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~disclaimer: I am not responsible for any emotional trauma, screaming, crying, or general loathing this fanfic may or may not cause (istg after this part it gets better just stay with me here bitches)~

Kirishima's alarm buzzed loudly, he was a very heavy sleeper and tended to sleep through several alarms before finally waking up. 

The class was off for the weekend as usual but Kirishima actually had important business to tend to. 

He'd had spent the year building up a friendship with Katsuki Bakugou, one of the strongest students in class 1-A, he had done this to learn all of Bakugou's vulnerabilities. This weekend, Kiri would be prying for more information on Bakugou, he had a big mission coming up soon and had to make sure Bakugou was ready for it.

Kiri groaned and finally got up, shutting down the alarm and sitting up on the bed. The sun was beating down on him through the window, as he stretched his arms behind his head.

Kirishima's dorm was messy and unorganized, training supplies and clothes everywhere as he tried to get dressed. 

His burner phone buzzed, but it was just the usual, 'get to know him' texts from Shigaraki. He rolled his eyes and put the phone back.

Kirishima finished getting dressed and rushed out the door to the kitchen, beginning to make breakfast for both him and Bakugou.

Bakugou was up training as always, waking up at the crack of dawn to train himself until he nearly broke. It was all just to get stronger, of course, he could always be stronger.

Once he finished, he remembered he had a hangout scheduled with Kirishima. 

Eijiro Kirishima, the one guy who managed to get close to him and stay there. He had to admit he was a good friend, and Bakugou trusted him which was a lot considering it was him.

Bakugou walked over to the locker room quickly pulling on a tank-top out of his bag and putting it on so he wasn't walking around shirtless. 

He started walking back to the dorms, checking his phone for anything important. When he got back he went to find Kiri in the kitchen knowing he'd probably be up by now making some food.

Kirishima was frying some eggs and had some bread in the toaster. He was making a classic American breakfast that he had seen on TV before. 

He turned to face Bakugou, his face lighting up as he smiled.

"Oh hey, Bakubro! I forgot you always wake up so early" He slid the eggs onto a plate and used the same pan to begin frying some bacon. "I made enough food for the both of us if you wanted some" he shrugged.

He looked at the food, he thought it was basic but it smelled extremely good especially since he hadn't eaten yet. 

"Hey shitty hair, sure I'll have some I guess... thanks" He added the "thanks" quickly at the end. 

Bakugou was putting an effort into trying to be a little nicer lately. Kirishima was always telling him to anyways so he figured he'd try at least for him.

Kirishima smiled and got the toast out of the toaster, setting it down on the same plate, he also took the bacon and threw it on the plate. 

"You seem like you're in a good mood, Bakubro!" Kirishima took the big plate of food to one of the small tables, setting it down in the middle so they could both eat at the same time.

"I guess I am... I usually am after a workout anyways" He followed Kirishima over to the table and sat down next to him. 

 "Looks good, shitty hair" Bakugou commented, sincerely. Kiri was the only one he ever complimented. 

"Thanks!" He smiled brightly and sat at the table. 

Kirishima may have been a villain, but he was always a pretty positive and optimistic person. He sat down at the table, setting a fork down for Bakugo and another down for him. The bacon was still steaming as he grabbed a piece. 

 "So, Bakubro, where did you wanna go later?"

Bakugou grabbed the fork and took a couple bites of the eggs before answering. He was impressed with Kirishima's cooking skills, almost none of their peers in 1-A could cook anything to save their life. 

"I don't really care... boba? We could go to the park or whatever to chill after if you want" Truth is he just wanted to spend more time with him... Kirishima was his best friend after all, and he never really had friends before him and UA.

"Ooh, boba sounds really good right now" Kiri exclaimed, sighing and thinking of all the flavors he had tried before. 

"We can go get ramen for lunch! You know, at that little shop I showed you?" Kirishima did care about Bakugo of course. However, he mostly only cared about the fact that Bakugo was important to the mission and how he had to get more information on him quickly.

"Sure, sounds good I guess" 

Bakugou ate some more until he was full and sat back in his chair thinking, not really about anything in particular. 

He did wonder why Kirishima was always so nice to him and all but that was honestly his daily confusion, he never could figure out why Kiri even liked being his friend in the first place.

Kirishima nodded, stretching out his arms once more and getting up to take the plate to the sink.

He was generally nice to everyone in the hero course, as he needed to be on their good sides so he'd never be suspected. 

Kirishima's burner phone buzzed.

"Bzzz bzzz" it was an incoming call from Shigaraki. 

He instantly panicked, quickly turning to Bakugo and saying, "I- I've gotta go! I'll cya in a few hours!" 

Bakugou stared after him confused, wondering why he was so jumpy at a phone call. Maybe it was just his family or something he thought... Kirishima did mention now and then that he didn't like his family much or something like that.

Kiri had rushed off to the elevator, closing the door and answering the call. 

Shigaraki got straight to the point, "Well? What do you have so far? We've been waiting for any new information forever, this guy is so goddamn boring" 

Kirishima smiled, "Ah, don't be mean, he's not that bad once you get to know him. We're gonna go out today, for food, I'll try to get some more info then."

"Good." Shigaraki hung up, leaving Kiri relieved.

He walked back to his dorm, sighing and heading inside. 

He began to take notes about his interaction with Bakugo that day. The League expected this mission to end within the next few weeks, so the weight was really building up on Kirishima's shoulders.

Bakugou had washed the plate and put it away after Kiri left, he was now in his room on his phone trying to pass the time. 

His thoughts wandered a bit to Kirishima and he started thinking about him again, suddenly he caught himself and shook his head trying to clear his mind. 

For some reason Bakugou just couldn't stop thinking about him... it was starting to weird him out.

~I'll probably be motivated enough to write down the next part tomorrow dw~

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