Joining the order

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"I want to join the order" said Aquila

"Absolutely not! First of all your only 15, secondly it's not safe and thirdly you have only just found out about Voldemort being back" Replied Remus. Just as Remus finished his sentence Dumbledore and Snape walked in.

"Kids out now, come one quickly" Molly said trying to get us out.

"Nu-uh I'm not leaving, I want to join the order  and I will sit here until you let me join" Aquila said interlocking her fingers on the table.

Molly finally got all the children out the room apart from Aquila, Leo, Seth and Alice who had continuously refused to leave.

"You are not joining the order we've been though this, your to young" Molly Replied. Dumbledore looked at Aquila curiously while Snape was staring as he could see his old school friend in her looks.

"I can be an advantage to the order, come one even Voldemort knows I'm powerful and he wants me on his side, not that I'm going to join him, but I don't want to sit around doing nothing when I know I can help" Aquila said

"And how do you think you can help?" Dumbledore questioned

"You can't be serious Dumbledore" exclaimed Molly

"She's not sirius, I am" said sirius laughing at his own pun

"I am, I want to know what she could bring to the order" Dumbledore replied calmly

"I've got powers" Aquila said casually

"Elaborate, what are these powers you speak of?" Asked Dumbledore

"Well mother told me when I was a baby I started my magic, at first it was just the simple stuff like levitation but she started freaking out when I started changing my appearance, she said I got it from my fathers side from the family which is true because of Tonks is also a metamorphmagus, then she said whenever I cried it started pouring down rain wherever I was. I obviously wasn't aware of what was properly going on until I was around 7, I saw a rabbit in a pond and couldn't get out then the water in the pond started lifting up and I found out I could control water, I found out I could control fire when I saw a boy kicking a dog and I got angry and the boys hair set on fire, I can't really remember how I found out about earth and air but I can control them aswell, that's when I figure red out I'm an elemental. I was also born with legilimency but had to learn occlumency when I got to school. Anyway as I got older I kept getting powers no one else had, I learned I had healing powers when my Leo fell off his broom and banged his head on the floor, he was bleeding so I put my hand on his head to try prevent it going anywhere but as soon as I moved my hand the cut had gone. I can get inside people's heads and manipulate then, it's like the Imperius curse, I have mastered non-verbal and wandless magic and I can make anything turn to dust if I wanted, including people." After all the order members took in what she had explained, they all stared at her in awe, including Dumbledore.

"There is one more thing I can do but I'm uncertain whether I should say it because it may freak some of you out" Aquila stated nervously. Her three friends gave her reassuring smiles which made her feel better.

"You can tell us anything but if you don't want to then you don't have to, it's completely your choice" said Dumbledore softly

"No no I will tell you, but please don't freak out okay, it's a lot to take in and when I found out I didn't exactly take it the best. Okay. Icanbringpeopleandanimalsbackfromthedead" Aquila said but rushed out the last part

"Do you mind repeating the last part but slower please?" Snape Asked

"I- I can bring people and animals back from the dead. But I have to know them for it to work" she replied looking down at her hands.

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