The Quarry

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Cussing will be in this chapter, read at your own risk. 

I got up and got ready for the day. I put on a dress that goes up to my knees and I went to get my bike when I was it my dad was behind me he said ¨ Your bike has a flat tire so I will go get it to the shop.¨ I said ¨ Okay then I could call one of my friends to come to get me then.¨ I went back into my house and I called Stan. The phone rang for a minute before it was picked up the person who answered it was Stan's dad. He said ¨ Uris residents how can I help you?¨ I said ¨ Hello, Mr. Uris I was hoping that Stan could come to pick me up being that my bike is broken.¨ Mr. Uris said ¨ I will let Stan know to come to pick you up okay Y/n.¨ I said to Mr. Uris ¨ Thank you very much.¨ Mr. Uris said ¨ Your welcome. Have a good day.¨ I said ¨ You too Mr. Uris.¨ Then I waited for about 15 minutes. Then my dad came into the house and he said ¨ There is a boy named Stan asking for you.¨ I said ¨I know he is. He's here to take me to the spot where we are hanging out today.¨  I went out and I saw Stan. Stan walked over to him and he said ¨ Hey, Y/n.¨ I said ¨Hey, Stan. How are you?¨ Stan said ¨ I am fine. Are you ready to go?¨ I said ¨ Sure am.¨ I said to my dad ¨ I will see you later.¨ Stan and I left my house and we rode to the Quarry. When we arrived I saw Eddie and Richie. I guess that Ben, Bill, and Bev weren't coming yet. After a few minutes, Bill and Ben showed up. The guys then stripped down to their underwear. I stripped down to my bra and underwear as well. As the guys were playing loogie Bev showed up as Eddie and Richie were having a small argument Bev and I whispered to each other what we were going to do then just as we were getting ready to go run past the boys and jump. But Bill asked ¨ Who's going first?¨ The Bev answered saying ¨ We will go. Sissys.¨ We then ran together hand in hand then as we were going down we let go of each other then we hit the water. I heard Richie say ¨What the fuck? Holly shit we just go shown off by two girls .¨ Stan said ¨ Do we have to do that now?¨ Eddie said ¨ Yes.¨ Then Bev said ¨ Come on.¨ One by one the boys jump down when Stan got down I splashed him. He said ¨ You're going to regret that L/n.¨ I said ¨ Nope.¨ Then Stan splashed me. We all started splashing at each other. Then we had chicken fights. Before the fights started Stan went under the water and he came back up but I was on his shoulders. I went up against Richie and Ben but me and Stan lost that so we watched Ben, Richie, Bill, and Bev fight. Stan and I were away from Richie, Eddie, Ben, Bill, and Bev. Stan and I just swam in circles and just looked at each other. As I looked into Stan's eyes I was reminded of how I liked Stan because of his personality, the way he looked when he was having fun, the way he smiles. I was then pulled out of my thoughts when Richie said ¨ EWWWW. What are you two doing?¨ I said ¨ Nothing we are just talking.¨ Richie said ¨ Sure, you guys were just eye fucking or you are actually fucking.¨ I said  ¨ Beep, beep, Richie.¨  

* Timeskip becuase I am to lazy* 

We all were hanging out on a rock. Bev and I were sun tanning while all jamming out to some music. Bev and I knew that all the boys were looking at us. I saw Stan and Eddie looking at me, Bill and Ben were looking at Bev, and lastly, Richie was looking between the both of us. Bev and I flipped over and looked at the boys. They all looked away, Bev and I held in our laughter while the boys were blushing madly. Then I saw Richie going through Ben's backpack he said ¨ News flash Ben school is out for summer.¨ Ben said to Richie ¨ Oh that. That's not school stuff.¨ Richie took out a postcard and he asked ¨ Who sent you this?¨ Ben said ¨ No one.¨ Then Richie took out a folder that was full of historical stuff about Derry. Eddie asked ¨ What's up with the school project?¨ Ben said ¨ Well when I first came here I didn't have anyone to hang out with so I started going to the library.¨ Richie said ¨ You went to the library, on purpose.¨ Me and Bev went over to take a look at Ben. Bev sat next to  Bill, while I sat between Richie and Stan. We all passed the folder around and then Richie asked ¨ Why is it all murders and missing kids?¨ Ben said ¨ There was a study that was set here in Derry and it proved that people disappear six times the national average. And that is just the adults the kids are way, way worse.¨ I then looked at Stan with worry in my eyes. Stan then took my hand and he gave me a reassuring squeeze saying it fine I am here. Then Ben said ¨ I have more stuff at home if you guys want to see it.¨ Eddie shook his head no. But the rest of us are very curious. 

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