Christmas and Fears

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“Shizu-chan let’s go get a tree.”
Shizuo looked up from his books, and watched his lover beam with excitement. He was supposed to help him study for his exams, when the sentence came from out of the blue, but then Shizuo remembered it was already December. The blonde ran a hand through his hair and looked around. There wasn’t much space for a tree, but they could move some stuff around and set up a small one in the corner.
“I guess we could go pick up one and some lights.”
Izaya closed the book and pushed it away. “Let’s take a break and go have fun then. Too much studying makes for a dull person.” He said sliding out the chair easily.
Shizuo smirked at Izaya’s appearance. Not that he would say it often, but Izaya looked really attractive to him. The accumulating baby fat (that Izaya hated) gave him a rounder, firmer ass, that Izaya would now sway when he walked, and his body gave off a radiant glow, that made him look stunning. The ravenette noticed the staring and turned slightly red, huffing.
“Stop observing me Shizu-chan.”
“I can look if I want to. You’re mine anyways.” Shizuo retorted back straightforwardly and glanced off annoyed.
Izaya turned a darker shade and hurried off to the room to change. Shizuo smiled looking at the door. He calculated his earnings and how much he had to put aside for rent, and how much he could spend for extras. Since it was just the two of them this year, Christmas was going to be small. Shinra would most likely hold a party, but due to Izaya’s circumstances, he can rarely interact with the people from his school. Sighing Shizuo wished there could be at least one person whom Izaya could talk to.
The blonde looked at his lover who had tossed on a long fur-trimmed trench coat that covered his figure without making him look bigger. Shizuo leaned in and pecked Izaya on the lips, catching the other off guard. “Let me go grab my coat and we can go out.”
In the department store, Shizuo sent Izaya to buy the decorations while he picked out a decent tree they could set in the corner. When he had found one he had them put it on hold while he went to search for a gift for Izaya. Wandering to the jewelry section he looked at the different adornments before stumbling upon a set of two silver rings.
“Excuse me.” He said politely grabbing the female worker’s attention, and pointed to the set. “Can I have those gift wrapped for me?”
“Ah, out shopping for your girlfriend?” she asked pulling out the box and lead them to where the wrapping paper was so he could choose which one he wanted.
“A-actually, I have a boyfriend.” Shizuo said and the girl looked at him and blushed.
“I’m sorry!”
“No need to apologize.” Shizuo said putting a hand up. “I get that a lot…”
“I-I see… Well it’s really nice of you to get him these. They happen to be popular.”
Shizuo nodded and pulled out his money to pay for it and had a bow stick on his head. He walked around with it and received a chuckle when he met up with Izaya at the checkout station.
“What’s this? You went to the gift wrapping aisle and had a bow put on you?” Izaya joked.
“I asked the cashiers what I should give you, and they said something special. So I put a bow on my head.” Shizuo countered. “I think I did pretty well.”
Izaya turned a dark shade of red and punched his arm. “You stupid loveable lug.” He said hugging him. Shizuo hugged him back.
Once back at the apartment, Shizuo set up the small tree and struggled with putting up the lights. Izaya helped him out, wrapping the lights around it, and while Shizuo set up the ornaments he went to make coffee. Upon his return, Shizuo had placed the star on top and finished setting up the wires, switching the light on. The tree blinked a series of colors, giving off a warm glow in the house. Shizuo sat on the floor and Izaya kneeled beside him, wrapping his arms around his neck.
“Next year there will be three of us.” He murmured looking at Shizuo.
The blonde smiled and rubbed his lover’s head. “Let’s make this one special.”
Izaya felt something was a bit off, but ignored it and nodded. “Yea, I look forward to it.” He said and blinked noting there was already a present under the tree…
Izaya blinked and lifted up a little, feeling warm arms constrict around him a little more. He looked down to see Shizuo sleeping under him, and chuckled noting they were on the couch instead of the bed. The date hit him, and he laid a light kiss on his lover’s forehead.
“Merry Christmas, Shizu-chan.”
Shizuo woke up a little and smiled. “Merry Christmas to you too, Izaya.”
Izaya decided a shower was the first order of business, and went to take a hot shower quickly. He felt energized, and happy, lathering his body in warm water and soap. When he had rinsed off, got out and brushed his teeth, he switched with Shizuo and went to get dressed. Izaya noted that his hair was getting quite long and toyed with the long locks.
“I’ll have to cut it soon.” He murmured, looking for a stranded bobby pin to hold the hair out of his eyes.
He heard the water turn off and Shizuo emerges not soon after. He smiled at the damp mop on his head, and in turn received a curious glare from Shizuo.
“We’ll need hair cuts soon. And the blonde dye is coming out of yours as well.” He pointed out; though he liked the dirty blonde-ish look Shizuo was sporting.
“I’ll ask Kasuka if his stylist could do that for us.” He suggested looking at his hair. “We’ll do it before New Years.”
Izaya nodded and rushed Shizuo to get dressed so they could open presents. He rushed into the living area and found their small tree had accumulated a few more gifts; most of them drop off ones from friends. Shizuo came out and sat next to the tree pulling out Izaya’s gifts first, purposely leaving his gift under the tree. Izaya complained a bit, but opened his gift from Kadota, an outfit he was too big to wear at the moment.
Shizuo chuckled and prompted him to open another after Izaya threw a fit about it. His next gift was from Celty; a cute hair brush set for the baby, and he threw another fit.
“I have to wait another month until I can use this!” he huffed.
“Well at least we have it now, so we won’t have to scramble for it later.” Shizuo offered helpfully.
Izaya rolled his eyes and unwrapped his gift from Shinra, a wide grin spreading on his face. He received a full body massage mat for when Shizuo isn’t there, this time Shizuo throwing a small fit.
“When school starts again you won’t be here for most of the day, right? I’ll use it then.” He said and pointed to the box. “That’s my last one.”
Shizuo nodded and handed it to him, Izaya looking at it curiously.
“Jewelry?” he asked once he uncovered the navy box.
“Open it.”
Izaya looked at the silver rings inside and blushed taking one out. He tried it on his ring finger and huffed not being able to slip it on, thus wearing it on his index finger. He took out the other and held out his hand to Shizuo for his hand. Shizuo shook his head.
“You wear them. Both of them.”
“But these are couple engagement rings. I can’t wear both; you gotta take one.” Izaya said with a little pout.
“I have large fingers, louse. They won’t fit on my fingers.” Shizuo said embarrassed. “So wear the other one for me…”
Izaya placed the other on his other finger and looked at Shizuo, who smiled at him lovingly. Izaya smiled back giving Shizuo his gift. He felt really awkward now. Why was Shizuo being this way? The blonde marveled at the new outfit Izaya bought him and made conversation with him.
This is wrong. Something is wrong and he’s trying to hide it.
What are you hiding from me Shizu-chan?
“Anyways, Shinra says to come over for a check up since it’s possible for you to have a premature labor.” Shizuo said cutting into Izaya’s thoughts. “Do you want me to come?”
Izaya shook his head. “I can manage by myself. I’ll go get ready and be back soon with some Russian Sushi.”
Shizuo nodded and yawned. “I’ll most likely sleep for the rest of the day.”
“Have a good rest then.” He said kissing the other’s forehead and went to freshen up a bit before leaving to Shinra’s house. The brunette was waiting for him in the medical room he had set up while Celty cleaned up the place. Lying on the table, he felt the cold gelatin be rubbed on his tummy and saw the image pop up on the screen. Shinra observed carefully and smiled.
“It’s a bit late, but I can confirm that your child is going to be a boy. And he seems to be very healthy as well.” Shinra said with glee.
Izaya stared at the screen and bit his lip. A boy. Will he look like Shizuo, just like he saw in his dreams? Shinra removed the probe and looked at Izaya curiously, sensing something was off.
“What’s wrong Izaya? You look rather down today even though it’s Christmas.” Shinra asked.
Izaya sat up and pulled his shirt down gripping the edge of the table, and looked at Shinra. “Is there a possibility your experiment that caused me to get pregnant to affect the other party..?”
Shinra went awfully quiet, and went to close the door. Izaya looked at Shinra, his dormant fears beginning to surface. The teen doctor turned to face Izaya and sighed taking off his glasses.
“I knew this day was coming soon.” He muttered.
“What the hell are you talking about…Does this have something to do with Shizu-chan?” Izaya asked trembling.
Shinra nodded, placing his glasses on and sat down folding his hands. “Izaya, I firstly want to apologize to you both. You know I would never intentionally cause harm to either you or Shizuo-san.” He took a deep breath. “The fluid I injected you with, like I did Maxi, did give you the ability to house an egg that needs a sperm in order to grow. When Maxi and the mouse he conceived with had successfully mated with one another, the other mouse died not one week later.”
Izaya’s eyes widened. “What did he die from..?”
“It was poison, from semen, and a chemical reaction from the injection. It died in its sleep. If Shizuo…uhm swallowed you during the first three months then he could have it.”
Izaya gave him a worried look. Shizuo had been really sleepy as of late. “Please tell me there’s something you can do… Does Shizu-chan know about this?”
“I told him a little of what could happen…”
Izaya banged his fist on the table. “Dammit, Shinra, why didn’t you tell me this sooner?!?” he cried out, tears now falling down his face. “Shit, and after I made such a comment to him…”
‘Next year there will be three of us!’
“Who even knows if he’ll make it to next year…”
‘These are a couple’s engagement ring. You gotta wear one!’
“Like hell we can get married…”
Shinra stood up and walked to the door. “I’ll leave you some time alone. In the mean time, I’ll call Shizuo and tell him you know. I can’t predict when Shizuo may die… It could be tomorrow.”
“Don’t say things like that!” Izaya yelled as Shinra closed the door.
The teen heard quiet sobbing on the other side and bit on his lip, unable to do anything. Celty came beside him and wrapped her arms around the other.
“I’m a despicable person Celty. I caused harm to my friends.”

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