Wrong assumption (T.L)

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Word Count: 1094

Summary: you "fall asleep" at your desk while doing paperwork. Tara goes to wake you up, but when you dont wake up after a while panic sets it.

Your POV:

You wake up to your alarm yelling at you to get up for work. As you stand up you feel pretty lightheaded so you sit down for a second to take a deep breath. You thinking it was just again another migraine took some medicine and started getting ready

As you were driving to work, you started getting dizzy so you stopped at a gas station to get a snack and something to drink. You finally arrived at the BAU, after you greet everyone you get situated at your desk and start your mounds of paperwork.

You started getting dizzy again but brushed it off assuming it was yet again another migraine. You lay your head down hoping for it to go away. All week you have been feeling lightheaded, fatigue, and nausea. You assumed you were getting sick so you didn't go to the doctors. Soon you were pulled into darkness.

Taras POV:

"Guys we have a case, tara wake up y/n please", Emily says as she heads to the conference room. you nod and walk up to your girlfriends desk, "y/n we have a case, come on," I say shaking her. She doesn't move so I shake her again, "I know y/n I don't want a case either but serial killers don't take vacations."

No Response

you shake her again "Y/n seriously stop playing princess we have to go."


Emily walks out of the conference to see what's the hold up, "guys come on". You look up at her, "y/n's not waking up" you feel for a pulse.


"SHE HAS NO PULSE CALL 911" that got the teams attention as they quickly rush to call 911 as you lay her down on the floor, Emily rushes over to help. you immediately start cpr while you wait for an ambulance. "Come on y/n wake up, our story isn't finished yet remember?" you say with tears in your eyes.

The paramedics all of a sudden rush in and get y/n on a stretcher and take her down to the ambulance. "Tara go with her, we'll meet you there" Emily says as she gets ready to go. You nod and follow the paramedics down. As soon as you're in the ambulance the paramedics bag her and they start cpr. They start asking you questions about her and if she is allergic to anything.

You arrive at the hospital and the doctors tell you to go in the waiting room. After about ten minutes the team files in asking if they know anything. "nothing yet." you say numb and you can feel tears falling.

They sadly nod and sit down. After about an hour of waiting a doctor comes in. "Y/N Y/L/N"? you all immediately stand up, "Is she okay?" you ask nervously. "She is currently in surgery apparently she has a brain tumor. Has she been having migraines, nausea, fatigue, blurred vision, or weakness?" he ask looking around the room. Everyone slowly nods, "yeah we thought she was getting sick and she was tired from work and sleeping on her desk". he nods, "Well we don't know how much longer she will be in there for but we will try to update you as much as possible." you all nod and go back to sitting down.

"a br-brain tumor? oh m-my god" you say as you burry your head in your hands. "Wow.. I-I didn't expect that," matt says looking down. Rossi nods his head, "she's strong she will be okay" he avoids eye contact not even believing his own words. He knew she was strong but the possibility of her surviving are slim. "Insert Spencers statistics about brain tumors now".


you all look over at him to see him staring at the wall with tears in his eyes. "Spencer?" you ask. He looks over at you guys, "I-I ca-can't lo-lose my bes-bestfriend" his voice cracking. Everyones heart breaks as he can barely speak. "Spence, y/n is a strong woman, I know that you know the possibilities of survival and the outcome but don't think about that. Stay strong for her" JJ says as she walks over to comfort him. Spencer nods and sniffles.

After about three hours the doctor comes out and everyone stands up and looks at him hopeful. "she uh coded a couple of times on the table but we were able to bring her back. She is out of surgery we were able to remove the tumor but she might not wake up for an hour. You can wait in her room though just follow me". he says walking away. Everyone sighs with relief and quickly follow him. You walk into her room and your heart breaks at the sight of her. Her pale body looking frail.

Emily puts her hand on your shoulder, "She's okay Tara, now is there something going on between you two?" she ask raising her eyebrow. The team nods curious as they have all seen your interactions together. You smile proudly, "yeah we've been dating for over a year." Everyone smiles. "Actually it's been one year, five month, two weeks, and three days. Also I thought we weren't telling anyone yet?" Everyones head snaps towards the voice to see y/n awake and smiling, "Hey guys". I immediately rush over to her and hug her.

"ohh, you scared us all and im mad at you but i love you so i forgive you." you say kissing her head and the team stares in awe. "sorry, but sweetheart your squishing me." she laughs. "right, sorry" you say letter her go. Everyone takes turns hugging her. "Congratulations guys surprised we didn't figure it out sooner. But also Tara hadn't figured out that her mom was over at my house" Luke says sticking his tongue out and laughing. (just like the picture just no phone)

 (just like the picture just no phone)

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Everyone was silent staring at him. "Oh come on guys that was good". he says pointing at everyone. groans and no's filled the room. "Sorry Alvez keep the your mom jokes to me", you say patting him on the back as everyone laughs and he frowns.

'At least the tumor was removed and y/n is okay'. I thought smiling as she laughed at someones joke. 'I really got lucky.'

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