died in my sleep and now I've been sent to hell"

The two twins looked at her astonished before bursting into laughter.

"Oh I always know our pranks and sarcasm would send us to hell! But how is our beautiful Alice here with us... she should be up in heaven with the butterflies and unicorns" Leo replied just as dramatically as Alice just gave him a look saying 'really?'

"Or maybe it's the amount of times you two have been caught sucking each other's faces of or fucking in the broom closet by a teacher and tried saying Lizzy locked you in" Alice saying whilst looking between Aquila and Seth. The two sat their with their blushing faces remembering the one time they actually got away with that excuse.

Seth and Aquila walked through the corridor making their way to potions, when all of a sudden Seth pulled Aquila into a empty broom cupboard.

He quickly locked the door and stared down at the girl leaning against the wall, he took a step towards her and gripped her waist finding their faces inches away from each other. He quickly closed the gap between them as he gently kissed her, she automatically wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer. As he brushed his tongue against her bottom lips asking for entrance, she grabbed his hair and gave it him. Their tongues fighting for dominance and the kiss got rougher. Seth disconnected themselves as his lips found their way to Aquila's necks, sucking on it as the girl let out soft moans making him suck harder.

Walking down the corridor was professor Leddon, he suddenly came to a stop when he heard a small bang coming from the broom cupboard, he tried opening it only to find it locked. He pulled out his wand and cast the 'alohamora' charm and the door unlocked, he opened the door only to find Aquila and Seth staring back at him.

"What are you doing in here Miss Black, Mr Williams?" The professor asked. The two teenagers looked at each other before Aquila spoke up.

"Oh 'fessor L, we are so happy you found us and let us out, we've been locked in here for hours after Lizzy Hampton pushed us in here and cast a spell on the door so we couldn't open it from the inside!"

Aquila's acting skills had definitely improved as she had fake tears streaming down her face. The professor looked shocked and guilty as he hadn't realised the couple had been locked in by one of their classmates.

About half an hour later, Aquila and Seth found themselves say on the bench outside as a Ginger girl with thick glasses ran passed them with red blotchy eyes and tears down her face. It was Lizzy Hampton.

The people sat around the table looked shocked that the quiet girl, who had only spoke few words around new people, said that.

Seth feigned hurt, placing a hand on his chest "we would never do that! I don't know what your talking about Alice" he replied sarcastically. Alice stared at him for a few seconds before grabbing his hand from the right side of his chest and moving it to his left whilst saying "your hearts there you idiot"

Aquila and Leo tried to prevent themselves from laughing but couldn't keep it in any longer as they doubled over whist the others around the table had small smiles.

"Anyway as we were saying before we lost track, it's nice to meet all of you" Aquila said as she looked around the table until her sight stopped on Harry before correcting herself "well... nearly all of you anyway"

After half an hour, all the children, apart from Aquila, Leo, Alice and Seth, got bored and returned upstairs. The other four got up and made their way to the sitting room where they sat down on the couch all cuddled together.  Meanwhile, Sirius, Remus, Molly, Arthur, and Tonks, say around the table discussing what they should do about the four teenagers.

"I think they seem nice" Molly said

"I agree" Arthur replied trying to back up his wife

"They may seem nice now but we don't know them, for all we know they could be working for you-know-Who, it's not safe to have them here" Sirius quickly said

"They're just teenagers, I don't think they're working for him. They probably don't even know he's back, they only came here to visit he house, they didn't even know we were here when they came, I could see the confusion in her face" Molly argued back

In the other room, the four teenagers heard the shouting and went to go see what it was only to see Sirius and Molly in a argument about her.

"We have Harry to protect we can't have random teenagers lingering around, I don't care if she's my brothers daughter, she's not welcome here, nobody can trust her" Sirius argued

"You should care, she's your niece Sirius! I don't care what feud you had with your brother, you can not say you can't trust her without even knowing her" replied Molly

"Sirius, Mollys right, you can't take your anger out on this girl, for all we know she's innocent" Remus said trying to calm Sirius down

"It's a trap, I'm not falling for the foolish act, she's working with her father! She might have all of you fooled but not me, I don't trust her" Sirius spat back

"You mean the father she hasn't mentioned once when she's been here? For all we know she might not even have any contact with him" Molly shouted getting angry with the man.

"She's righty y'know" said Aquila calmly as she learnt against the door frame with her boyfriends arms around her waist and her friends beside her. The 5 adults only just realised she had heard that as she continued "he died when I was 2, he left mum a note saying he's going on a search for something called a horcrux, he said the only way to kill Voldemort is to find the horcruxes and destroy them, he went looking for one with Kreatcher to destroy but didn't make it back out of the cave alive, he gave the horcrux to kreatcher to destroy and told him to tell mum that he regrets joining you-know-who but was to afraid to run away like you did. Said he didn't want to hurt grandma and was told that Voldemort would kill you both if one of you didn't take the mark, so he sacrificed himself and got the mark that was intentionally meant for you"
The girl turned around and walked back to the sitting room, ignoring the sad looks from the people around her.

Sirius sat down on a chair after she left the room with his whole body filling with regret of the things he had said.

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