Chapter 6

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Six ✬

A sinking feeling filled within the pit of Will's stomach at lunch the next day. When he saw Missy walking toward the table he couldn't help but resurface old feelings for her. He had known Marissa Walters since the fourth grade, in which they were in an- on again- off again childish relationship. He somehow regretted this interaction because it put somewhat of an insuperable barrier between the two of them. She was prettier now, as a junior in highschool, with her silky blonde hair that resembled the crisp color of champagne, her bronze eyes always staring intently, caringly.
She took a seat across from him, setting down her Subway and immediately gazed into his eyes, demanding answers. He couldn't avert his eyes without looking suspicious or like he was hiding something so he decided to look into her eyes instead, to not show any signs of submission. The ice between them was unbearably thin, one small move will crack it's fragile surface and ruin everything. There was so much doubt running through Will's mind. He knew Missy would ask how it went with Mirabelle last night, and he had options. He could tell her the truth, that it went fantastically, or he could lie and say that it didn't go well, leaving open a window for the two of them. Either way, he would hurt one girl. Before he could decide which option to choose, she spoke in her soft voice.
"How did it go last night?" He stayed silent for a moment, thinking. Silence will fall when the question is asked. He mentally smirked at the reference he made to himself and then speaking before thinking thoroughly, he lied.
"It... didn't go too well." He didn't really know if he lied or not. He had no idea how it went for Mirabelle. She could have hated it, could have only said what she did to make him feel good about what happened.
What kind of guy am I? One part of his brain asked, sounding disgusted. Well Mirabelle doesn't know what happens here at school... the other side argued. Being absolutely disgusted with himself, and seeing as though there was already a huge hole that he had dug himself in, he continued on the trajectory he was already headed. He saw the sympathy fill in Missy's eyes and felt even more guilty but couldn't bring himself to tell the truth.
"It's okay, I will always be here for you, Will." She gave a reassuring smile and rubbed his upper arm as she always had when he was upset about something. She had always been there for me...
He didn't notice that Missy had moved to sit beside him, forcing Hayden to sit in her seat. She interlaced her fingers in his and she realized how detached he was from the group. Usually he would talk, say hello to the guys even on a bad day. But today, his thoughts were a tangled, jumbled mess, impossible to understand, to visualize. It may as well have been binary code. You need a key to depict it. And he didn't have any keys.

With Missy, everything happened fast. She always wanted to keep moving forward, to stay in the present moment and never leave. Never think of the future, or the past. Just keep moving.
Will could not be sure, but he thought that the afternoon had kicked off his and Missy's relationship. She held his hand and asked him to walk her to her class. He did, receiving a hug before she vanished behind the door of the biology room.
He was happy that he had Missy. Couldn't stop thinking about her. Or the fact that this all started with a partial lie. He made sure that when she saw him throughout the day, that he looked happy, joyful. Not sorrowful or guilty.

Will Mirabelle be okay with being friends? I mean we weren't in a relationship. I took her out last night as a friend. Well... I did after today I guess. But it doesn't matter. She probably thought it was as friends anyways. He glanced down at the sheet of paper beneath him and realized his statistics homework was blank. He pulled his phone out checking for the time.


Great. He scribbled in answers the problems on the sheet and figured he'd be okay because Mr. Fowler doesn't check the homework and doesn't even go over the answers. He placed the paper back into the folder and turned off the lamp, as he made his way to his room.

"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves," Ms. Lewis smoothly cut across Will's daze with her words. "What do you think this quote means?"
Few people raised their hands. For a Wednesday morning, everyone was super quiet, tired, and drained. Will couldn't express how happy he was when second period let out and he was free to go to lunch. He sat at the table first, similar to the day before and waited. This time, when Missy came, she immediately sat beside him.
"Hey," she began, her tone light and eyes sparkling. "What's up?" He must've looked startled because she laughed at him and said, "You don't need to seem so surprised" she smiled again.
"Are we... Together now?"
"Oh Will, you are so oblivious sometimes. Of course we are." She leant over and kissed him on the tip of his nose sweetly. I am really oblivious.


Blaring sirens filled his ears. He watched as a fire truck swerved down his street, causing his curiosity to blaze and his mid to restlessly worry. He followed it, hoping it wasn't headed towards Mirabelle's house. He sighed to himself as he turned into Lannister way. He slowed in front of her house but realized after half a second that the fire truck had kept moving. He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in. But his relief was ended abruptly once he realized where the fire truck had gone. Police cars, ambulances and two fire trucks surrounded a house of his childhood. A house he went to only two weeks ago, before he met Mirabelle.
What happened to my new girlfriend?

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