Chapter four, evil humans

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I woke up to the sound of a roar. A group of bears were surrounding me. I noticed that there were claw marks and blood on me. I wonder where that came from. Then one of the bears scratched me. More claw marks and blood got on me. Maybe the other marks were made the same way. I try telling them to stop, and that I would leave right away. They keep hurting me. Then all of them were down and were all bloody. This seems kinda familiar, like what humans call dayjavu. Dayjavu does not seem like a real word because it sounds so weird but Amerasu said it was so I believe him. I left the bear family so they can rest peacefully. After the sky turned blue a few times I saw shukaku and heard loud yelling. A human in cloak was controlling sand and shooting it at shukaku then an old man brought a baby and said something then shukaku disappeared...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2015 ⏰

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