~ seeing you ~

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Sam soon arrives at the blossom tree frowning when no one's there. He walks up to the tree and sits down against it placing the rose next to him and re reading the note "maybe something held him back.." he whispers to himself picking up the rose looking at it with a small smile.

About 5 minutes go by and there's still no sign of anyone. Sam's eyes fill with tears but he blinks them away "no.. it's just taking a little long" he says to himself staying put hoping he didn't get stood up for some stupid dare.

5 more minutes go by and tears start to roll down Sam's cheeks. He stands up and brushes down his skirt taking a look around before starting to walk.

"Wait!" Sam hears a voice from behind him he furrows his brows and turns around getting engulfed in a hug right away "I'm sorry love.. I panicked" a soothing voice whispers into his ear. Sam gasps realizing it's him and immediately hugs him back tight, knocking them down onto the floor making them laugh while happy tears roll down their faces.

"I-i thought it w-was some joke.." Sam mumbles nuzzling his neck into his "no.. I would never do that" he whispers holding Sam tight like his life depended on it.

He sits up and Sam clings into him making him chuckle gently. Sam moves away slightly still sitting in his lap, moving just enough to see his face and his mouth falls agape blushing deeply seeing his old crush, Colby Brock.

"W-what?" Colby stutters scared Sam doesn't accept the fact it's him Sam giggles "nothing.." Sam trails off looking down blushing deeply "what's wrong?" Colby asks frowning.

"n-nothing.. nothing at all.." Sam trails off resting his head on Colby's chest wrapping his arms around his torso closing his eyes. Colby smiles wrapping his arms around Sam protectively digging his head in sam's neck taking in his scent.
They sit in silence just enjoying each other's hold not caring that they're both late to their classes just happy to be with each other.

"Colby.." Sam whispers "hm? wait- how-" Colby starts confused on how he knows his name getting cut off by Sam "uh your sort of popular" he giggles and Colby chuckles "right"

"what did you want to tell me?" they both say at the same time making them laugh "you go first" Colby says making him blush "noo, I don't wanna say no more" Sam blushes deeply "c'mon tell me" Colby pouts making Sam giggle.

"Fine" he huffs "I.. I used to have a crush on you" he mumbles "hm?" Colby hums not too sure if he heard it right and Sam whines not wanting to repeat it "I said I used to have a crush on you" he mumbles again.

"aw" Colby pouts making Sam tilt his head in confusion "why not now?" he says cupping sam's cheeks "I mean.. I wouldn't mind that at all" he whispers gently looking into Sam's eyes "your so, so beautiful.. much more beautiful up close" he whispers making Sam blush deeply.

"I'd do anything to be with you.." Colby whispers against Sam's lips before connecting them gently. Sam melts into the kiss his eyes fluttering closed. Colby wraps his arms around Sam's waist pulling him close and Sam gently places his hands on Colby's chest.

They soon pull away panting slightly. Colby trails his eyes up to Sam's eyes from his lips, Sam doing the same. Colby leans in pecking Sam's lips once more "I love you.." his whispers making Sam blush so he hides his face in Colby's chest.

"Love.." Colby trails off Sam hums nuzzling his head further "look at me" Sam shakes his head "please love" Sam whines but complies anyway looking up at Colby with a flushed face.

Colby smiles moving a strand of hair out from Sam's face before cupping his cheeks caressing them.

"Sammy?" Colby says making Sam blush "yes?" Sam whispers leaning into Colby's touch "you mean the world to me.. I don't know what I'd do without you in my life... I'll do anything to always have you by my side, to protect you through anything.. anything to just see you happy" Colby explains making happy tears form in Sam's eyes.

"I can't express how special you are to me.. your so, so perfect.. and I know your the one for me, I know you are, Sammy.. love, will you be my boyfriend?" Colby says looking into Sam's eyes showing how genuine he's being when he says this.

Sam nods "y-yes" he stutters tears streaming down his face to which Colby wipes them "yes.. I'd love to!" Sam squeaks tackling Colby in a hug knocking them over again.

"you look so beautiful today" Colby whispers patting Sam's butt gently and Sam giggles "thank you" he whispers "of course love" Colby says as he sits up.
He reaches over to his backpack pulling out sam's lunchbox "hey! I was looking for that" Sam huffs and Colby chuckles.

"sorry love, but look" he says as he unzips it showing Sam's favorite lunch "ooooo!" Sam says reaching to grab it "hey, no, not now silly, we're eating it at lunch" "we?" Sam tilts his head confused "yes love, we, I'm sitting with you, I packed enough for the both of us" Colby says as he zips it back up "yay!" Sam squeaks happily Colby smiles tapping Sam's knee signaling for him to stand up.

They gather their things and start walking back inside. Colby grabs Sam's hand interlocking their fingers walking him to class.

Lunch time soon rolls around and Colby comes up behind Sam "hi baby" he whispers in his ear wrapping his arms around his waist as he's in his locker making Sam blush "hi" he mumbles. Colby kisses Sam's cheek before unwrapping his arms from him "c'mon let's go eat" he says taking Sam's hand in his.

They get to Sam's table and sit down "why are you here?" Tara says confused looking at Colby "eating lunch" Colby says in a duh tone "toché" she says and Sam giggles "he's eating lunch with me-" "why?" Devyn cuts him off Sam shakes his head giggling softly "he's what you call 'mysterious lover boy'" Sam says giggling at their reactions "that was you!?" they exclaim and he chuckles.

Sam opens up his lunchbox as they continue talking and takes out the food placing Colby's infront of him.
Sam gasps seeing a note at the bottom of all the food and takes it out looking up at Colby with big eyes, Colby smiles squeezing Sams leg softly "read it" Sam smiles and looks back at the note unfolding it.

If your reading this that means we're now dating.
I'm so, so happy that we are, there's nothing else that would make me happier.
You make me the happiest I can be, when I first laid eyes on you, I knew you'd be the one for me.
I wish I would've done this sooner instead of backing out everytime.. but I'm glad I've done it and it worked out how I wanted it to.
I literally love you to death, tho we've barley started dating I feel I already know so much about you and we've been with each other for years.
I'm lucky to have someone like you in my life and I wouldn't ask for anything more, your so, so beautiful and so perfect don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise.
Love you,
- Colby ♡

Sam pouts tears welling in his eyes "aw, baby don't cry" Colby coos pulling him in a hug and Sam wraps his arms around him tight looking up at Colby and he cups Sam's cheeks wiping his tears pecking his lips gently making Sam smile. He hides his face in Colby's chest saying the three words Colby's been waiting to hear, making his heart flutter, skipping a beat.

"I love you"


~ lunchbox ~

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