Meeting Jai

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I was looking around where I could find Jai. Someone tapped on my back and said
"hey is your name....Mackenzie ?"
I looked at him he was cute but I had already a boyfriend back at New York. I got back to myself and said
"Did she give you any paper or anything?"
He handed me the paper and I read it. It said
1. Introduce your self to your partner
2. Tell him/her where you are from and were you study at
3. Tell him/her about yourself
4. When we get back together again, tell me about your partner

I looked at him. His brown eyes sparkled back at me. I said
"Okay to get it over with, my name is Mackenzie, I am from New York and I used to study at William Cullen Bryant High School".
He responded back at me saying
"My name is Jai, I am from California and I go to Los Angeles South Beach High School".
I remembered and said
"I love to skateboard, play soccer, and love singing".
"I love playing soccer, love drawing, and love smoking".
I looked at him and remembered at myself how me and my boyfriend used to smoke. He started talking that all the girls here were all girly just like me. I was about to say that I wasn't that type of girl. But then I realized what I was wearing, I looked like a barbie. He also said
"You know you would be in every business from the girl section and you would be in top of everything". I didn't want to discuss about it so I agreed with him. We heard the woman telling every one to gather everyone. We walked towards her. So when we got there she was asking people what the partner had to say. She said
"Next is Mackenzie and Jai"
I looked at Jai and he looked back. We walked forward. I walked next to her and Jai was on the other side of her. She asked
"So Mackenzie..." Her voice trailed off while looking at the paper. She looked up and said
"So tell me about Jai"
She looked at me and I said
"His name is Jai as your all heard, he loves playing soccer an loves drawing"
I also added that
"He's from California, here, he is recently studying at Los Angeles South Beach High School".
Then she looked at Jai and said
"Tell me about Mackenzie ?"
He said
"Well her name is Mackenzie, she likes skateboarding and she loves playing soccer"
And he also added
"She is from New York, and she used to study at William Cullen Bryant High School...and yeah"
He also added more
"She's really pretty, nice and sweet"
He looked at me and I felt myself blush. But then I heard someone say "ewww" I looked around but there were no one there. She finally dismissed us, I saw Jai walking with a girl, I've heard her voice somewhere but I couldn't figure out where. They walked towards me and she told him "I'll see you later, Jai".
He walked towards me and I said
"Why did you even say that?"
"She's really pretty, nice and sweet"
"Cause you are"
"But...someone said ewww"
He said under his breath so I couldn't hear him but I did
"Rebecca did"
I didn't care what he said but he kept quiet. So then it wouldn't be so quiet I said
"Where is your cabin?"
He looked at me and said
"It's number 4"
"That's my cabin also"
We walked toward the cabin and I said
"I'll talk to you later"
He nodded. I waked in and walked to my room. I grabbed my laptop and sat on the bed. I logged in my Facebook and saw that I had a message. I opened it and saw that my friend had sent me a message. I opened it and it said
From: Sofia
To: Mackenzie
Subject: James
Hi Mackenzie

James is cheating on you just letting you know sweetie peas ❤️ love you hope to see you soon 😊😊

I really wanted to know who it was but without Sofia knowing so now I wanted to ask James.........

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