Day 1

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Braixen pov

I have been running for what seems like hours after a tragedy happened at my house. I finally stopped running, but it looks like I underestimated how fast they were because about a minute later, I saw a gengar and an ursaring, I was terrified. I started crying WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME i shouted. They didn't say anything. I thought I was going to die. I closed my eyes and accepted my faith until I felt something grab me. I opened my eyes and saw a greninja. And then, boom, there, attacks fired by, it seemed like they didn't see me gone and that's why they still fired their attacks. They looked around and didn't see the greninja laughed. "That was close, wasn't it? Yes it was."watch this the greninja goes behind the gengar and uses night slash and it fainted not so strong he said the ursaring turned around and used thunder punch on the greninja or did he greninja was behind him and used hydro pump and the ursaring fainted that was easy he said.

Greninja: Are you ok the gengar and ursaring wake up
Braixen: WATCH OUT!

Greninja turns around and gets hit with thunder and thunder punch and he uses smoke screen and grabs braixen and starts running into the forest and find a cave. Looks like we are staying here for now, he places braixen down.

Braixen: Are you ok
Greninja: Couldn't be better as he falls down to one knee, maybe not, he said as he laughed
Braixen: Thank you for saving me, but why would you save?
Greninja: Why would i let a cute pokemon like you get hurt by those bad people
Braixen: *Blushing* Uh-uh Cute
Greninja: Hehe. Let's just forget. I said that
Braixen: Thank you, wait, what's your name?
Greninja: Greninja. What's your name?
Braixen: My name is Braixen
Greninja: What happened, why were they trying to attack you?
Braixen: I don't know, they just came out of nowhere and tried to attack me
Greninja: That must of been the dark squad
Braixen: Dark squad???
Greninja: Yes dark squad or some people call no mercy squad. They formed about a year ago and went around killing other pokemon and giving no mercy to any pokemon.
Braixen: *Starts crying*
Greninja: Wait, Braixen. I'm sorry. Did i say something wrong
Braixen: N-N.No. you didn't. It's just that gengar and ursaring killed my family this morning. That why. I was running and they were chasing me to try to attack me
Greninja: B-Braixen. I'm sorry. I feel so bad
Braixen: Can. I be left alone for a minute, please, Greninja.
Greninja: Of course Braixen, I leave the cave and jump on a tree

Greninja pov

I feel so bad for Braixen she had to witness her family get murdered by those freaks i feel her my family abandoned me when i was just a froakie but now i'm a Greninja and never could of been better i have a bunch of friends back in the city they are, worried but i have to make sure braixen will be ok especially after hearing that story well even before hearing that story i wasn't going to leave her even if i didn't hear her story speaking of the city i might have to take her with me but i might have to wait about 2 days. Let me head back into the cave to see if braixen wants to talk now.

Greninja: Braixen
Braixen: Yes?
Greninja: You ok now
Braixen. Yes. I'm better a little bit
Greninja: *Hugs Braixen*
Braixen: *Blushing* Uhh Greninja
Greninja: Braixen I'm sorry for your loss. I know how you feel. My parents abandoned me when I was just a little Froakie; I never, ever saw them once.
Braixen: Really
Greninja: Yes, but now. I just have to live with it. But take as much time as you need. I will leave you alone
Braixen: WAIT greninja please stay
Greninja: Are you sure?
Braixen: Of course, but you mind if you sit next to me
Greninja: Ok
Greninja: Hey Braixen
Braixen: Yes
Greninja. After about 2 days, we need to leave this cave and go to the city and head back to my place ok?
Braixen: Ok
Greninja: Also I have some friends back, so yea...
Braixen: Really What are there names
Greninja: There's lucario, sylveon and a Quilava
Braixen: That's nice. I wish i had friends
Greninja: well you got one now. He said smiling at Braixen
Braixen: Really, you mean it
Greninja: Of course. Why wouldn't. I mean it, he said, laughing
Braixen. Ok she said, laughing
Greninja: Are you my friend
Braixen: Of course, she said, smiling
Greninja: Perfect
Braixen: *Starts crying*
Greninja: Braixen what's wrong
Braixen: Nothing, just thank you, Greninja, for saving me if you weren't there. I would have died
Greninja: Trust me, it's nothing as he hugs braixen, I will make sure you stay safe till we get to the city.
Braixen: Really???
Greninja: Of course Braixen
Braixen: Hey, greninja. I'm pretty hungry
Greninja: Ok. I will go find some berries please be safe and just wait for me to come back

5 minutes later

Braixen pov

I hope he gets here quicker i hear some noises than i hear a ekans he starts heading towards me and uses iron tail i thought it was about to hit me until i saw a blue figure in front of me it was GRENINJA he made it just in time he turns around and starts laughing and grabs the ekans and looks right and is about to fire a hydro pump but until the ekans used a sludge bomb and poises him greninja goes on one knee and shoots a hydro pump making the ekans flying.

Greninja: Are you ok, Braixen. I got the berries. He laughs as he goes back down to one knee
Braixen: I'm ok, are you okay?
Greninja: I think. I will be fine. Just worry about yourself also. I got the berries. There is a berry bush not far from here. And i got some that should be enough to last about 2 days
Braixen: Are you going to eat
Greninja: Not yet, just keep eating Braixen as he smiles
Braixen: Are you okay
Greninja: Trust me, Braixen I'm fine as he falls down to the ground but gets up abit
Braixen: GRENINJA you are not okay what's wrong wait a minute your poisoned i think i saw pecha berry in this pile there it is, eat this please Greninja

Greninja eats the berry within seconds; the poison is gone

Braixen: Are you okay Greninja
Greninja: I'm sorry Braixen
Braixen: ??? for what
Greninja: Not really saying anything about the poison. I just didn't want you worrying about me
Braixen: Greninja. It's nothing. It's just thank god. I noticed because there was only one pecha berry in that pile
Greninja: it's getting pretty late. Braixen. I think we should head asleep also. I think we should start heading to the city tomorrow. I don't think it's safe to stay here another day
Braixen: Ok also Greninja
Greninja: What???
Braixen: Will you make sure i stay safe
Greninja: Braixen. Of course. I will
Braixen: Thank you Greninja

5 minutes later they both fell asleep,

Greninja x Braixen (Abandoned) (HORRIBLE GRAMMAR WARNING)Where stories live. Discover now