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Happy Birthday to Miguel, the God of Destruction a.k.a best boi!




28th April 23.50 PM

Hanadori's POV

It's been a long day. The teacher gave us tons of homework and the worse part was, they're all due tomorrow. I finally managed to complete them after what seemed like eternity. Well, I guess it's kinda my fault too for not doing it sooner. I put my books in my bag and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

After that, I immediately aimed for my bed. As I was about to face dive myself onto it, I heard my phone rang. "Ugh who the fuck is calling at this hour?" I grumbled.

I walked over to my study table and picked up my phone. As soon as I saw the caller, all of my anger and stress was lifted off of my shoulder. It was Gestöber. I stared at my phone in awe. But my mind still wondered why was he calling this late.

I answered the call. "Hello?" I spoke through the phone.

"Hey, Hanadori. Were you sleeping?" His soothing voice was heard from the other side.

"I was about to, actually. What's up?"

"Happy Birthday~" I heard him say cheerfully.

"Wait, what?"

"Pfft- It's your birthday, idiot." He giggled.

I turned to look at my clock on my side table. It reads 00:00.

"That's today?!"

"Duh. Did you stay up late doing homework again? I already told you to do it right away at school." I could picture the pouty look on his face in my mind. 'Cute.'

"Ahahaha yea sorry, I'll keep that in mind. And why are you staying up this late?"

"Well, I... wanna be the first to wish you." He said in a soft tone.

My cheeks went flush pink at his words. "Awww~ Thanks." I beamed at myself.

"Well, I'm gonna let you sleep then. Good night!"

"Good night!" I hung up the phone and sat it down on my side table. I flopped down onto my bed with an idiotic smile plastered on my face.

'Gestöber is so sweet.' I thought to myself with a light pink tint on my cheeks.

~Time skip ~

29th April 07.30 AM

Seri's POV

'Ugh I'm so tired!' I groaned to myself as I was on my way to school. I woke up extra early today so I could reach school before anyone else could. Well, to be specific, before Hanadori could.

I reached into my hoodie's pocket and clenched onto a small blue box. 'I really hope he'll like it.' As I was about to enter the school gates, a familiar voice was heard from behind me.

"My my Seri-kun~ You're awfully early today."

'Shit. I forgot about Tsukimiya.' I mentally facepalmed.

"Does it has anything to do with Hanadori's birthday?" He cooed with his usual shit-eating grin.

'Double shit.'

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