Your My Teddy Bear!

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*Kate's Pov*

Why do I have these mixed feelings for my father!?! Sometimes I want him back and forgive him for everything he has done, but over times I want to rip him open and watch him bleed out. I closed my eyes and tried to picture my father's pain..

Being in this room for so long, has open parts of my mind I never knew I had.. I wonder if Father even thinks about me...I don't know why I even care...

I miss him...
Why do I miss a monster?!
He ruined my life...
He killed me..
He ignored my cries for him to stop hurting me..
Then he leaves his own daughter to rot in a metal suit.....
But why...why do I still miss him....

I curled up in a ball, and hid my face in my hands. I let the tears come running out..

Why can't I just hate him?! Why can't I enjoy the picture in my head of him suffering?! Why do I want to scream out for him, and he come to the rescue like he did in the store... Why must I have these feeling...It feels like this is all I have been doing the pass couple days in this room, crying and thinking about the past... I just want to call for him, so badly.. But I can't give in..


I open my eyes to the sound of the door opening.. Light shined a path and exposed my body from the dark....My eyes burned from the light, to the point more tears came...

"Kate, you can come out now.." I heard the all to familiar voice..

I looked up to the door and saw Freddy looking down at me. Like if he owned me.. My eyes were puffy and red from all the crying, making everything blurry and the blinding light didn't help..
I didn't move from my spot..I just looked helplessly at him...

"Why Freddy?" I cried...

I saw him put his head down, he probably didn't want to look at me. He feels guilty..

"I....I.." Before Freddy could finish his sentence, he walked up to me and fell on his knees... Still having his head down, not making eye contact...I couldn't even see his face, his brown hair covered it.. He looked lifeless...

"I'M SORRY!!" He screamed. He suddenly reached forward and pull me hard into his chest...he started to cry... He tried so hard to hold back the tears, and not make any noise...

"I don't know how to control myself anymore.." He squeezed me harder towards his chest... I had my chin on his shoulder, and started to pat and rub his back for comfort... He was like a big teddy bear.. So warm, so big, so squeezable, and his hair was fluffy!! Heck, he even smelled like a teddy bear!! But the best part was that he was my Teddy Bear....

"It's okay..." I said...

"I promise I won't do it again." He sniffed "Are you still mad at me?"

I pulled away from his shoulder and face him. "How can I stay mad to my big Teddy Bear?"

He smiled at me "Thank you.. I thought you would never forgive me.."

I will never forgive him if he killed Mike. Wait is Mike still alive?!

"Freddy.... Did you k-kill Mike?"

"No, he is hard to catch. I think you motivate him..But you must understand that if we catch him... We kill matter what you say..." He explained to me. "I'm sorry, it's the rules."

Freddy pulled me back into his chest and started to play with my hair..

"Yes, I understand.." I couldn't say that without tears falling down my face...

Hey, sorry for short chapter and I have been having problems loading pictures. I think it's my who knows :) I just wanna say thanks for reading and don't forget to comment!! Bye!!

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