Chapter 8

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A.N: Chapter 8.

Prim POV: When we get close to the Cullen's we slow down and I help Em off Sam's back. We carry on walking while they all change back confident they will catch up. When they do I mask their dog odour.

"Is Kim coming to Jared?" I ask him.

"No, I thought it would be best if I kept her out of this," he answers.

"Fair enough," I reply. A few moments we arrived in the Cullen's backyard. Edward is outside as he heard us coming.

"What do you want?" he questions looking at Sam.

"Edward, you be polite they are here for the bonfire. Now move I need to go prepare the food," I admonish walking past him with Emily into the kitchen. But I pop my head out the back door and said "Oh and could someone get the bonfire going I have pigs to a spitroast. Thanks." When I get in the kitchen Emily is in there taking out what we would need.

"Thanks, Em. You can help prepare it I just have to do the pigs and the last two steps for everything," I explain. Just as I finished Esme rushes into the room.

"Why didn't you say I would have helped," she says to me starting to chop things.

"Okay well how about I go and get the pigs on and you guys do the rest and whenever something needs the last two steps doing you call me," I suggest. They both agree so I pick up the three pigs, it's great having super strength and walk outside. 


It takes about five hours for all the food to be ready and the pigs to be done we had to get Kate to stand guard of the food and shock anyone who tried to sneak some. When the fire is big enough and all the food is done we sit down and eat there is some leftover for after the smores sandwiches. Unfortunately, we have to cover the food because of the snow

When I bring the stuff out for smores and sit on Pauls lap smirking at him. Jacob claps his hands together, "This is what I am talking about a little pre-battle bonfire. Telling war stories. Or just stand there like freaking statues." I huffed and controlled them all to dit down. Garrett looks at me dryly but says, "Name any American battle I was there."

"The little bighorn," Jacob asks.

"I cam this close to biting Custer, but the Indians got him first," he says showing his fingers.

Then Kate butts in "Try Oleg's assault on Constantinople, he didn't win that one on his own,".

Liam from the Irish coven joins in, "If you're talking battles, you're talking the Eleven's year War. No one does rebellion like the Irish."

"You lost the Eleven's year war," Garrett replies mockingly.

"But it was a hell of a rebellion," he remarks grinning.

"It was I remember," I comment.


Everyone then started talking the Romanian's then told their story, "When we ruled everything came to us. Prey, diplomats, favour seekers. Such was our power, but we never put on white hats and called ourselves saints," Vladamir tells them.

"We were honest about what we were," Stefan says.

"We sat still for a very long time, we didn't notice we were beginning to petrify," Vladimir explains.

"You were creepy, still are," I add quietly.

"Perhaps the Volturi did us a favour when they burned our castle," Stefan contemplates pretending I hadn't talked.

"We've been waiting fifteen hundred years to return that favour," Vladimir finishes and they both smile creepily.

"What about you Prim any war stories," Emmett asks making everyone look at me.

"None that I am drunk enough to share," I reply shaking my head.

"So you have got them? How comes I never heard them?" Garrett questions.

"She definitely has she has the scars to prove it," Paul butts in. I am about to reply but a full bottle of Scotch is in my face I look up to see Emmett standing smugly.

"If you want to hear them Ren goes to bed. They aren't like your stories," I compromise taking the bottle and opening it. Bella complies and we all wait in silence until Ren is asleep.

"Okay, tell us," Emmett encourages.

I looked at Edward hesitantly. "Sheilds going down Eddie boy get ready," I warn before downing half the bottle.

"Jesus how bad is the story," someone mumbles. I take my shield down and picture the great hall and all the bodies and Lavender getting mulled. Edward blanches and runs off. He comes back a minute later "It's bad," he whispers holding onto Bella.

"The war I was in happened a long time ago. It ended when I was a babe but the leader started the war again when I was sixteen," I start allowing my story to project above the fire for all to see.

"So young," Esme whispers in horror.

"I went to school in a castle and it was attacked. There were children as young as eleven. We got the young out first but his army came in too quick. Many children died," I carry on. Many of the women are holding their mates. "His followers were horrible. In the middle of the fight, we stopped to move the dead and many of his followers picked young children to keep. Some were never found," I keep going, "There was one was the worst he would go around scaring children and then he would turn them into what he was a werewolf. It was sick. He killed one of my class mated by drinking her blood which isn't needed for them." The wolves growled at that part. "This war went on for only two days and through that night. The leader came back to the castle to gloat he thought he had killed the other sides leader," I explain staring into the fire.

"How did he kill your leader?" someone question, I wasn't looking or really registering them.

"He didn't manage to kill me I just pretended I was dead. I was carried back to the castle by my friend and when the leader leant over me to cut off my head I killed them. His followers went on a rampage angry he was gone and killed nearly everyone there," I answer, "I saw all of my school friends die as they were targeted for being my friend."

"You were the leader at sixteen," Garrett questions.

"Yeah, it wasn't my choice I was the only one who could as I knew what he was like. The previous year he had kidnapped me and we fought. Gave me this scar," I say holding up my right arm. "I knew how he worked. I wasn't always the leader, in fact, he was killed the year before the school was attacked," I add.

"Why was he obsessed with you?" Jacob asks confused.

"That I will tell you after the battle as it explains what I am. Now give me a moment and I will tell you something less sad," I request downing the rest of the bottle taking the picture down. "Okay, well I said that it was around eight hundred and fifty well there were dragons," I start.

"Dragons are real," Emmett shouts making us chuckle.

"Not anymore. Died out," I respond with a shrug. "Anyways, there was a tournament in my fourth year, someone, in each school out of three was picked. Somehow I was chosen and the first task was to get a golden egg from a dragon's nest. Now that is all I am going to say and you will watch the rest as I did for Ren," I continue. Before making it come up around the fire so everyone could watch. When it is done everyone looks shocked.

"Dammit, we go to school over and over again and we have never done anything that cool," Emmett sulks. Rosalie just looks at him like he insane.

"Question can we look at other dragons," Jasper asks. Everyone look at him shocked he would ask. "What, all of you wanted to as well," he defends himself.

"I'll show you another time Jasper. Might even make something like a hologram to see if you could fight it. No Emmett you can't have one, not yet let's see if Jasper can handle it first," I reply anticipating his question. Emmett looks put out but Jasper on the other hand look excited. "Now, anyone for a pork sandwich?" I ask. Everyone agrees so I and Esme quickly make them as Em had fallen asleep and Sam had taken her home and he is coming back in the morning. Once everyone had a sandwich we all go back to our own conversations. Knowing in a few hours we would be the battle.

A.N: Little back story. I know it is different from how it is in the HP movies.

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