Muggle School Reunion 🤔🙄

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I am not very sure how this happened.

Happy Reading!!


Today I am sitting in my Bugatti, in front of a hotel where the reunion was to be occurring. It's Of the school I hadn't visited for 12 years, the school I used to attended before attending Hogwarts. I wonder what the people are going to say? After all I am not the same person I was. I am not the same scrawny, malnourished child, who always wore baggy clothes and broken glasses held together by tape.
The one who was always trying to stay in shadows. Now I am a confident man. Burden when put on your shoulder change you however much you try to remain same.

I am Harry Potter, a business man only after the one and only Draco Malfoy. That guy is insane at this, and along with my best friend Hermione Granger soon -to- be Malfoy, he is impossible to defeat. Not that I want to, I am completely happy with what I have.
I am know as Lord Potter the Dutch of Richmond, the owner of Potter & Co.

I sigh, taking a deep breathe, I drive the small distance I had to cover and hand the key to the Valet. Patting him on the back in understanding, when he bows a little. And walk in, The Hotel Serpent Haven. It sound's oddly familiar but I don't exactly remember from where.

I wonder where Pansy is, it still feels strange to call her my girlfriend, after 3 years. But now she is not the same pug faced, she is model for the world and very famous. Love's and is wonderful at what she does. We love each other and I think of proposing her in near future.

I take a calming breath, like Hermione used to instruct us to. Before I tell the person at the gate,  that I am ready to enter. It was all formal thing so we were being announced. Great, now I will have eyes on me from start.

"Lord Potter, the Duke of Richmond." The announcement was made and I stepped in the room. All the eyes on me, normally I would have felt tense in front of these classmates but after Voldemort this wasn't much.
These people have no sense of self- preservation, they stare non- stop. As if seeing a famous personality for the first time. May be they are. A voice whispers in my head and I internally facepalm at my musings.

"Harry." A voice calls, its Dudley. After the war at Hogwarts, Dudley and I talked and removed all the malice among us. Seeing him now, I walk ahead and hug him.

"Hey Dudley." I say. "How is Aunt Petunia?" I ask ignoring the gaping hall.

"She is wonderful, man." Dudley grins "Where is your girlfriend?"

"Around." I answer. She said she would be here, must be work. I sigh internally, I need to endure this alone.

"Attention please, the chief guest of the day will be here, please still down." A voice announces, through the speakers. I wonder who the chief guest is. Maybe somebody I know.

I look around for my name, but before I can look much, a oddly familiar voice whines.
"I can't believe I am saving Potter. Isn't it his job?"

My head snaps at the voice. Standing in the middle of the room is the one and only Duke of Cambridge, Draco Malfoy, pouting.
 And with him two beautiful ladies, one my best friend his girlfriend while the other his best friend my girlfriend Pansy Parkinson.

"Thank the God above that you don't have to do it much Malfoy, I shudder at the thought of you saving the world." I smirk at him. "I wonder if the world would even survive."

"You should leave the smirking to me dude." He drawls, in a bored tone.
I snort before walking up to him and giving him a man hug. I then turn to my best friend kissing her knuckles, "Lady Malfoy." She reaches forward to whack at me which I side step. And turn to the other lady.

"Madam Pansy." I say, before capturing her lips with mine, she returns the kiss with eagerness.

"I love this sexy Slytherin, Potter" she whispers as I pull away. Beside us Draco fake gags.
"I didn't need to know that."

"You weren't meant to hear it." Pansy shrugs.

"At least it wasn't that bad." I drawl slowly "couldn't say the same about your habits."

"It was once, Harry." Hermione sighs.

"My kitchen, 'Mione ?" I ask.

"It was a one time thing." She protests.

"I couldn't enter the kitchen. I had to shift out of the house."

"You were already shifting out" Draco points out. Dang, he is smart.

"Not the point" I wave it off.

"I can't believe this." Another voice gasps from the door. Its Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott.

"Potter and Malfoy are raiding our hotel, Blaise." Theo cries in mock outrage.

"Really guys what are you guys doing here?" Blaise asks confused.

"Attending the reunion." I tell them.
"Saving Hazza." Draco says.
"Accompanying Harry." Pansy answers
"Making sure they stay in line." Hermione points at us boys.

"You studied with them?" Theo asks, pointing at the people behind me. I simply nod in answer.

"I envy you Nott." He says and laughs at his joke. The girls facepalm while we boys sigh. Your group needs to have a guy who has a failed sense of humor, they say, and I reluctantly so find it true.

"We were not expecting you Lord Malfoy." The Principal shutters.

"I don't leave my bro alone." Draco answers throwing a hand around my shoulder. "Its alright, we will manage." Draco acts towards the Principal like he used to act towards Muggle- born's.

Some times I want  to laugh at the irony of life, they used to hate each other and now are about to get married.

"Sir Zabini and Sir Nott, Thank you for joining." The Principal shakes their hands. The two look, like they can be anywhere but here.

"I didn't knew you used to study with us, Lord Potter." The Principal says. And I snort.

"Why? Knowing that would have changed your way of treating me?" I question "And if it did, it is shameful that you treat people differently based on their status."

"Why do you mean by that, Harry?" Pansy asks.

"He was bullied and beaten at school." Hermione answers for me. I pout at her, I didn't real want them to know.

"YOU WERE WHAT?" The boys roar and Pansy's voice drowns in theirs. I pull her by my side, she looks outright murderous. Oh ho!

"GET OUT OF OUR HOTEL." Blaise and Theo all but scream at the hall. Oh right Blaise and Theo own this hotel, that's why it sounded familiar. "In five minutes, I want every that person who bullied Harry out of the hotel and are permanently banned from our hotels."

I smile at the two, since our friendship we have been awfully caring about one another.

Suddenly Draco voice is heard in the silent hotel. "I want it to be done this instant. In next 10 minutes the current Principal and teachers are dismissed."
People gasp in surprise. I think they didn't realize he had such power. He is a Duke, plus a Malfoy; like he says he can have what he wants.

"Hey Draco, not Ms. Manson and Ms. Jackson." I tell him and he nods in understanding and sharing the information to the other side. The two said teachers smile at me gratefully. They always tried to protect me, never ever once made me feel less competent. They were always there while I cried. 

"Let's go." Hermione snaps, her eyes raging fire.

"Yes, want to join us Dudley?" Pansy asks, they had grudgingly accepted each other but after a dinner were good to go friends.
The boy- Dudley- who had been silent all the while, nods and joins the girls, walking towards the restaurant of the hotel, following the boys. People only stare in surprise, as he walks.

"The five minutes are finishing." Hermione snaps, as she walls out of the hall.
The laughs and chuckles of the friends are heard, and people look down in shame.


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