Part 2

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Unfortunately our previously claimed couch was now occupied with a plethora of dude bros scoping out the situation so we double back to a barely open couch space back near the bar. I made sure to sit with my back to it so as to not have as many embarrassing distractions. As we sat down on the edge of the couch and took a few sips of our drinks, one of the guys sharing our seat turned our way, "Oh hey! Here let me move over for you!" His spiked fire truck red hair looked almost on fire under the red and orange neon while his matching red eyes dazzled with excitement, "Thank you!" I shout at him over the music. "Are you ladies from around here?" he shouted back. I was expecting Mina to pipe up since this was usually her thing, ya know, talking to strangers and all, but when I looked over at her she was biting her lip while picking at a string on the hem of her dress. Well that's Odd.

Normally she was pretty brazen with her flirting tactics, great, I guess that leaves the talking to me. "Not really, We both grew up a few hours east of here but Mina here graduated from UTokyo this last spring!" Mina not so subtlety pinches my arm as the red head looks her way, "Woah! NO WAY! We just graduated from there too!" As he turns to elbow his friends into the conversation I look back at Mina's wide eyed expression and shaking head that in girl code screamed for backup, so when the red head and his two friends turned around I took charge, "Hey guys, I'm really sorry but I've gotta find a bathroom, too much sushi! Can you watch our drinks for us? I think I can trust you but I get nervous in crowds." the black haired boy and the shaggy blond behind him shared looks then posed in their most ridiculous chivalrous demeanors while I think the red head teared up with a hand to his chest from being given our 'trust'.

The blond leaned forward smelling heavily of alcohol and slurred, one eyebrow cocked, "It would bring honor to us all." "That's from Mulan you idiot!" the black haired boy retorted, "What? It's a good movie!". I quickly grabbed Mina off the couch as the boys started horribly singing "Be a man" from Mulan and started booking it towards the clearly marked restrooms near the lobby. As we passed the bar area I took a quick glance at Mr. Bartender before I never saw him again. To my horror, he was starring right back, mid pour, scarlet eyes silently scrutinizing our retreat, a similar scarlet seeping across my face and neck.

I was about to pull us out of this hell pit through the front doors and back to the safety of our hotel room when Mina pulled her arm out of my grasp. "Chako what are you doing?!" huh? "What do you mean?! I'm getting us out of here!" my pink haired friend gawked at me, "Girl Why???" Did I miss something? "Cause you gave me the 'this guy is gonna kill us look' so I'm making sure we don't get drugged and tied to a bedpost!" She was about to retort in one direction before missing the point entirely, "Dude, you gotta stop listening those true crime podcasts." "Not the Point!" my best friend grabbed my hand and pulled me close, "Ochako, Who we just sat down next to just so happens to be the hottest dude on campus! I've been stalking him for weeks, I thought for sure I'd never see him again since we just graduated and that I'd have to die a lonely old spinster!"

Maybe I did missed something, "So you weren't asking for an exit strategy?" I could feel her roll her eyes as she pulled me in the direction of the actual ladies room, "Come on! An opportunity like this only comes once in a lifetime!"

So for the next seven and a half minutes we spent in the bathroom 'sprucing up' Mina gave me the low down on how she low key met the group of guys we just recently stumbled across. I guess she first sniffed him out at a frat party. She danced on a table, he caught her when she fell off. The rest was history, and by history I mean she scrolled every social media he possessed, weaseled his class schedule from the receptionist office, and has questioned just about every third party by-standard she possible could to get as much information about the mysterious red head hero. What can I say? The girl does her research.

She fluffed her fake eyelashes while I leaned against the sink sill, "So what's your plan now?" smacking her lip gloss together she turned to me, "I guess I start with an introduction and try not to get caught with my panties around my ankles." "Mina ew!" "What? It's a figure of speech!" With that she guided us out of the bathroom and back to our drinks.

Our drinks were being possessively guarded by the three boys taking their 'job' way too seriously. The now rejuvenated Mina took charge this time, much to my delight and unfortunate awkwardness and sat down directly next to the red head who she told me was 'Kirishima' then started chatting. Geez I thought this was going to be a girls night, small talk with strangers is not my forte, ESPECIALLY not with cute boys! Cute, yes they were, but interesting conversationalists? no.

While Mina worked her magic on her 'future husband' who wore a Hawaiian dad shirt open over a white tank top along with bright red crocs(seriously? the hottest boy at school?), that left the other two boys to talk to me. I figured out that the black haired boy in the baja sweater was Sero and the blond in the hipster flamingo button up was Kaminari, they clued me in that they were also in Tokyo for a guys weekend for one last hurrah before their posse or 'bakusquad' split to go along with their separate careers in life.

"Nurse huh?" Kaminari said before slurping his drink, "Yup." nothing really more to add. I was good at science and like to help people. "Well you're gonna have to meet Bakugou! He's a nurse too, graduated a full year before the rest of us! But he's going back to med school this fall to actually become a doctor. We're waiting here for him till he gets off work." Thinking back to the area we were driving around I didn't remember seeing a hospital super close nearby, "Which hospital is he working at?" Sero waved off my question, "Oh no! he's not at the hospital tonight. We're waiting till he's done at the bar." he then gestured over towards the small mob congregated around the 360 bar top. "Wait! That's your friend?!" Mr. McSteamy was currently flipping liquor bottles in the air for one of the crowded ends of the bar that was brimming with what looked like a bachelorette party, all of them unashamedly ogling and cat calling him, a few of them shoving dollar bills into his tip jar. Oh hell, of course they know him!

Dun dun dun! The plot thickens! Not really but kinda ha! I hope you enjoy it folks A

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