Last Chapter 14

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Zan Jin looked at the crying Yibo and give him a tissue.

"The file you gave the boss when you saved Hai Kuan's wife, they work on it and they catch the Wen gang and put them in jail, the file was evidence to their dark and dirty tricks, that's why they wanted to kill his wife". Yibo wipe his face and remember the file, since that day he didn't hear anything from the boss or anything related to the missions, dose what Hai Kuan write is true? He is no longer a member in the company.

"I have something for you from Hai Kuan, but he told me to give it to you as a graduation gift, so wait until you graduate". He smiles to him and Yibo pouted, he wants everything now.

Before he can say anything his phone ring and it was Zhuo Cheng.

"Yes Zhuo Cheng? How is Zhan??". 

"He... He is suffering from neuro brain cancer". Yibo dropped the tissue from his hand and felt like a cold water splashed on his head.

"The doctor in charge of his condition said that he need an urgent surgery, but it will cause a lot". 

"How much?". 

"You don't have that -----".

"Just tell me how much!". He shouted and Zhuo Cheng sighed, but before he talk a nurse entered and cut him.

"Patient Wang Xiao Zhan Disappeared From His Room!". 



Yibo speed up his car to a certain place Zan Jin told him that Xiao Zhan might be there, if he is not wrong Xiao Zhan will go there to clear his might, especially after reading the letter from Hai Kuan, as he though, he saw him sitting in front of his brother grave but not is a good condition, he was in the ground breathing heavily while holding his head.

"Zhan!!". He rushed next to him, and hold his shoulders, but Xiao Zhan pushes him away.

"D-Don't...Touch ME!". Xiao Zhan shown a knife and point it at him.

"What are you trying to do to yourself?". He said firmly and Xiao Zhan cry.

"I don't deserve to live, I don't deserve a kind treatment, why he is the one who left? Why not me?". He cry and Yibo wanted to step closer to him, but he points the knife on his neck.

"Don't Come Closer!! Or I Will Kill Myself!". He shouts and Yibo feel angry.

"Oh yeah? Here? In front of My Brother Grave! Do You Think He Will Be Happy To See The Person He Once Saved Killing Himself Because Of Him?!! What Are You Thinking!!!". He shouts at him and make him cry more.

"I...I'm sorry.....I am Sorry....".

"What about the three boys and the other members? What will try do after your going? Who will guide them??". Just then, Yibo's phone ring and it was Gou Cheng, so he answered.

"Yes Gou Cheng?". 

"I heard that Zhan-gege went to the hospital, is he ok?". Yibo looked at Xiao Zhan and smile.

"Yes he is, you can talk to him, wait". He give the phone to Xiao Zhan who looked at him, Yibo signaled to him to talk so he took the phone and put it near his ears.

"G-Gou Cheng?".

"Zhan-gege, please return home safe, we are so sorry for making you angry, we will not do that again, please return home fine". He said and Xiao Zhan smile softly, a smile that make Yibo melt and feel relieved.

"I-I Will, tell them to wait for me, ok?? Be a good brother for them and don't fight, guide them well,.....I trust you on them". He said as he hold his head and try to sound normal. Gou Cheng felt there is something wrong in Xiao Zhan's voice, he turns to look at the two boys who were arguing not far from him and take a deep breath.

"I Will Not Let You Down Zhan-gege, believe in me". Xiao Zhan smile before he hung up and pass out on the ground.

"Zhan!". Yibo take the knife away and throw it before he carries him between his arms and rushed to his car, he places him on the back seat and drive like crazy to the hospital, when he arrived to the hospital, he carries him inside and call for Doctor Zhou Cheng.

"". Xiao Zhan call him slowly as he grabs his shirt with his reminded power.

"Don't Talk Now! You Need To Rest!!". He said panicky but Xiao Zhan ignores him.

"I-If something.....Happened to me....T-Take care of the boys....And I----".

"Stop Saying That!! Nothing Will Happens To You!!". Yibo shout at him but Xiao Zhan smile.

"....I....I am Sorry....I....I Do Love Kuan-ge but.....I Love You Too.....Yibo".

Yibo look at him stunningly, he can't process what is going on now, Xiao Zhan close his eyes and lose his conscious between his arms before Zhou Cheng arrived to him and take him to the emergency room.

"...Zhan....I can't let you go like this, I make my decision, My One And Only Decision".


*6 months passed*

Yibo open the window to breath a fresh air while talking over the phone.

"Shut Up Xuan! You Bring That To Yourself! You Forget Your Appointment With Him Two Times, Of Course He Will Get Mad At You!". He said annoyingly and take a glass full of water and splash it on the tree outside.

"Just Go And Keep Apologizing, I don't Know What To Say More, Bye!". He hung up with a sigh, he turns to look at the angel in human form sleeping on the bed innocently, he smiles and hold his hand.

"Zhan...Are you dreaming of something nice?? You didn't stop smiling?? Is it ME!! Hahaha Kidding~". He giggles at himself but then he sighed, he knows that he won't receive any answer from him, because he is in a coma.

On the day Yibo return Xiao Zhan to the hospital in his worse state, Zhou Cheng already connected his friend from the next city to come and help him to perform the surgery, lucky that he arrived on time and they start the surgery, the surgery was a success, but Xiao Zhan already entered a coma.

Doctor Zhou Cheng's friend suggest that he will take Xiao Zhan with him overseas to watch over him more carefully, Zhou Cheng hesitate because he don't have the amount of money to transfer him overseas, Yibo enter and give him a card and say he have the money for everything,  which make Yibo give some money to Guo Cheng, and his sister in-law, and the remainder he went with Xiao Zhan overseas to stay next to him, for now Yibo need to be the one next to him.

Xiao Zhan's condition is improving day by day, he even responding to them when they tell him to hold their hand, but he still can't open his eyes.

"Wake up already, I miss you my angel". He kiss his forehead, he breaks the kiss when his phone ring for a notification, Yibo look at his phone and frown.

"Oh No I Forgot To Order My Favorite Food! It Will End Soon!!".

He rushed out and close the door, a small bird stands on the tree and start to tweet before another one come to join him, the soft and warm breeze full up the room and make the angel smile softly and open his eyes slowly.


~The End~

Now this fic ended officially~ Yaaaaay~....\(^o^)/

Thank you for this fic until the end, and sorry if I make you wait....*Bow*
Thanks again and see you in my other works...*Chu~*(~ ˘ ³˘)~♡

Tell me Your thought please~...(◠‿・)-☆ 

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