|| Luke Hemmings pt 1

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Your POV.

"I'll never hurt you, beautiful. You're it for me, my forever. I love you."

Your words haunt me, like a thousand knives stabbing at my heart over and over. I'm emotionally emotionless. How could you do this? Lie to me like this? Leave so abruptly? Well, you're gone now, you packed up and left. You did what you swore you'd never do, that first time you confessed your love to me. You broke me.

Now, as I stare out the of the rain stained glass, the sky grey, and the rain beating the ground, the weather really matches my mood. A choked up sob half leaves my throat as I hold it back, making me want to rip out my throat. I want to cry, dont get me wrong, letting it all out right now is all that I want to do, but all the tears are gone now. You drained my body of tears.

My memories.. Our memories, memories of the times we had run through my head. They hurt so much, but I cant seem to block them out; I'm too weak.

Every time we kissed, every time we hugged, everything we've ever said to eachother, all replaying in my head. Every 'I love you' still cascading through my thoughts. I still remember the first one.

"Luke you're such a dork!"

"Yeah, but I'm you're dork, Y/N, baby."

"You betcha."

"I, I love you Kitten."

"I love you too, Lucas."

Jee, I cant take it. I cant do this much longer. Three months have passed by and I still see you everywhere. Everything reminds me of you, my mind always finding a way ti creep back to you, torturing me once again, reminding me what we were, what we coukd have still been. I need to get away, even just for a while, this place is doing me no good.

Checking in the mirror, I focus on my eyes. How dull they are. How empty. They were once so bright. So happy. The life that was once there is dead now, gone. Broken. Thats what I am.

I run out of the apartment, walking down the street, lost in my own thoughts, yet again. Im a fighter, but you're a knife. No matter how hard I fight, you will always wound me, no mtter how much better things get.

Bumping into something, making my eyes blur, I barely notice it I'm that numb, but I manage to acknowledge it. Following the tall object up, I'm met once more with those beautiful blue eyes that, at one time, looked at me with so much love and passion. Those pink lips I used to kiss. That smile that still hunts my mind. Youre here again. You came back.

Barely breathing, the whisper of "Luke." leaves my lips.


//Part two up soon hopefully, maybe tomorrow.\\

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