Behind The Door (Re-Written)

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Carson walked past multiple empty but clean rooms, and the body of the man who had begged for his life was being cleaned up after his organs were donated to help others.

In a way Aryes was a good guy but just really didn't seem as such.

Carson felt intimidated by this, and mainly by Aryes.
But also a little aroused even, he didn't know how strong this man really is.

It was extraordinary and it made him ponder of what else this man can do and just how daring is he?

Carson was awoken from his deep thoughts by Aryes chuckling a bit, only to ask in his deep and somewhat husky voice, god damn he was sexy.

"So how has your day been?"

"It's good, sorry I spaced out, and how was yours?"

Carson had to watch what he said, he didn't want to cause any unwanted tension between them.
Because he was very interested in Aryes.
Hell he wanted to already be dominated by this powerful man.
To just be around Aryes, Carson's knees had already started shaking and his heart was racing making his blood pump faster then it should've been.
And god the arousal from Aryes's heavy scent is almost to much to bare.

Aryes replied politely only to become silent for a bit, until he opened a door to a nice room, a chair made for chiropractors to help their patients in the middle of a scentless room, that's how clean it was.
The equipment was very nice and it was all brand new.
He must just use this as a side gig or a hobby, something.

"Please sit on the table and I'll be with you."


Carson did as told and sat on the table, he was short compared to Aryes, and the table was even a bit big.

Aryes quickly closed the door and walked out of the room, he was going to do something and address other things and whatnot, he was constantly busy so of course Carson would have to wait.

And he did for about 15 minutes until Aryes gently opened the door and came back in, putting on gloves and getting prepped to help Carson.
Just some paperwork and they talked about where his pain was and what could've caused it.

"Lay down please, stomach down."

"Oh ok."

Carson did as told, laying on his stomach.

"Now put your arms to your sides and just relax alright.
Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth."

Carson took those deep breaths and put his arms to his sides, being a bit nervous because he had a really heavy feeling..
He was reminded of Alpha scratching his back and scarring him for life.

Then Aryes told him what he would do, how he was going to do it, and that Carson just needed to follow him and relax.
And of course Carson could talk if he wanted to make conversation.


".. God.
I have a lot of people in my life that I just don't give two shits about...
I'm constantly training these amateur cheerleaders and they think they're better then me just because they can do a handstand-"

Aryes popped Carson's back in a way, making Carson groan but it sounded like a moan from just how good it felt.
Carson blushed a lot and wanted to curl up and die from the amount of embarrassment.

"I am so sorry."

"Heh, it's quite alright."

Aryes found it.. Cute.
He found it interesting how someone could go from angry to shy, to happy, to all of these other emotions so quickly, and he felt Carson's heart racing, so of course this would be a fun challenge.
Bud for now he just enjoyed himself and the shyness of Carson, now a bit interested in him.

"Now, what where you saying?"

"I.. I actually forgot.. Heh."
"I knew you could make peoples backs feel better but I never knew you could make someone lose their thoughts."

This made Aryes chuckle more, making him slightly smirk and just continue his job even if this did make him feel an emotion he hasn't felt in a long time.

After the appointment was done Carson had never felt better in all his life, and god, he was grateful.

And Aryes was intrigued with Carson, feeling a wave of emotions that he thought he had permanently cut off.

.. What was Aryes feeling..?

Aryes X Carson BLM Story (100% Re-Written)Where stories live. Discover now