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~I really dk what to name this part lmaoo be warned it gets- e m o t i o n a l~

Kiri had been in distress for the past few hours, his own boyfriend had been kidnapped and it was his fault. He sat at the LOV's bar counter, watching an unconscious Bakugou. They had put the same restraints from the sports festival on him, rendering him harmless. The league had been waiting for him to wake up so they could explain how everything would go.

After a bit, Bakugou slowly woke up opening his eyes a little. Once he realized he was restrained he went absolutely batshit, trying anything to get out a bit, moving every which way he could think of. He hated being trapped like this and he was terrified of what was going on. 

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!" Bakugou's eyes were darting all around the bar and were unable to focus.

Shigaraki got up in front of him and blocked Bakugou's view of Kiri as he went on his usual villain monologue. Kiri had his head down on the counter, with his arms covering his ears, he couldn't bear to listen to Bakugou this way.

Bakugou was still yelling and trying to get out throughout the whole long boring speech. He was also asking what the fuck was going on and where was he and why the hell he was here?! The blond was extremely worried about Kiri thinking, 'Did they get him too?! If they didn't he must be so worried about me- I have to fucking get out of here' he didn't put any of the dots together in his panic.

Shigaraki interrupted Bakugou's thoughts, "You are gonna join the League of Villains! You'll be the talk of the city, everyone will be scared of a UA first-year turned villain! It's perfect" he maniacally laughed as toga happily hopped over. 

 "You look so pretty! I bet your blood tastes amazing as well!-" She was cut off by someone.  

"Back off, Toga, he's not your blood bag." Kiri spoke, annoyed as he sat there.

Bakugou instantly stopped thrashing about at the voice... he knew that voice. No no no no NO- he knew that fucking voice... he sat for a solid few minutes thinking, his face looked horrified and scared and betrayed coming to a realization and he couldn't find any words.

Eventually, he choked out "S-so dunce face was telling the truth huh?" small tears were beginning to form in his eyes but he held them back.

Kirishima felt his heart drop as he stood up from the counter and looked over to Bakugo.

"I'm... sorry Bakugou.." He looked more ominous than before, he was wearing dark clothes now and his usual bright smile was nowhere to be found.

Bakugou looked up at Kiri, he didn't even recognize him anymore... this person was not the same Kiri he'd known all year and started to love. 

"....You- you fucking traitor! So what?! Were you dating me just to get closer to me?! Just so I'd join this little league of villain scum?!" His mind was racing currently, he was also trying to process what Shigaraki had said, about hero morals and all... he admits the even sometimes he doubts the way hero's work but he'd never... would he? NO... Well- 

No. Bakugou wasn't thinking straight, and clearly couldn't here.

"No that's not why-" Kiri paused, he didn't want to lie anymore. "At first it was.." he admitted, "But- but I mean it now, I swear!" He looked desperate as he pleaded for Bakugou to believe him. 

Shigaraki rolled his eyes,"Shut up we already got him, idiot." He growled and turned back to Bakugou, "So, what do you say? I mean you don't really have a choice, if you say no we'll just kill you and your little boyfriend!" He smiled widely.

Getting Him To Snap || traitor!Kirishima x BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now