Better Off (E.P)

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Word Count: 1,429

Summary: Ever since your daughter Hazel has been born Emily hasn't been the same and your committed to get to the bottom of it.

Requested by lucy08novembre2001
sorry if this didn't turn out how you wanted it

Perfection.. is what you thought as you looked at your beautiful 1 month old daughter, Hazel. She was peacefully sleeping in her cot, her breathing was perfectly even as her arms were lazily wrapped around a pink stuffed giraffe. You quietly left the room as to not wake her.

You were headed to the kitchen when you were stopped by a sniffling sound. you head to where the noise came from and stop at your bathroom door, you raise your fist and softly tap the door. "Emily, are you okay?" you hear her clear her throat, "yeah sweetheart i'm fine just hurt myself a bit, go away i'll be alright."

"Oh baby, unlock the door I can help you clean it up." She sniffles again, "no please go I got it.".      "but sweetheart I can help, i've helped you be-" she cuts you off "Y/N I SAID I GOT IT" you were a bit taken back by her outburst. you sigh "okay, i'll be in the room then" walking away you realize that she hasn't been acting her normal self.

She hasn't been eating, sleeping, she's been having mood swings, she's been crying a lot, but the one that has you most worried is that she has barely acknowledged Hazel. you brush it off thinking its normal after giving birth to struggle with the adjustment. you decide to head to the kitchen to make dinner, pulling out the ingredients to make yours and Emily's favorite pasta.

Finishing dinner you hear Emily talking but can't make out what she's saying. Walking to the bathroom door you hear your wife sobbing struggling to talk, "Haz-Hazel a-and y-y/n are better off wi-without me, i-i'm useless." your heart breaks as she starts sobbing again. you slowly walk up to the door and knock, "Em I made dinner" you say softly as to not startle her. you hear her stumbling around and turning on the sink, "Be right there" she calls out.

you head back to the kitchen to put the food on plates. Hearing footsteps you turn around to see Emily wrapped in a blanket slowly walking to the table. you set the plate in front of her and start eating. Emily sighs and you look up to see she hasn't ate anything only picked at it. you frown, "not hungry Em?" she shakes her head, "no but I feel bad since you made our favorite " you wave her off, "its okay Em really, you look like your not feeling well go lay down." she nods and stands up slowly making her way to the room.

you sigh as you hear Hazel crying, "I got her Em" you call out. you go to Hazel's room and pick her up, "hey beautiful let's go see momma." you head to the room to see Emily staring staring at the ceiling. "Hey Em, look who i got" she turns her head towards you, the bags under her eyes very prominent. you walk towards the bed to give her Hazel, but she stops you by raising her hand. "No, not right now y/n" you furrow your eyebrows but slowly nod, "you okay Em?" she shakes her head, "not feeling good right now" she says.

"okay, i'll let you be, if you need anything let me know" she nods and with that you walk out of the room towards the living room. Thinking you realize that ever since you got home from the hospital Emily has not held Hazel. you put Hazel in her play pen and grab your phone to call the one person that might be able to help. she picks up after a few rings, "hey y/n whats up?" she asks. "hey JJ, how are you?"

"i'm doing good, how are you guys and Hazel". you clear your throat "Hazel and I are doing good but I need to talk to you about Emily. Ever since we got home from the hospital she hasn't been acting herself. she's been distant, hasn't been eating nor sleeping, has mood swings, always crying, but the worst is she pretends Hazel doesn't exist. She hasn't held her or anything." you take a deep breath and sigh " And Im calling you because since you have two kids you might know whats going on with her".

you hear her sigh, "no your good i understand why your calling but that never happened to me or anyone I know but she might just be taking the adjustment hard and differently". you nod before remembering she cant see you, " yeah i understand where your coming from i'll also try looking it up, thank you JJ" you look at Hazel to see her playing "of course y/n good luck I hope everything goes well" you say your goodbyes and hang up. grabbing your laptop you start searching the internet. after searching possibilities you come to the conclusion that Emily has postpartum depression.

you decide to head to the store with Hazel to pick up some things for Emily. you grab Hazel from her play pen "hey sweet girl, lets go to the store to get some things for momma to feel better" you head to the room to see Emily curled up in a blanket on her side. "hey Em i'm heading to the store real quick with Hazel, it shouldn't take too long, I love you." she doesn't say anything but nod. you slip out of the room, grab your purse and keys, lock the door and head to the car. you unlock the door and buckle Hazel in then settle in the drivers seat and buckle yourself up.

you arrive at the store and grab Hazel then head inside. you walk down the isles and grab Em's favorite ice cream and candy with a few other snacks. you pay and head out packing the groceries in the trunk and putting Hazel in the car you head home. After a few minutes you arrive , grabbing the bags and Hazel you unlock the front door. you set the groceries down and put Hazel in her play pen.

you walk into the room to find the bed empty. your about to call out for Emily but you see the bathroom door cracked open with the light on. you open the door only to be met with a horrific sight. Emily curled in a ball sobbing, a bloody razor blade, and a bunch of cuts on her arms. you waste no time to grab a towel and apply pressure to the cuts. she lets out a hiss at the pain. "sorry" you mumble. you can barely see with the amount of tears filling your eyes. "E-Emily... wh-why sweetheart" she sniffles and raises her head, "i-i don't know why, its just th-the adjustment is ha-hard. I feel like you and Hazel are better off without m-me". she sobs. you wipe the blood off the cuts and grab some bandages and cream. Luckily the cuts aren't extremely deep so you can do it yourself. you add some cream to the bandages and place them on her cuts.

She holds your hand. "Em, you have changed my life for the better, we are not better off without you. I'm at my best when i'm with my two amazing and beautiful girls. I love both of you with all my heart. So please don't doubt yourself because i-i don't know what i would do without you." At this point Emily is full on sobbing and you have started crying. "I-I'm s-sorry y/n i-i love y-you too" poor Emily could barely speak. "i know Em, I know, don't worry i'll be here for you and we'll get through this together because we're in it to the end."

you pull her in for a hug and after a few minutes you pull away to look at her. "so i got your favorite ice cream and candy along with some of our favorite snacks. let's go watch a movie and I can order takeout, Chinese, Mexican, or Thai?" she thinks for a second, "Chinese" you nod and order the food. You guys get your food and watch a movie, "I love you Emily forever"

"I love you too y/n forever"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2021 ⏰

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