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Yep, you read the tittle and you saw the pic. I'm breaking Hanadori and Seri up and making this a Tsukimiya x Hanadori FF UwU 😍

I suggest you to leave if you don't wanna break your little Fujoshi and HanaSeri heart 💔 (if u have one LOL)

Status: Boyfriends (?)


3rd person's POV

~After school~

"Seri-kun, can you accompany me to the lab? I left something there." Begged Seikatsu, putting her index fingers together trying to make a cute face. "No." The cat boy answered blankly, not even looking at the girl. "Please!!!" Seikatsu started shaking his arm.

"Go ask someone else!" Seri yelled, obviously annoyed while trying to wiggle his arm from her grip. "PLEASE!" Seikatsu shook his arm more violently. (Kash, if ur reading this, u know how it feels right? 😂)

"OKAY FINE!" Seri finally gave in, getting up from his seat. "Yay! Thanks!" The purple haired girl cheered while pulling Seri out of the classroom. Seri let out a sigh while trying to keep up with Seikatsu.

~After they went to the lab~

The pair returned back to the classroom after retrieving Seikatsu's book from the lab. It was quiet. Obviously because most of the students had gone home already, so Seri assumed there was no one in the classroom. Or so he thought.

As Seri slid open the door, he saw it, his one and only nightmare, coming true, right before his eyes. He saw Hanadori, at his seat, probably doing homework and...

Sitting in Tsukimiya's lap as he back hugged Hanadori.

Seri froze. His eyes and jaw wide open as he felt his whole world stop. "WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?!"

The 'couple' turned to Seri's direction. Then turned to look at each other. Hanadori began to get up from his position and walked over to the dumbfounded boy, followed by Tsukimiya.

"Oh, hey, Koyuki." Hanadori began to speak. Which left Seri in more shock as he heard his actual name leaving the pseudo God's lips. "I guess I didn't tell you yet. I'm suddenly drawn to Tsukimiya now. So I guess..." Hanadori scratched the back of his neck and adverted his eyes to the side.

"I'm breaking up with you."

Seri's legs shifted a little. His eyes started to water. Then, he began to run. He ran through the hallways as fast as he could, like his life depends on it. Well, in this situation, it's more like his soul depends on it. (Lmao idk)

Hanadori, feeling bad, quickly ran after him, calling out his name along the way. He followed Seri until he managed to catch up with him. Without realising, the two ended up in the garden behind the school.

When it seems like Seri had slowed down, Hanadori ran up to him and wrapped his arms around the brunette's body. "What do you want?!" Seri squirmed in Hanadori's arms as more tears flowed down his cheeks.

"Hey, hey, calm down and let me explain..." Hanadori whispered, stroking his soft chestnut hair. "You don't have to explain anything. I get it! JUST LET ME GO!" Seri bawled, trying to push Hanadori away.

"Shhh... Just calm down and hear me out..." The pseudo God said in a soothing tone, hugging Seri tighter.

Just as Hanadori was about to open his mouth, Tsukimiya (with his phone on record) and Seikatsu appeared out of no where.

"HAPPY APRIL FOOLS!!!" They all shouted in unison.

Seri snapped his eyes open and lightly pushed Hanadori from his body. "THIS WAS A PRANK?!!" His face started to burn up in embarrassment as he was cornered by the three of them.

"Yep." Tsukimiya answered laughing his ass off as he kept on recording.

"I- YOU IDIOTS!" Seri shouted as he covered his face with his hands, still processing what just happened. He felt the warmth of Hanadori's body on him again. Hanadori brought one hand up to Seri's face, wiping of his tears with his fingers.

"You know I would never replace you, Gestöbabe 💗" He kissed Seri's forehead.

Seri's face became redder as he wrapped his arms around Hanadori's neck and buried his face in his chest. "You owe me all those tears." He murmured, loud enough for his boyfriend to hear.

"Okay, see you tonight~" Hanadori purred.

"That's not what I meant!" Seri looked up to Hanadori, face all flustered. Hanadori chuckled as he pulled Seri closer to tighten the hug.


Seikatsu: Ne, Tsukimiya-kun, send me the vid later. (●♡∀♡)

Tsukimiya: Pfft- Of course! 😂📱


A/N: Lmao bet y'all already saw that coming right? HAPPY APRIL FOOLS! (I'm not supposed to celebrate this event cuz of my religion but I think writing a FF is fine... I think)


I'm also sorry if there's any spelling or grammatical errors... Hope y'all like it! Comment below if you have any thoughts, questions or critiques...

Updates may be slower after this cuz school is starting and I still have tons of hw and my phone keeps crashing 😭😭😭

So if you guys aren't satisfied, you can check out my Bokuhaka reading list for more amazing stories written by very talented authors.
(Note: some of them are in Spanish so I recommend you to read them in Chrome where there's a Google translate feature)

Love y'all! Have a great day/night!

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