Chaper 5

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This was her first time ice skating, so she struggled. A lot.
Mirabelle put on the ice skates and walked on the ice for a good 10 minutes, holding onto the wall and holding up people behind her. The good thing was that Will stayed with her the entire time, telling her motivational statements and encouraging affirmations.
"I think you're ready to get away from the wall," He told her, smiling down at her. She nodded uncertainly, allowing him to guide her away from the wall. Beneath her, her legs wobbled, scaring her into thinking she was going to fall. Will's strong grip on her hand held her up. "Don't worry! I won't let you fall."
It took a few go-arounds, but Mirabelle finally got the hang of ice skating. She was ready to go by herself, she knew, but she didn't want to let go of Will's hand. They skated together, laughing when they were about to fall.
Mirabelle began to slide towards Will, accidentally, and almost crashed into him. She steadied herself before she took them both out, and the line of skaters behind them.
Will guided her to the exit where they slumped down beside the rink, laughing so hard that their stomachs hurt and they could no longer breathe.
The owner of the rink, who had been sitting in the ticket box, stood up and strode over to the pair of them, a stern expression on his face. Will snapped out of it immediately, a neutral expression plastered on his face, all the while Mirabelle sat, giggling into her hand, unable to stop.
"If you don't mind me asking, sir, what is so funny?" His gravelly voice rang through the open air, dragging itself through Mirabelle's ears.
"Oh, nothing sir!" Will replied, a childlike joy filled his voice as he mimicked the owner. "We were just leaving." He stood up and held his hand out to Mirabelle, offering to help her up. She took it gratefully, not meeting the man's eyes. They walked away, forgetting that their hands were linked.

By now, the sun had gone down and the air was filled with foggy mist. Pollux square was a peculiar place. Though it was months ago, the trees still loomed with the glowing strings of brilliant lights, different colors swirling around the branches from Christmas time.
The sight was magnificent. They strolled beneath a canopy of opalescent strings, catching glimpses of the swift flickering, resembling the stars in the sky. Patches of snow shimmered on the frost-covered ground, reflecting the dancing lights. Mirabelle detached her hand from Will's, reaching into her pocket to pull out her cream knit gloves, pausing for a moment for a brief moment to watch as snowflakes began to collect in her palms. Will glanced at her, not meaning to stare but noticing just how lovely Mirabelle looked, her mysterious eyes not seeming so unclear anymore, filled with light and wonder. He couldn't stop himself from smiling, and she realized she couldn't help herself either.
After a while, once it got intolerably cold, the pair wandered toward the closest street side building, Starbucks.
The warmth of the shop cascaded over her body, filling her with old, happy memories. There were people buzzing about, standing in line, sitting at tables, chatting and clicking on keyboards. Mirabelle didn't need to look at the menu to know what she wanted. The salted caramel crembrulé cappuccino had been her favorite ever since she was able to have coffee. Will leaned down by her ear, making sure she could hear her over the obnoxiously loud store. "What are you getting?" He asked, his tone light and silvery, not unlike the first time she spoke to him.
"Salted Caramel Crembrulé Cappuccino," she replied, confidence filling her voice as she said it. "What are you getting?" A small pause filled the air between them before he replied, "Mocha Frappuccino." This caused Mirabelle to turn and face him, disbelief coloring her expression. With eyebrows raised, she looked at him and watched as he doubled over laughing. Mirabelle laughed too, causing judging filled glanced toward the two of them.

That's a first, Mirabelle thought as she sat in the Passenger side of Will's car. After receiving their beverages, Will and Mirabelle were forced out of shop by the barista whose name was mistaken for 'Bologna" when it was actually Melony.
Mirabelle found herself sighing goodbye to Will when he dropped her off at her house at 9:45.
"I guess I'll see you later."
"Yeah, thanks, for everything," she replied, holding up her coffee mug. She waved goodbye as she opened the door to her house and left.
Goodnight, Mirabelle, the thought came to him after she shut the door. He sighed, remembering all too well the horrible things that come from unspoken words. However he put it aside and drove home.

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