Part 7

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By the time we reached the hotel, Bakugou had reset every setting in the rental car including setting at least three different radio stations, claiming them to be a thousand times better than the shitting pop stations Mina had previously set. Pulling into the parking spot and setting it to park I take one more look at the clock before turning off the car, 2:07AM. The car descends into darkness with only the glow of neon illuminating the car.

"Ok let's do this." I say dismally, "What are you disappointed about? That they'll still be banging or that our little adventure is over?" He looked at me in the darkness for an answer, tucking some hair behind my ear I nervously answer, "Both?" he chuckles again, "Come on, let's go."

We joked around and teased each other as we navigated our way to Mina and I's hotel room, leaving little to no space in between us until I caught sight of our room number and I slowed down, reality catching up with us finally. Hesitantly I walk up and bring my ear to the door... nothing. Checking my phone for messages I look up to see Bakugou calling who I assume is Kirishima, He smirks and winks at me as he does. No messages, I knock on the door, "What are you doing?" His quirked eyebrow makes me smile back at him, "In case they are awake but not, you know... fully clothed." Kirishima obviously didn't answer as Bakugou aggressively pulled his phone away from his ear to shove in his pocket. I started flipping through my wallet clumsily trying to find the room key card when Bakugou's large hand came into view to hold onto my purse and phone. I finally nabbed the pesky card then proceeded to shove everything back into the purse which he held open for me, "Thanks." "No problem."

After a moment of held breath I inserted the key card and slowly opened the door. No sound, no movement, as I broached the threshold I looked back at the blond close behind me and whispered, "Maybe you should stay back." "The fuck? Why?" he angrily whispered back, "What if Mina has her tits out?" Which is an actual and real concern but he gave me a quick retort back, "What if Kiri's dick is out?" Oh ya, I forgot about him, to which I considered but then deemed a worthy argument and gave Bakugou my nod of approval, "That would be logical." "Plus we're medical so we see naked people all the damn time." "Touché, alright lets go."

We quietly entered the small room to find the two suspects completely past out, completely naked, and completely entangled under covers in the bed. We stood there for a moment assessing the scene, which looked like a tornado whipped through here guaranteeing I was to hear every single disgusting detail tomorrow over strong coffee and a very greasy breakfast. "For fuck's sake, did they fuck on every surface possible?" looking around the room, it truly was a disaster, every decoration or picture was skewed, coaster and books were swept off the end tables, even the small TV was teetering on a weird angle. One of the two in bed groaned and we got to work, it was a fairly quick affair to get Mina into her leopard print pajama's and get a glass of water along with some asprin set by her bedside table while Bakugou slapped Kirishma awake enough to get him dressed and haul him to the door entrance.

Pulling the second fake eyelash all the way off, Mina's face scrunched then relaxed as she fell back asleep, "Hey" Looking over at the spiky blond in the doorway I could see that this was it, he was finally leaving. I walk up and try to think of something to say but Bakugou nulls any other thought with one last kiss, brief but wanting he pulls away and says, "Lock the door when I leave." I nod at him as he crosses the door way and turns back once more, "Bye." "See ya cheeks." Kirishima was coherent only enough you lean heavily on Bakugou and somewhat shout, "I love you Mina!" Mina snored loudly in response making both of us sober ones chuckle and give awkward little half waves to each other before Bakugou half walked half carried Kirishima back to the hotel elevator. I slowly closed the door on the boys and stood there for a moment to watch Mina sleep.

Then of course I snapped back to the most pressing issue at hand and whipped around to rip the door open then dash down the hall to the elevator that the boys were entering, "Bakugou Wait!!" The doors were closing as I slid to the entrance, "I don't have your number!" of course the one time I actually hit it off with my dream guy and now I have no way of contacting him. Before his crimson eyes left me for good, his loud cocky laugh sang through the narrowing doors of the elevator, "Check your phone dumbass!" then the doors closed and they were gone and I was left in the hotel hallway.

Racing back to the room I find my sad flip phone set neatly amongst the wreckage next to my purse. Aggressively hitting the down button in my contacts I scroll to the B section but find it free of Bakugou name. Puzzled I see a new message in my text inbox. '1 new message from Katsuki' "Katsuki? Who's that?" Then it hit me, we've been using last names all night and a fierce heat rushed through me, so that's his first name huh?

"I bet you're blushing right now... aren't you Ochako?" I seriously consider chucking my phone across the room, how could he have predicted that! "Wouldn't you like to know, KATSUKI!" I send it his way as fast as my fingers could type on the T9 set up, 'read'. I hold my breath as I wait for his response. All he sends is a winking face. I smile at it anyway and then set about to tidying up the room enough to help us ensure our deposit.


4 1/2 Years Later

There is so much cheering I can hardly hear myself think but I could care less because he is kissing me right now. Heavily, and with as much passion as he put into his Doctorates degree, and as much passion as he puts into our relationship. We have been dating for three years now, talking for longer, in fact we have been talking non stop since that night in the club and on the beach.

Today is our graduation day for our Doctorates and we couldn't be more proud of our white coats than each other. Our parents made it out and I'm sure Mina and Kiri are crying in the crowd somewhere, they got married last fall. But all of that is outside my radar as I am entrapped and enraptured in my Katsuki right now. The rise and fall of caps bring our eyes open but don't bring their attention to the crowd, right now there is only chestnut on scarlet, crimson on mocha.

I smile as big as I can at the man holding me who has been my biggest advocate for my life, career, and confidence, "We did it Kat!" he grins big back at me, "Hell ya Chako, We did!" And then we kiss again, arms wrapped around the other, with not a care in the world and no desire to rejoin it anytime soon.

The end <3



I am wrapping up this story here as I have a problem with starting too many stories with no idea of how to finish them. So here is to Learning new skills and to using fanfiction as therapy! See you in the next one!!!!!

Love, A

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