Ch 3

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"How is he doctor? Is he going to be fine? He won't die right? Not serious right?!".

Yibo attacks the doctor with questions as soon as he leaves the surgery room.

"Calm down, he is fine, the bullet didn't hit a dangerous area". Yibo release a heavy sigh and sit on the floor.

"We will take him to ICU, you can't see him today, we will keep our eyes on him to avoid symptoms". He nodded to the doctor and stand up to bow to him.

"Thank You So Much Doctor".

"Don't thank me yet, be thankful that I know you, I was having a hard time convincing the nurses to not call the police, they say it might be something related to illegal things which leads to gun shot, I hope they will not open a file to this" The doctor sighed and Yibo kept bowing to him.

"Sorry for troubling you doctor, and thank you for not filing a case to this, I will try to talk to the boss and fake a case, in case the police asked about him".

"That will help us, anyway, tell his family to visit him tomorrow".

"I Will Do That".


Yibo leave the hospital and go to see his boss. He enters the office and see his boss in a deep thought, not that long the door open and a man enter in a hurry to give the boss some papers.

"Boss, it turns out that this is a gang hired by Wen's group, which is one of Song's groups enemies, and the one who shoot is the gang leader".

"Ok, Thanks, you can leave". The man bowed before he leaves, Yibo look at his boss and get closer.

"Boss, what is----".

"They told me to not tell you".

"Eeh?! Why? It's My Mission!". His boss looks at him and sighed.

"How is your friend??".



"Boss what is the plan?!". Yibo asked hoping this time his boss will tell him what to do, he is so angry because of what happened to his best friend, he wants to take revenge, he can't let it go just like that.


His boss still doesn't know what to tell him, this will put him in a difficult situation and make him confused.

"BOSS PLEASE!". Yibo's shouts makes him turn to look at him.

"......Ok Then, are you willing to kill someone?".

"Yes I Am!". Yibo said firmly, he is mad whenever he remembers Hao Xuan.


"SURE! 100% READY!". He shouts and his boss sighed and open his laptop.

"Even if it was this person??".

He plays the video and turn his laptop to Yibo to let him see the shooting part, and a small profile on the right side on the screen showing the person's information, Yibo's eyes widened, and his mind went blank, he felt like his heart will stop any moment.


His boss stops the video and look at Yibo calmly.

".....Bowen took the mission instead of you, he told me to not tell you, but....What do you want to do now? Saving Song Jiyang who is your best friend's friend who got shoot and almost die? Or killing the one you admire?".

".... Impossible". Yibo still in his shocking mood, his boss expects this, so he didn't argue with him more.

"You can think about it, I will respect whatever you decide, you can leave".

Without any word, Yibo walks slowly to the door and leave the office, the boss sighed as he looks at the handsome boy on the screen.

"Xiao Zhan....What is your next move?!".


Yibo enter his apartment and close the door slowly, he walks to his room and sit on his bed holding his head, a smile from Xiao Zhan flashed in his mind, but a gunshot covers it and make his heart in pain.

"What An Angel".

He said to himself sadly, he thought Xiao Zhan is a pure angel, but now....His friend almost killed and now they will kill his friend, he is a killer not an angel, a demon in an angel face, no wonder his gang called black angel.

He needs to do something, but he doesn't know what? Killing the person he admires and saving his best friend's friend, or letting him go? It's so complicated that his head hurts him.

A message from his boss makes him frown when he read it. I

*I wanted to give you time to think and I will respect your decision, but sorry, there is no time, Bowen in the hospital now, he got three shoots, no time to think, this guy is so dangerous, come now*

Yibo felt a heavy load on his heart, he needs to do something fast, or his friends will get killed by him, he takes a deep breath and release it.

"What's wrong is wrong, no other choice".


His boss was waiting patiently when the door opened and Yibo enter with his flat expressions.

".......I'm Ready To Go".

"Good, I leave it to you".

Yibo bowed and leave the office to get ready for his mission, he stops and think about something, he takes out his phone and send a message to his brother then close it to take his gun and take a deep breath before he releases it slowly.

"I have to do it". He said slowly and look at the photo on his phone.

"Xuan, Bowen..... It's for you".


From the other side, Hai Kuan took out his phone when a message arrived from his brother, he read it and tilt his head as he didn't know why his brother asked this from him.

"Who is it??". Another guy was sitting next to him asked him.

"My brother, he is requesting something from me".

"Are you going to do it for him??". Hai Kuan smile at him as he replying to the message.

"He is my brother and rarely asking for my help, so I will not turn him down".  His friend holds his hand to stop him.

"But....What if something happ----".

"Even if something happens, I don't care anymore". He cut him but his friend hugs him.

"Kuan....You know that your brother is an agent of your rival company, please don't do that, you have a family, what will happen to them if something happens to you??". Hai Kuan closes his eyes and pat his friends back.

"They will be targeted, but I know that Yibo will save them, I have you too, so I am not worried about them, I gave you three letters, one for Xiao Zhan and the other one for Yibo, and the last one for my wife and kids, please deliver it to them, I know that after this....they will finish me, please....take care of my brother and my family, here take this Key....". His friend took it and looked at him with a teary eye.

"For what??". Hai Kuan smile for him and pat his head.

"Go there and hide, and here is your new phone with new number so they can't track you, you just need to cover your face, I don't want them to find you, I did all the necessary things already, I even changed your name, there is no one called Jin GaoYao, you are Zhu Zanjin now". He gives all the documents and the new phone to his friend, and his friend who named Zanjin starts crying, Hai Kuan patting his back.

"Please, Leave, I don't want you to be part of this mess at all, please". Zanjin hugged him tightly.

"Kuan....I'm afraid".

"Don't be, I will always be with you here". He places his hand in his chest and makes him cry more.


I Hope You Will Like This Chapter.... ^O^I Will Update Soon... o(^^o)♡

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