Chapter 2 II No Dick Today

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She had the whole world right in the palm of her oblivious hands

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She had the whole world right in the palm of her oblivious hands.

Up until shit hit the fan.

So much for lucky days.

Before The Incident:

"Today is the dayyy" I squealed in my head. I was finally going to get some Popeyes chicken. My favorite place to eat. Not only was I going to get some chicken, but it was also pay day.

"Rose? Earth to Rose you alive?" his calm voice immediately  snapped me from my daze.

"Huh? "

As I came back into reality I give my boyfriend an excited smile. Placing my hand onto his well-built arm, giving him a reassuring grin.

"Yeah, I'm alive, sorry I'm just excited. I get to eat some Popeyes today and it's payyy day." Making sure to emphasize 'payy day' in a deep voice. I started doing my little happy dance. Swiveling my chair from left to right.

Ralphy begins to lightly chuckle at my excitement removing my hand from his arm. "You're so cute." Kissing my nose and smiling at my sheer happiness.

"Come on, let's go back to the apartment and relax."

Raphael is a 25-year-old hot shot stock trader while I'm a 23-year-old doctor, we're currently in Ralphy's newly purchased building.

At 23 years old I officially became a doctor. Despite my young age I must say I'm pretty fucking brilliant. Graduating high school at 11 years old and entering college at 12. By the age of 17 I enter med school and soon became a certified surgeon at 23.

The way I met Ralph is awfully funny but amazing, nonetheless.

It had been your normal Thursday; I must say Thursday and Fridays are my lucky days. Opening the door to Popeyes I walked into shop surrounded by the aroma of fried chicken.

Walking right up to the cashier, which happened to be Rafael I began to order. Despite being set for life Rafael choses to work at random places just for the fun of it. From working at Café Du Monde to high end clothing stores.

He never really knew what to do with his life, having many spontaneous jobs along with creations. He wrote books, created some popular games and even decides to work at your local shops.

All while keeping his identity a secret. Of course with all his incoming money he donates almost all of it, while creating shelters for people in need all around the world.

Immediately I catch Raphael's eye, it seemed like I just couldn't be the one to slip from his fingers. Grabbing onto a blue pen that lays right next to his wrist he writes his number onto the brown napkin.

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