New Mexico

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"Hey Dad," Stiles said standing in front of his Father's grave,"So, uhh... I'm sorry it's been a while since my last visit.  A lot has happened since I last came.  I fought an army... from outer space, which I never want to do again.  But knowing my luck I have at least a few years before it happens again," Stiles said while chuckling.

Stiles sighed before going back to his jeep, then he heard something like a twig snapping.

"You know if you're going to sneak up on someone," Stiles said turning around to face the forest,"I wouldn't wear high heels Lydia."

Lydia came into view glaring at Stiles.

"I see you Scott," Stiles said,"You too Liam, Mason, Hayden, Ethan, Jackson, Malia, Peter."

One by one they all came out.

"Corey put the stick down," Stiles said, not even turning around as Corey became visible and dropped the log he planned to hit Stiles with.

There was the sound of an arrow firing and Stiles caught it easily,"Argent, sure has been a while. I actually know a guy that can make these blow up," Stiles told him as the hunter joined the rest of the pack,"A lot better with a bow too."

The whole pack remained silent just glaring at Stiles.

"Oh, I see. Going for the strong silent type, got it," Stiles said sarcastically.

"What are you doing here, Stiles?" Scott snarled.

"It's called visiting my Father's grave," Stiles said, dropping the arrow on the ground,"And you really don't want to piss me off right now."

"You need to leave now," Scott ordered, shifting.

"I think I'll leave when I'm good and ready," Stiles growled back, flashing his blue eyes.

Scott flinched at the sight of the blue eyes but he kept his face neutral.

The pack started to circle him, as he growled at Scott. They thought he wouldn't notice but he did.

"Oh looks like Theo's come to the party too," Stiles said sarcastically as the Chimera stepped into view,"I've been looking forward to killing you."

"You're not killing anyone today," Scott growled.

"Listen, Scott. A few weeks ago I killed about a hundred aliens coming in from a giant wormhole in the middle of Manhattan. I'm not really in the mood to fight you," Stiles said, baring his metal fangs and the tips of his fingers turned to razor sharp claws,"You know what I think I get it now. You became an asshole when Kira left because you couldn't handle being rejected for a bunch of badass women with spears."

That comment earned a vicious snarl from Scott,"Shut up!" Scott roared.

Stiles rolled his eyes,"Alright let's get this over with," Stiles said as he finished his shift.

Stiles' hand shot up as he caught the baseball bat flying out of the open window of his jeep, making the pack look very confused. Golden light covered the bat then it wasn't a baseball bat in his hand but the scepter glowing gold.

The pack took a step back at the sight of it, feeling the power coming off of it.

Stiles smirked,"You like? Learned a few new tricks while I was gone," Stiles informed him while slamming the bottom of the scepter into the ground making a large boom, and Stiles' eyes turned from blue to gold.

Lydia started off the fight by sending a scream his way but Stiles blocked it with the broad side of the spear, before sending a blast of energy at her knocking her back.

Stiles The AvengerWhere stories live. Discover now