Chapter 26

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        I groaned once I heard my name, the inevitable dread of waking up filled my thoughts. I could literally feel the sunlight drifting in, causing the sudden glare in my vision. Rolling over, I blinked my lids rapidly, making out the shape of a blob sitting directly in front of me.

        The blob suddenly move, coming closer towards me. That’s when I smelt it. The fresh body odor that I was beginning to recognize as Bradlee’s.

        My eyes widened, gasping in shock as the situation dawned on me. Halting upright, I pulled the blankets closer towards my body, feeling the intense heat rising up to my cheeks. Ducking my head down in embarrassment, I started mumbling incoherent sentences under my breath, hoping to dear God I didn’t do anything humiliating while I was sleeping. How the hell did I even managed to fall asleep while waiting for him?

        “Um . . .  I’m sorry,” I mumbled quietly, staring at the clear satin sheets, wishing it could just swallow me whole. Anything would be better than this.

        “Sorry, what?” he asked, as the bed dipped. Seeing his hand reaching out for mine, I let him, feeling the warmth of his body heat. “I couldn’t read your lips.”

        I shook my head, before I looked up, meeting those intense eyes of his surrounded by specks of green. “Nothing.”

        “You sure?”

        “Ah, yeah.” I nodded shyly, retracting my hand. “How long have I been asleep for?”

        He shrugged. “A few hours.”        

        “A few hours!” I managed to choke out. “What time is it?!” My mom is going to kill me if she knew I skipped school!

        Pulling out his cellphone, he showed me the time, before I calmed down slightly. It was only two o’clock. Thank gosh.

        “Do you still want your soup?” Bradlee asked, as I gazed up at him. “I just finished reheating it up.”

        I bit my lips guilty, pulling at the metal rings. “Sorry you had to do that.”

        “I—ah.” He paused briefly, before shielding his face away from me. Coughing awkwardly he stood up abruptly, before he beelined towards Skylar’s desk on the other side of the room.

        I tilt my head in confusion at his weird behavior, watching him carefully as he brought the bowl of soup over. Sniffing the air, I smelled the sweet aroma of tomatoes combined with the earthy scent of basil mixed with a subtle hint of rosemary. My mouth watered hungrily, as I heard the distinct sound of a grumble.

        “—Here.” Bradlee placed the hot bowl of soup in my hands. “Hope you like tomato soup since I couldn’t make you Chicken soup . . .”

        I smiled gratefully at him. “It’s fine. I love tomato soup.” The corners of his lips tugged up into a smile, causing my breath to hitched in my throat. I swallowed hard, gulping at sudden change of mood in the atmosphere. All I could do was stare at Bradlee, and his breathtaking smile filled with exultation.

        “You know . . .” he whispered suddenly, flopping down next to me. “You’re really cute.” His hot breath tickled my ears, sending shots of shivers down my spine. My jaw dropped open at his confession, losing all coherent thoughts. Before I knew what was happening, the bowl of soup in my hand came crashing down, spilling its hot content all over my legs, burning me in the process.

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