chapter nine: no thoughts head empty

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a/n- LADIES AND GENTLEMEN... it is time.
Also I'm debating changing the name of this fic to 'the moon and stars', or something like that, should i?

—————— Blaise's POV ——————

Blaise stared around the circle of people sitting on the floor in the Room of Requirement, a bottle pointing right towards him. They were all staring right back at him. They had been playing Spin the Bottle for quite a while, and not once had the bottle landed on him.... but now it had. Unfortunately.

Harry Potter groaned. "Er, today might be good, if that's alright with you, Zabini." He said, eyes flicking from person to person.

Blaise really didn't want to do this. Who would he have to kiss? Pansy? Ugh. Granger? No thank you. Lavender Brown? Nope. Sighing, he reached for the bottle and spun it.

Round and round and round it went, until it began to slow. Blaise watched with wide eyes as it inched closer and closer to a particular girl who was currently not concentrating at all, and was just staring up at the flowers. The bottle stopped.

Ron Weasley coughed awkwardly. "Um, Luna?"

Her head snapped up immediately, smiling that strange yet beautiful smile. "Yes?"

"The bottle."

—————— Luna's POV ————————

So the bottle had finally spun on her. To be honest, thought Luna, I was drifting off there. Like always.

"So," Luna said, looking around the room. "Who am I kissing?"

Everyone's eyes moved towards the other side of the circle, right to... Oh.

Blaise Zabini was staring at her, a slightly terrified look on his face.

"Um... me." He said, a lopsided grin beginning to replace the terror. For some reason.

"Well, get on with it then." Pansy Parkinson complained, rolling her eyes at them. "We don't have all night."

"Right..." Blaise murmured, starting to shuffle across the circle towards Luna. Oh dear Merlin save me, Luna thought. Taking a deep breath, Luna inched out of her spot in the circle and closer to him.

They were now incredibly close to each other, both of them kneeling on the floor, but Blaise was quite a bit taller than Luna, and was leaning slightly.

"I-" Luna began to say.


Blaise's lips met hers, and all thoughts were forgotten. Electricity ran down Luna's spine and warmth immediately flowed through her body. His hands were holding her cheeks, and she had her arms wrapped round his neck. The kiss was soft and calm, and gave Luna a strange feeling that she'd never had before.

They broke away, and Luna awkwardly looked up at at the boy's face. He has the eyes they talk about in books, she thought, unable to look away, the ones that look like a night sky.

Blaise stared back at Luna, a hint of a smile on his face, and tucked a piece of her fair hair behind her ear. Why does this feel so right? Luna smiled sheepishly, taking his hand in hers and squeezing it gently. Blaise's eyes widened, but he didn't pull away... instead, he squeezed her hand back.

—————— Blaise's POV ————————

Blaise didn't know what it was, but something about Luna Lovegood was mesmerising. Actually, he knew a lot of thing about Luna that got stuck in his head. The way she talked, her smile, her hair, her eyes, the way her face lights up when someone talks to her.

The moment that he knew he was in deep, deep trouble was the second that she shuffled towards him from the other side of the circle. Oh shit, Blaise thought, continuing to inch towards her, what the hell am I going to do now?

They were now inches away from each other, and Blaise suddenly lost all sense of panic.

"I-" she began, but he smiled, and shushed her.

Their lips aligned, and Blaise relaxed. Sparks flew through his body, and all thoughts emptied out of his mind, except for one.


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